Private Technology

: 829 night talk

Although there were no super-technological products in this military exercise, due to the significance of this military exercise, countries have also begun arms races.

The news frequently revealed how many percentage points the military budget of this country will increase next year compared to this year, and so on, for fear of falling behind.

On the Guan Ming side, in addition to working harder on mobile phone issues, he also regularly watches military exercise clips every day. It is not a big deal on the Internet, but the most complete clip in the country.

"The country is still not strong enough ~" At about nine o'clock in the evening, the quasi-giant looked at the hazy Mediterranean Sea and sighed.

The quasi-giant has been sitting in the capital for some time now. Because of military exercises, the giants will talk to Guan Ming every night after work ends these days, from military to international, to science and technology, economy and so on.

The night of June can only be described as cool. There is a mosquito repellent bracelet. The giant and Guan Ming are not afraid of mosquito bites. The two are sitting comfortably.

"Only to this extent, let's just ignore it. Anyway, because the country is so big, the internal finances can be recycled, and you don't need to rely on the United States." Guan Ming was a little confused.

In recent days, the United States has also clamored for Section 301. In simple terms, this thing is good for the United States and not good for other countries. It is an unfair measure taken against trading counterparties.

"Different, although our country has a large land area, there are also things that must be traded with the international community. Let ’s not talk about the backwardness of the physical industry. Just talk about the entertainment industry. It may be full, but the lack of competition will lead to a decline in quality in the later period, and the people will have more voices in this area. After all, we are not India. At the beginning we struggled to join the TO, and there are many things to follow. "

"Actually, this time, they said this and that on the surface, but they still wanted to find out what we meant." The giant didn't want to talk about this clause, and changed the topic decisively.

"What can we have?" Guan Ming said indifferently, while drinking tea slowly, he didn't understand this. If it wasn't for the giants to take the lead, he would not bother to bother.

"Haha, I want to see our attitude this time, do you really want to fight? I guess the US knows that we should have guessed that the Daocheng attack was done by them. The country ’s military exercise is likely to be A signal to fight. "The chief giant smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Ah? This should be their first pick, isn't it ... wait, don't they say they haven't heard that we have artificial intelligence?" Although Guan Ming's response was a little slower, he realized that it seemed that both parties had information. not equal!

If the United States knows that China has artificial intelligence, then the war will definitely not be delayed, because the longer it is delayed, the better it is for China. After all, the role of artificial intelligence is multifaceted.

And if the United States does not know that China has artificial intelligence, but simply knows that the main plot of this attack was them, they should now worry about whether China will fight, and their purpose should be to delay and try to make possible wars into negotiations. , Even if it comes at a price!

"Oh, yes, they don't even know we have artificial intelligence!" The giant said categorically.

"I deliberately asked about the investigation of the spy this morning. Although the person in charge of the Daocheng attack had a hard mouth, I was able to find some clues."

"When the news was first stolen, you might want to sell a large price, and then the two sides contradicted each other. It was probably stored on a device such as a USB flash drive, or it was encrypted. It was too late to be shipped out for decryption. At present, only this person in charge I know where, but it is certain that only the person in charge should know at the moment, and the person in charge does not know what's in it! "This should be the recent period when the giants heard the best news.

"This way ... That's great ..." The change of storage device must be two or more people. Since the giant says that only one person knows, probably the others have already died, and still Proven kind.

"This time wronged you. We were already ready to go to war, but if the country has more time to accumulate, once the war starts in the future, we will have more chances of victory and the number of casualties will be greatly reduced." apology.

Individual obedience to collective will is a general direction. Just as the resistance to the United States and aid of the DPRK had made Taizu extremely sad, but in the end, it only made the United States retreat.

"Hi, it's okay. I've always worried that the country will be unstable if I want to fight. I've been looking for revenge from the US recently. I don't know if you have watched it. But I have stinked several Republicans." Smirk.

The emperor was furious, and corpses were everywhere.

The husband was furious and blood splattered five steps.

Guan Ming is not a son or a husband, but he can destroy a Republican.

He has this patience and this determination, the most important thing is ~ ~ he has double stars to assist.

Maybe Democrats can lead the United States to stabilize the world ’s largest economy, but the factors of instability in the Republican Party are too large, and Guan Ming doesn't want to let them out.

As long as someone within the Republican Party takes the lead, Guan Ming will stare at him for problems, and it is necessary to beat the other party down and let the Democratic Party, a more peaceful party, lead the United States.

"You're happy, but don't get caught." The giant is also happy, he naturally knows the recent state of the Republican Party, and is absolutely sad. Even the US arms merchants have suffered a lot of losses. Further, it is also a blow. To the speed of US armaments.

"Rest assured, they can't catch me at all." Guan Ming's smile was very relaxed.

"By the way, how's the mobile phone research going? I have disturbed you these days." Carefully looked at Guan Ming's expression and found out that he had no complaints about the country's recent non-active war.

The giants are afraid that Guan Ming will give up regardless of his anger. One hand is Guan Ming, a technology genius that has been encountered for hundreds of years. The other hand is the living conditions of one billion people. No matter how he chooses, it is very difficult for the giants.

Regarding this matter this afternoon, the giants also held an online conference to discuss it. It took only three hours for the giants to reach a consensus, which is a difficult process.

However, the giants did not know that Guan Ming watched the entire meeting in secret. After watching the hesitation and hesitation of the giants, he nodded happily after the giant had just finished speaking.

PS: I originally wanted to get together tomorrow with my friends, but I was afraid of the routine. So I went out today to burn incense and worship the Buddha for a barbecue. I felt a bit big.

The next step is slower, I feel a little dizzy, and the reaction is a bit slow.

Hmm ... the next one is there. Before we go to bed, it ’s not April Fool ’s Day, so it ’s not a joke ~

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