Private Technology

: 386 Your words make me ambiguous

Regardless of whether the giant believes it or not, Guan Ming does not believe it anyway. After all, this is just an excuse.

Hobbies is the first motivation for Guan Ming to research technology, and now Guan Ming's interest has extended to aliens in Sagittarius.

It is estimated that there is no hope for scientific research projects that can be compared with extraterrestrial civilizations. In the future, there may be few.

However, the current study of extraterrestrial civilization requires luck. Guan Ming is passive in receiving extraterrestrial news. He will not actively send any signals.

"Disc? It seems that the impact of movies on technology is still great. Remember that the phone seems to be inspired by movies, and I don't know if I can see the disc-shaped aircraft in my lifetime." For the sake of the new term, there will always be a change in mentality.

Guan Ming didn't know whether the phone was inspired by movies, but it was necessary to comfort the chief giant, saying, "My research speed is not slow. You can relax and just see it."

"Oh, yes, isn't your scientific research speed slow, and I heard that you are going to launch a satellite into the sky?" Then, the chief giant turned off the holographic projection.

Today happens to be the chief giant at home, this kind of thing happened temporarily, so I took Guan Ming to see it together. After the next working time is half an hour, the chief giant still has a rest time to chat with Guan Ming.

"Yes, at present I am going to get the mobile phone out first, and then get the satellite as soon as possible, and then see the time to accompany the family. I originally came out to avoid Mei Yu and accompany Xiaoxiao, and ended up doing so much." Helplessly shook his head.

If it weren't for the Island City attack, there would be no current situation.

If it were not for avoiding the rain, there would be no island city attack.

If Xiaoxiao hadn't responded well, she wouldn't have avoided the rain.

My unborn son, you know, your grandma's family has an ancestral tickle, and I'll help you back!

Guan Ming at this moment has a high spirit of fighting spirit.

"Well, anti-gravity equipment is not in a hurry, it should be more to accompany Xiaoxiao, and we will give your parents and children gifts." The general giant knows the gender of the child in Mu Xiaoxiao's belly. Although the law does not allow it, if the other party is Guan Ming's words can be ignored by the giants.

"Then I would like to thank you first." Although I don't know what the gift is, I want to come, the symbolic meaning will be relatively large, after all, there is no shortage of material management, spiritual words ...

Those who have already taken modern history textbooks, don't pursue others!

"I remembered it when I talked about gifts. I heard the following person said that the CEO of that mobile phone company has recently prepared a gift. I heard that it is a very good gift." The chief giant said.

"A gift?" I stumbled for a moment, then thought about it, and said, "I really can't think of anything I want, but I hope it's not an airplane, a watch, a yacht, etc."

The rich man Guan Ming said he didn't lack anything.

Chief Giant: "..."

After talking about the current Sino-U.S. Negotiations, Guan Ming retreated. Guan Ming is not an idler, and the giant is not an idler.

Before going to the door of the house, Guan Ming saw Mu Xiaoxiao holding a baby in one hand, walking in the shade, and the hairless rhubarb also followed Guan Mengxi step by step. Compared with Guan Mengyu, rhubarb preferred to stick Guan Mengxi, although Guan Mengxi often scratches its ribs.

The mid-summer of June is hot, and the delicate face is matched with a light-colored over-the-knee dress, regardless of size, to the point of control.

"Why didn't you go to sleep?" Guan Ming first hugged Mu Xiaoxiao, then squatted down and pinched Guan Mengxi's head, and finally scratched Rhubarb's chubby jaw.

As for controlling Mengyu, this little point does not need to use this behavior to increase the relationship between father and daughter, so it seems relatively indifferent.

"I just ate something and couldn't sleep for a while, so I took them out and strolled around." Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were bent, her smile was like an elegant flower.

"Touching my sister's head, Dad hasn't touched her sister's head yet!" Guan Mengxi saw Guan Ming straight up and interacted with his own mother and mother, his cheeks bulging.

After breaking away from Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, he pulled Guan Ming's hand and spared a circle to directly detain Meng Yu's head.

Guan Mengyu looked helplessly at her younger sister, but didn't say anything, because what she saw was all the goodwill of the younger sister, although she didn't want it.

"Xiao Xi is really a good sister ~" With a long voice, Mu Xiaoxiao is pretending to be childish, and his hands are stuck on the joint of Guan Mengxi and rubbed back and forth.

Two or three times, he rubbed Guan Mengxi cheerfully and said proudly: "Of course, I have to take good care of my sister and future brother!"

Rubbing the tube on Meng Yu's head vigorously, messing up her regular hair.

Looking up, Guan Mengyu's dead fish eyes stared at Guan Ming, his face unhappy.

"My dad is so old and so naughty!" Guan Ming gave a white glance like a grumble, and Mu Xiaoxiao squatted to pack Guan Mengyu's hair.

Guan Ming: "..."

"What you say ... always makes me ambiguous ..." The gap between the long skirt of the crew neck is not big ~ ~ but the other party appeared in front of Guan Ming in a squatting posture, he can still see To a little greasy.

Mu Xiaoxiao has a lot of money. After marriage, she is probably to enhance her inner beauty, so most of the time she wears a half-cup cover.

"Huh?" He looked up, looked at Guan Ming a little aggressively, and then reacted, with a little bit of charm at the corners of his eyebrows, his face was reddish, and continued to lower his hair to Guan Mengyu.

This time it became Guan Mingzhen, and then he remembered that it seemed that Mu Xiaoxiao had also performed COS after watching a certain subject that year.

In order to show that she belongs to COS, even if she does not understand Japanese at all, she will bluntly remember a few Japanese pronunciations.


Guan Ming looked up awkwardly, as if studying the context of the leaves. After all, in the privacy of the interview between his simple daughter and the second lady, Guan Ming was still a bit uncomfortable, especially Guan Mengxite's early wisdom. This scene may be recalled in the future.

Seeing this scene of Guan Mengyu pouting, she was wise to think of some bad things in an instant.

I didn't expect you to be like Guan Ming, you have so many tricks!

Look up at Mu Xiaoxiao's slightly red face, and the look of expectation.

I didn't expect you to be such a mother, why should you expect it!

Yu Guang looked at him and raised a hind leg under the tree, booing, his hair was as stupid as a rhubarb.

I didn't expect you to be such a rhubarb, don't you have no shame!

Looking down, he glanced at the fleshy arm around his waist from behind.

Uh ... it's Meng Xi ...

As the so-called ‘unsatisfactory things are often eight or nine, but the speaker is not two or three’, but look around, let alone two or three, Guan Mengyu does n’t even have one!

PS: Thanks for the red sword reward, thank you for your support ~

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