Private Technology

: 837 Changes in muzzle

Guan Ming wants to be able to do research in a blink of an eye, as in the film and television works, just like Iron Man and the father of Iron Man, but it turns out that Golden Finger is also hierarchical.

Even if Guan Ming, not all technologies can be successfully completed in a short time.

"At 10 am today, the country decided to convene an anti-terrorism conference in the Asia-Pacific region in early August this year. As of now, more than 20 countries including Japan and South Korea are scheduled to attend. The original intention of the conference was to commit to maintaining peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. Fight terrorism with China at its core and create stable development in the Asia-Pacific region. "

"In this regard, Europe and the United States and other countries have also agreed that the United Nations will soon adopt ..."

On the news webcast, the hostess's Putonghua is very standard. On the screen, a national giant is shaking hands with a white man. Through text introduction, this white man is an Australian giant.

"In the first ten minutes, Guotai Min'an, in the middle ten minutes, there was nothing to worry about. In the last ten minutes, disasters and disasters in foreign countries are difficult. How can we see that Europe and the United States are not the right way for us?" Lying on Guan Ming's thigh, Mu Xiaoxiao curled up and lay down .

"Which time is wrong, when you face a bad result and a worse result, which one do you want?" Guan Ming sat on the sofa with one foot on his back, and laid his left hand on Mu Xiaoxiao's neck. , The right hand clasps her feet very innocently.

"This ... is the contrast between the painful pregnancy and the birth of a son?" With regard to the angle, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't see Guan Ming at all, otherwise she must have turned her head and bitten Guan Ming to doubt her life.

"In the face of our girl, just think about it. Besides, this comparison is not appropriate ..." Glanced at Guan Mengxi, who was lying on the other sofa and playing with her feet, Guan Ming whispered.

"Oh oh, hehe ..." Shrinking his head and putting Guan Ming's hand on his eyes, probably this is the ‘cover the ears’ of the new era.

Compared with the past, the old people now go out a lot less often, and they are already more immune to Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao's stupid behavior in public.

Mu Xiaoxiao's amulet is a child in the belly, Guan Ming's amulet is a pregnant Mu Xiaoxiao, so as long as you don't go too far, Guan Mom and Mu Mom will stare at most.

"This time, we should not be able to fight it." Guan Daddy, a former official ape, still has the habit of working, and the discussion of this elite column of News Network will not be weakened by his own position and job title.

In life, I always have to find something interesting to do. My vision is higher, and Guan Dao prefers to be a wild observation ape. Through Guan Ming, the father can also know something inside.

"Probably can't fight, and even the opponent is still unclear who it is." The family estimates that Dad understands someone, and Guan Ming still has to say something.

Judging from the information Guan Guan currently sees, it should be impossible to fight, at least countries will not take the initiative to fight, but this 'beating' is aimed at European and American countries, not real terrorism.

It's like doing a dota. The six branches of the two sides cannot save the world when they go out. The initial team battle ‘lucky’ is a very important factor.

With the blessing of Guan Ming, the country only needs to shrink and develop, and it is estimated that it can be one or two larger than the other in the first and middle stages. Not to mention the five-person team battle, even the 4V5 team battle is also very secure. It's strange (terrorism), and it can accumulate experience.

"Dad, wouldn't you stop hitting the island nation?" Lying on the sofa, Guan Mengxi held his little feet, turned to look at Guan Ming, his voice was adorable, and his expression was slightly expectant.

"Counter-terrorism, what are you doing to fight against the island nation? Or do you want to kill the island nation and make the island nation a province of our country? But this is also good. The island nation ’s cherry blossoms are quite famous. Then we can come and talk about the cherry blossoms. Brigade. "Guan Ming said indifferently.

With the threat of a nuclear bomb, it is really difficult to destroy a country.

In the eyes of Chinese people, Japan and South Korea should be destroyed because they jump too much.

But from the US's point of view, North Korea should be destroyed because they all jumped out of the flowers.

As a result, Japan and South Korea have been severely affected by the Chinese economy. They can easily drop several percentage points of GDP, while North Korea ’s Guan Ming does n’t understand it, but at least it can survive and it can be passed on to the hands of the golden three generations. on.

"The island country cherry blossom tour that you can walk away? This is very good ~ And I know" Five centimeters per second "and" Your name ", Xinchenghai's production is really great. After hitting the island country, we will take Xinchenghai Caught over to make anime, if you ca n’t do it well, do n’t feed her ~ ”Pulling down Guan Ming ’s palm, Mu Xiaoxiao leaned back and looked at his big girl with a smile in her eyes.

"Hmm ~ bad mother!" Turned down the sofa, Guan Meng Xidian ran over and pinched a big breast, and gave a very good conclusion.

"Don't run! Dare to bully my mother, I'm going to spank your little butt!" A zombie straightened up, Mu Xiaoxiao picked up the slippers on the ground and went for a little, but his face was frowning, obviously not angry.

Guan Mengxi probably knew that her mother was not angry, and fled back and forth awkwardly. Seeing this scene, Guan Mengyu seduced her in the arms of Guan Ma, she was afraid that her younger sister would drag herself to the end to practice running.

Large and small ran around the coffee table with a smile, the background BGM is a hot part of foreign aquatic life, it seems to be a matter for refugees in Europe, Guan Ming did not hear clearly.

At night, Guan Ming drowsled the foolish daughter-in-law and brought electronic glasses.

"Analysis of the laser pulse information?" Guan Ming asked with a hint of hope.

"Sorry boss, it has not been analyzed for the time being. Through data comparison, it is expected that the time to parse this information is more than 1,000 years." On the electronic glasses, Double Star typed a string of text.

Does this mean that I can't see the correct meaning of this message in my life?

Guan Ming felt a little lost.

"But the boss does not have to worry. If the other party sends a message again, I can compare the data and break the language rules of the other party. Specifically, the more information, the shorter the time." Shuangxing probably also knows that Guan Ming is a little disappointed. So encourage him.

From the perspective of Double Star, it is not a problem to live for 1000 years ~ ~ It may even be another 50 years, Double Star can be produced and sold by itself, including raw materials, equipment, etc. , Immortality 'realm.

However, in its logic, Guan Ming ’s order is the highest priority, and Guan Ming ’s will is the ultimate direction of action. If Guan Ming is unable to parse this message, even if the double star is artificial intelligence, there will be regrets .

"It's difficult. It's not easy to re-appear information that is more than 20,000 light years ago, but Sagittarius still has to stare. If possible, the whole universe must stare, if it really exists With the third extraterrestrial civilization, maybe we still have an unexpected gain. "Guan Ming called up the file, and a huge map of the universe appeared. Although this map has too many defects compared to the real universe, this still allows Guan Ming felt the boundlessness of the universe.

"I hope so too. It is recommended that the short-term goal is to observe Sagittarius, the medium-term goal is to observe the Milky Way, and the later goal is to observe the entire universe." The twin stars listed a schedule.


PS: Sorry for being late, but the project at hand is almost over. Currently, it is in the final overtime hours. After a period of time, it can be idle visually. At least you should not need to work overtime at night.

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