Private Technology

: 841 The dancing pose of a ghost animal

"Overall, the idea is very good and very creative." After looking at the entire document, Guan Ming thought about it and gave his euphemism very politely.

In Guan Ming's view, this thing is a low-profile version of Transformers + Gundam, and it is a very, very low-profile one.

Because it can be inferred from the structural diagrams of branches and joints that the damage rate of this large robot will be relatively high, and it will be troublesome to maintain, including transportation and other issues.

In terms of battery life, electric and oil hybrid power is used. Although the robot is large in size and large in capacity, compared with the upcoming controllable nuclear fusion, it occupies too much space in energy and has poor battery life. It is probably that the controllable fusion has not lowered the security level for the time being, so they do not know.

But this does not mean that the robot is really not good, and there are many good.

First of all, from the ammunition point of view, there are weapons all over the body, which can truly achieve dead end attacks.

Judging from the travel speed, this thing's rapid speed, and built some powerful bombs, even if captured, can blow up all key points, in addition to ensuring that technology will not leak, it can also cause damage to surrounding people, buildings damage.

"So bad?" The giant heard Guan Ming's implication, and took the documents on the desk and turned them around.

The document giant has read it, and even heard the analysis of think tanks before, this has confirmed the trip, otherwise he would not go to see the robot at all.

"Uh ... how to say it, in my opinion, for our country, the remote control of artificial intelligence in the future war is a necessary path, and it is also the maximum use of artificial intelligence, but specific to the war machine, I think It is better to ensure small individuals, flat structures and single functions, such as AK47, which is very classic and durable. "Guan Ming did not do much research on weapons, but he did research some.

"Now that the world is engaged in aircraft carrier projects, the miniaturization of weapons is more limited." The giant opened one of the files and placed it on the coffee table.

Guan Ming walked up to the coffee table and saw a title entitled "Forecast of Future Air Force and Army Robot War".

This section of Guan Ming just saw that the drone bombed a circle in the sky, the robot pushed horizontally on the ground, and mainly targeted military buildings such as enemy bunkers and sentry posts.

"But there are so many resources." Guan Ming opened his palms and said, "If the resources of a large robot are 5, then 10 resources can make two large robots. The resource consumption is 1, and there are 10 of these 10 miniaturized weapons. Although the function is single, the combination is more adaptable. The most important thing is that even if one is damaged, I still have 9 lively jumps. "

"... opinions can be reserved, and come with me next Tuesday." The giant did not reach a conclusion on the spot, but directly blasted Guan Ming away.

Because Guan Ming is very inappropriate in analysis and metaphor itself, even the giant can hear his loopholes and layman.

The functions of miniaturized weapons and large robots on the battlefield are not the same. Just like tank soldiers and artillery soldiers, from the perspective of war, neither of these arms can work, and their roles are also different.

Most importantly, I have heard of flattened organizational structures, but have not heard of flattened weapons.

Under the umbrella, Guan Ming walked back and forth, he was not angry with the attitude of the giant, and handed in the mobile phone, which meant that the tasks arranged above had been completed in stages, and he finally had time to do something about himself. Even if the final review fails, that is a later thing.

"Zhou Wu, the company has no problem recently." The drizzle was hazy, and Guan Ming also wanted to walk and breathe the damp air.

"The company's problem is not big. As far as I know, the company's general manager Liu has received visits from several large foreign companies. They hope to obtain our authorization, including the agency rights for a series of electronic glasses products. However, general manager Liu refused Another thing is that the drug over the pharmaceutical factory is about to be reviewed, and it is expected that new drugs will be listed before the end of the year. "Zhou Wu did not install a human brain chip, but because of his job, Liu Mengmeng also sent Zhou Wu some confidentiality every day. Low corporate emails, although Guan Ming sometimes asks Double Star or Liu Mengmeng directly.

"Oh ~ I haven't forgotten the agency right at this time. The drug has entered the phase III clinical trial?" Guan Ming smiled and shook his head.

If he really ran for money, Guan Ming would not withdraw from the international market. Do n’t even think about the power of agency. The more implicates, the more disputes, and for Guan Ming, the fewer the better.

"It has entered the third phase of the experiment, and the previous performance has been very good. The other is that the country has given a green light on new drugs, and many places are speeding up." Zhou Wu did not know why Guan Ming exited the international market, but he knew his boss could now Living in Zhongnanhai, naturally know that there must be factors outside the market ~ ~ Hurry up, hurry up ... "Look up, look at the rain curtain in the sky, Guan Ming's heart has floated to the moon, Even Sagittarius.

From the moment he left the school, Guan Ming experienced personal survival problems, emotional problems, material pursuits, and so on.

Knowing that there might be aliens, Guan Ming can't wait to solve everything on the earth, and then there is a stable society, after which he can see what he wants to see and research himself. Want to study.

"Kiki Kiki!"

"Gaygaygaygay ~"

The magic sound was around his ears. As soon as Guan Ming entered the house, he felt spicy eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao's version of "Base", coupled with Mu Xiaoxiao and the twins' devil flurry dance, the whole living room was surrounded by their mothers, and the old people are probably hiding upstairs and quiet.

"Be quiet, too noisy!" Guan Ming could not help but sighed.

The double star controlled the sound, and the sound immediately dropped from the KTV box to the decibel of ordinary chat.

"Dad is back, play with us ~" With his hands on his forehead, Guan Mengxi's upper body shook like a balloon man.

The corner of his mouth was drawn, Guan Ming looked down at the big girl in front of her, and looked up at the daughter-in-law and little girl who were not far away. For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

Even though Mengxi dances naturally and freely, the person playing the balloon can perform the effect of level 5 wind without the need of props.

Guan Mengyu's stiff expression is unnatural, and she can clearly see her contortion and unwillingness. Guan Mingfu thought that she was forced today. This must be praised and encouraged.

As for Mu Xiaoxiao ...

The black jersey tank is fine, and the red leggings are not a big problem, but what is it to jump back and down? Even though she has a great figure, Guan Ming still only sees the word ‘insignificant’!

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