Private Technology

: 849 The signal comes again!

The number of human brain chip users is very large. According to the latest report of Double Star, the number of users for humans has exceeded 200,000. From business apes to non-business apes, from superior leaders to taxi drivers, various industries, various There are all types of people, but there are no more than 10 people directly connected to each other. In other words, the humans of each human brain chip user only know less than 10 of the same kind, which is the type that can clarify gender, age, and appearance. of.

In the human brain chip user animal classification, the last display report has exceeded 700,000, and most of them are installed in pets such as cats and dogs. About 200,000 animals are active in foreign regions, such as the island country Cat Island Dozens of orange cats with human brain chips were put on it.

It is worth mentioning that the templates of these animals are taken from the early memory of rhubarb.

Since animal logical thinking is inferior to humans, the fastest way to quickly cultivate animals to make them smarter than humans is to load information directly.

Unlike humans, when animals load information for the first time, they are incapable of distinguishing between memory and information, so they will reorganize the three perspectives based on the content of the loaded information.

Of course, this set of effects on humans is relatively minor. In fact, using human brain chips to hypnotize humans is also based on the above logic, but it needs to load the same theme multiple times and repeatedly to strengthen the content, such as patriotism and so on. .

"Are you planning work again?" When Guan Ming came back with a paper bag, Guan Ma's face was not good-looking.

In the past, she didn't find Guan Ming so busy. As the result, the more Guan Ming needed to take care of his daughter-in-law, the busier he became, which made Guan Ma very unhappy as a mother-in-law.

"It doesn't matter, just let me read a document and then write a report." Guan Ming didn't explain in detail.

"Then you go to the study room first, just because I'm not sleepy, and I haven't updated any cartoons, I'll just watch the children." After realizing the attitude of Guan Ma, Mu Xiaoxiao said quickly, lest Guan Ming be trained again.

"It's not a secret, it looks the same in the living room." Guan Ming also didn't want to be controlled by his mother afterwards. He sat back on the sofa and crouched on Mu Xiaoxiao's leg, ready to unpack the documents and look at the documents. .

This document does not say the level of confidentiality at first, it may not be suitable for ordinary people to know, but the level of confidentiality is not high. After all, this document is only a summary of the content of the meeting, and contains no other content.

Mu Xiaoxiao's thighs are thicker than Guan Ming, with more pork belly, especially soft and comfortable to lie down, especially Mu Xiaoxiao also stomped his feet to keep the cross section of his legs horizontal.

"Wake up, why are you still lying on Xiaoxiao!" Guan Ma came up, and slap according to Guan Ming's brain.

"No mother, let him lie down, I'm not tired." Mu Xiaoxiao held up the hand of Guan Ma with palms up and said quickly.

The palm of the palm patted the palm and gave a crisp sound, Guan Ming glanced at his daughter-in-law very resentfully.

Although Guan Ming knew that this was Mu Xiaoxiao's distressed Guan Ma, afraid of Guan Ma's hand pain, the problem was that the bones were directly photographed on Guan Ming's forehead. It might as well have Guan Ma slapping.

Ignoring the interaction between the two women, Guan Ming took out the files and looked at them.

The participating countries include 59 countries including China, including Russia, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, France, Germany and other countries. In terms of quantity, Guan Ming is sure that this first meeting will be more than the participating countries in the first meeting of his life. As long as there is such a meeting in my last life.

The theme of the conference was "win-win for all parties: peace, security, cooperation", including think tanks of various countries, foreign ambassadors and foreign leaders in China, and 800 people participated in the conference.

It may be that the Sino-Russian joint military exercise is fierce, and all countries are paying close attention to China's attitude, which includes multiple purposes such as whether to fight, how to fight, the intensity of the attack, and the scope of the attack.

Guan Ming knows that national leaders have frequently traveled abroad for state visits recently, and it is unclear exactly what benefits they have gained, but according to the documents at hand, it can be seen that the country is really analyzing the United States as its goal.

For example, 'On how to quickly carry out urban operations', 'Multinational battlefield cooperation plan', and so on.

The documents show that the meeting lasted for five days, including the vision of peace, the vision of security and so on.

From Guan Ming's point of view alone, most of the content here is nonsense, but it cannot be denied that it is a matter of state attitude.

"War, war? Dad, these two words are war ~" The fleshy little finger pointed at the file, Guan Mengxi Meng said in a cute manner.

The file may have just been wet with fingers.

"Yes, Xiao Xi is so clever!" Zhang mouth bit a chubby hand that could not be retracted. Even with the back of his hand, Guan Ming could bite a piece of meat effortlessly, and certainly he would not bite hard.

"This ... why don't you go to the study." Covering the eyes of Guan Mengxi with your hand ~ ~ Mu Xiaoxiao shook her leg and said with some concern.

War does not say war, but this kind of thing is best not to let the child know, after all, the child does not understand anything now.

"It's no big deal, a security conference, the kind that global leaders have." Guan Ming sat up and said casually.

Although Guan Ming does not search online, he can guarantee that there must be reports in this area.

"Since it was a file given to you above, it shows that this thing is not easy to find, you are too relaxed." Guan Da frowned, very unhappy.

In terms of work, people always like to talk about work ability and work attitude. People are the most important in the country, so work attitude is far stronger than work ability.

Guan Dian just poured water from upstairs. After seeing this, he was naturally unhappy.

"Well, I'll go to the study now." Guan Ming reluctantly shook his head and pulled the slippers to the study.

The content of the file is not much. After reading, Guan Ming is ready to write a post-view feeling. It is useless to use the words, and the right should be practiced. However, the post-view feeling was only half-written and was interrupted by Double Star.

"Boss, there is a signal from Sagittarius again, but the duration is very short, and the duration is about 0.1 seconds. From the information carried, it should be a certain regularity, but there are differences between them. They were 21 yesterday. : 37:52, 4:09:14 a.m. and 10:42:35 just now. "

"Because the light intensity is very low and the detection is difficult, I have determined that these three sets of data are unnatural."

The speakers on the desk make a double star sound.

"So fast? Three sets of data? Is that the way over there?" Guan Ming asked subconsciously.

Are the aliens fighting?

Or is the alien sending a distress signal?

Together with Guan Ming, he thought of "Three Body".

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