Private Technology

: 853 Dogs are also dignified!

Fat Dudu's face was pinched by Meng Xi, and Rhubarb was bitter on his face, and his heart was even more bitter!

Guan Ming has said frankly that he hopes that Rhubarb can take care of the housekeeper. This care is not only exhausted by the dog's birth for more than ten or twenty years, but is achieved through Guan Ming's technology to continue the life and constantly change the 'carrier' of memory.

Guan Ming is still young, and rhubarb is so-called care, more for children.

Restricted by the length of Corgi dogs and short legs, Rhubarb's biggest role at present is to alert, use nose and ears to determine whether there is danger in the surroundings, and use human brain chips to contact Double Star for information communication.

"What to do, Miss and Miss II are going to see the giant, and the giant agrees!" Through the human brain chip, Rhubarb asked Shuangxing for help.

"There is no way for the moment, I suggest you tell the boss directly." Shuangxing knows this, but after logical calculations, seeing or not seeing is not harmful to Guan Ming, so there is no need to spend a lot of time to get involved and deliberately mess with Something went wrong for the giants to deal with the emergency and declined the twins.

"But the master knows that I will probably be very angry. I didn't stop the two ladies before, but you know, I can't stop it at all ..." said bitterly, the rhubarb egg was extremely painful.

Before Guan Mengxi was weaned, she flung on Rhubarb to bite her pork belly, and apart from that, let's just say now, Guan Mengxi is tearing open the dog's mouth to play with dog teeth.

Just like this young lady, let alone Rhubarb is now a Corgi, even a big white bear can't stop it!

"According to my speculation, the boss may be angry, but the anger is mainly on the two ladies, and you are shaved and look particularly ugly. When the time comes, you can sell something cute, ugly, cute, and the boss may Let you go. "Double Star gave her suggestions without a bottom line.

It's enough! Dogs are also dignified!

Rhubarb shook his dog's face, shook off the evil little hand, and changed his posture on the seat. The dog's face was lying on Guan Mengyu's legs, and his **** was facing Guan Mengxi.

"Hahaha, I laughed to death ~ Hey hey, I laughed so much that I was going to get out of the vest line ~" Mu Xiaoxiao held Guan Ming's arm and laughed so that he couldn't see his eyes anymore. Guan Ming's intestine of the hill brand.

"You can take it easy, don't laugh at the child ~" Looking at the projected picture, Guan Ming couldn't help laughing.

Over time, Guan Ming ’s performance in this world and this country has become more and more significant.

Compared with the previous life, the Deyun Society in this life has risen faster, because whether it is 360 ° viewing without dead angles such as holographic projection, or near-immersive viewing methods such as VR and electronic glasses, This kind of stage performance is more realistic.

According to Guan Ming's knowledge, in recent years, many domestic and foreign singers have held online concerts in China.

Whether it is a 100,000 audience or a million audience, as long as the contractor can support the column data, then everyone can enjoy the best viewing angle, and there are no high-priced tickets or scalpers.

"You hate it ~" Maybe he didn't have the energy to laugh. Mu Xiaoxiao patted Guan Ming's shoulder softly, and then the smile slightly converged. He probably was afraid the child would laugh.

The two old ladies around him looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with anxiety, and did not forget to give Guan Ming a complaining look.

Mu Xiaoxiao's two pregnancies were abnormal. For the first pregnancy, Mu Xiaoxiao did not react at all except her aunt didn't come and had a big belly. Not to mention pregnancy sickness, she walked with wind, and her family was afraid of her. A jumping high leaked the child!

This second pregnancy, there is a reaction, and the reaction is also very large. Routine nausea in the morning, drowsiness every day, fast hungry every day, frequent toilets, etc., are much more severe than normal pregnant women.

Comparing the performance of twins, the old people think that in addition to the difference between singles and men, men and women, they think that Mu Xiaoxiaohuai should be a big guy this time.

From the perspective of feudal superstition, if the twins are the reincarnation of Wenquxing, born with intelligence, then the unborn child may be bigger this time, of course, it may also be weak.

"I ... look at what ~" Guan Minggang wanted to tease Mu Xiaoxiao, but saw that the home robot was holding a phone, and the phone was flashing yellow light. Do n’t think about it, Guan Ming knew This color is representative of rhubarb.

"Oh, go do it, go do it." Regardless of Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the two talking comically with interest.

Originally from Shanghai, Mu Xiaoxiao was led by Guan Ming who likes to watch some relatively northern cultures. Similarly, because Guan Ming hates the so-called Shanghai style clean mouth, even in the rapid development of "Libo Show" in Shanghai, she Don't look.

Guan Ming's culturally differentiated treatment ~ ~ is more about the "garlic and coffee theory" and degrading other areas in order to please local people in Shanghai.

As the only thousand-year-old country that has been inherited for a long time, if the original said "garlic tea theory", Guan Ming might not like the artist, but he would not be as disgusted as he is now.

Respect for your inheritance is the recognition and admiration of your own culture and ancestors. Blind foreigners not only negate the ancestors, but also the original heavy historical culture.

Incidentally, Guan Mingchao likes grilled garlic scallops.

"Master, young lady and second lady are going to the giant by car, and the giant seems to have time and would like to meet the two ladies, what should I do! / Dog head / laugh and cry" I like to use expression packs to highlight my race And mentality, Rhubarb feels helpless and innocent.

"Giant? On the car? Who took you there? What happened?" Guan Ming frowned, his brain made up a series of plots, and quickly sent a message.

"After lunch, the young lady took Miss Er to go out, and then found a guard who said she wanted to see the giant, and then the guard reported it. The giant agreed, and then the guard took us to find a car. Now we are on the road." Said, Rhubarb used signal positioning to make a location map and send it to Guan Ming.

Judging from the picture, the car will arrive in a few minutes.

"... Xi Xi didn't say why he was looking for a giant?" Guan Ming's expression was sullen. He didn't expect his daughter to be so bold, but the thought that the child's judgment on the outside world was more emotional, so there was no way, because he I don't know how to train children like this.

Although there are only a few months left in the link, both the current giant and the next possible giant, they are very kind to the steward. When facing the twins, they are just like their grandfather next door, and they are not jealous of themselves. Smile.

Probably, this is why Guan Mengxi is not afraid.

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