Private Technology

: 861 I am the successor of socialism

"You ask me, I can't help it, don't you not know how much strength she has, she will always do what she thinks no matter what I say!" Sitting on the small sofa, Guan Meng The rain was also very depressed.

After being beaten, I have to talk alone, please, I'm just her sister, not her mother-in-law!

"Then tell me in advance, I'll stop her, you don't want to be beaten all the time, even if you're just implicated." Looking at his own second daughter, Guan Mingxiao reasoned and tickled.

"You threaten me?" Squint squinted at Guan Ming, then stood up, took out a folded piece of paper from his trouser pocket, and handed it to him.

"Frankly, if you hit me, I'll stay a bit harder. If my sister really beat me, I wouldn't think about how much I hurt. After all, she would usually feel pain when she manually operated her feet. Most importantly, I always I think she wants to go to heaven! "Although she didn't want to say it, she had to admit that Guan Mengxi was more lethal than her elders.

Here is not just physical lethality, but also mental lethality.

Guan Mengyu knows that her younger sister cares about herself, and at the same time, she also cares about her younger sister. Instead of ventilating and reporting, it is better to take care of him anytime, anywhere.

No matter what the world, Uncle Tsiao will always arrive after the accident!

"What is this?" Guan Ming asked, spreading out the paper.

This is a piece of paper with stick figures, with simple lines and relatively simple content.

In the center of the picture are two little girls in skirts holding hands and a dog beside them. Unfortunately, they are all in the back. The sky is a smiling sun. There are many messy lines on the ground. At present, only toothpicks, prawns, scallops, and kitchen knives can be distinguished. .

There is a two-story attic in the distance. From the external structure, it feels like a Japanese animation. There is a stream flowing next to it. There are round things floating on it. From the size and shape, it should not be petals, but more like It's a plate.

"A girl and a dog start, all the equipment is picked."

"This is what my sister told me after painting. I always think she has any special thoughts ..." I glanced at the stick figure, even if Guan Mengyu, who has a strong analytical ability, could not guess her sister's thoughts. .

Guan Ming: "..."

This line is magical and fashionable, but the question is how did she know!

Wait, is Blue Moon out now?

"You see, I told you something, and you have no way. Some things are not what I don't want to do, but it's useless for me to do it." Spreading out his hand, Guan Mengyu signaled that he had done his best.

"You said ... Does Xiao Xi want to run away from home?" Guan Ming asked for a while, holding his hands on his shoulders.

The little girl's thoughts do not understand, after all, different genders and different ages, the generation gap between them is not even filled with the Pacific Ocean.

"Uh ... it probably won't, but I'll pay more attention." Scratching his head, Guan Mengyu reached out and dragged the stick figure over to see it again.

Regarding the above sentence, Meng Yu remembered that her mother had muttered without incident, and her mother seemed to have heard from her own father.

Remembering that my mother-in-law seemed to be several years younger than her own dad, Rhubarb got it before the two married, which fits perfectly with the settings of 'girl' and 'dog'.

What does this equipment refer to?

Yourself and younger sister?

still is……

Guan Mengyu vaguely remembers that her mother-in-law accidentally said something leaky during breastfeeding, and she did not dare to think about it.

What kind of mindset did you use to say this!

Squinting at Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu couldn't help but move his buttocks aside.

"Xiao Xi's side, please keep an eye on it. In the future, you should inform me in time. Rhubarb usually follows you. If you can't find a way to contact me, you can contact me." Shaking his head, Guan Ming only let The second girl is staring at the big girl, just as if she was okay, she helped Mu Xiaoxiao to coax her family, and she went out to fight against her.

There are only a few people in the family, which makes it look like infernal affairs. Guan Ming finds life difficult.

"I see. I'll go back to sleep first. I'll take this out. Although my sister said to send me, but if I lose it, she might not be able to look like it." Jumping off the sofa, Guan Mengxi carefully Fold the stick figure into a paper pocket.


The breeze was facing, the sun was shining, Guan Ming was wearing dark circles, and the whole man chaotically followed behind the giant and boarded the plane together.

The aircraft is not luxurious. From the perspective of interior cost, it is not comparable to Guan Ming's aircraft, but from a safety point of view, it is more than just dumping 80 streets in Guan Ming.

"So sleepy? Didn't you sleep well last night?" The giant asked without looking at the documents in his hand.

"Ah ~ it's too early. If I want to talk about this thing, I just look at the data. It doesn't make much sense to go there. It can't be watched on the Internet in real time." Yawned, Guan Ming's eyes secreted Tears from two places are similar to Xiuxian.

Guan Ming didn't know whether he was upset or not. He had a critical period of the project. He was afraid that he couldn't get up the next day. As a result, he asked his roommate to call him in the morning, but he didn't get up.

When Guan Ming went to the institute, another of his roommates complained that Guan Ming had scolded the roommate who called him in the morning, which was particularly nasty.

Guan Ming didn't know what he was scolding at the end, and later he apologized.

It is also since then that Guan Ming has rarely been called, possibly due to his personality. As long as his consciousness is a bit more awake, he will also refrain from getting up.

"Hey! Please be diligent at a young age ~ ~ The future of the country belongs to you young people. This time you come here to give advice, raise problems, and propose solutions, otherwise you do n’t have to come by yourself "For Guan Ming's laziness, the giant is helpless.

It is said that when God opens a door, he closes a window.

Guan Ming's biggest door is the door of scientific research, but there are several windows, for example, too irritating, for example, too lazy, for example, too house.

"My dad told me from a young age that I was a socialist successor, and later I knew that his class was not up to me ~" Guan Ming said with a smile, but he couldn't help remembering his own dad to find a relationship in the last life Want to arrange him into the ZF unit, but unfortunately in the end failed.

"Don't make a joke, go get the tea and spirit yourself, and then look at these documents, and then you will be in the place in a little while, be spiritual, don't let people think you don't value others." Do it yourself.

Helpless, Guan Ming unfastened his seat belt and poured tea in three steps.

PS: Thank you 654984123156, the boss for the two bowls of noodles, the cruising Quartet for reward, thank you for your support!

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