Private Technology

: 863 fast response

There are several holographic projections in the conference room, including all metal shells and pure current composition, but Guan Ming is more concerned about the data.

Guan Ming is very scum on weapon strike strength, so the data he looks at is relatively basic, including maximum forward speed, maximum translation speed, maximum climbing angle and so on.

Not to mention, in addition to Guan Ming, there are really masters in this world.

In Guan Ming's eyes, a large robot with a poor structure can reach a maximum forward speed (running) of 200KM / H and a maximum forward speed (track) of 135KM / H. The conversion speed between the two is 8 seconds.

It is not as good as a Formula 1 car, and it is not as good as a fighter that breaks through the sound barrier, but such a big guy can run at this speed.

"The radar detects high thermal energy and weak vibrations at 10 o'clock, and judges them to be hostile targets, and executes a killing plan." The electronic sound without undulations has not finished, and the large robot in the projection stretches forward with its five fingers pointing to the front left.

I can't hear the sound on the battlefield, but I can see that the front section of the five fingers is constantly bubbling Mars, and it is shot like five heavy machine guns. The small hillhead in front is shoveled out of the plane almost instantly.

The large robot uses a comprehensive radar to jointly detect and conclude valid conclusions, including infrared radars with no dead angles on the shoulders, left, right, and two, including feedback from the feet to the ground and receiving external vibrations. There are also other types of radars, which can basically achieve no dead angles within a radius of 3 kilometers.

At this time, three missiles suddenly rushed in on the outermost side of the holographic projection. In less than a second, they hit the robot across the sky, the dust was flying, and the robot buried in dust could not be seen for a while.

The giants and all the think tanks who followed them looked at the base scientific researcher around them a little bit erratically, but the latter smiled calmly and didn't speak.

Three seconds later, a missile burst through the dust and shot into the distance.

The holographic projection immediately rose, and saw the missile cross three hills and hit a large truck loaded with missile launchers.

Even if you can't hear the sound, you can see the orange light burst and the radiant metal remains.

"1% damage to the body, no loss of power system, no loss of radar system ... 78% of ammunition inventory ..." The semi-circular dust gas dissipated a little with the wind, and the standing big robot showed itself a little bit, although its appearance It looks a little bit grey, but you can see that it is not a big problem.

"What happened just now?" The giant asked his base man next to him.

"The limit test was just performed. We only let the artificial intelligence carry out autonomous activities based on the information collected by the robot's own radar. The attack just now clearly exceeded the radar range, so in the beginning it was not effectively evaded, but you see. With that said, the big guy pointed out that the picture of the missile attack just now appeared again, but the picture was reduced by 1000 times.

Although it was shot with a high-speed camera before, the speed of the missile obviously exceeded a certain limit. The missile became distorted and covered with small mosaics, but this did not affect everyone's viewing.

As soon as the missile appeared, the palm of the robot began to spray fire on both sides and jump backwards, while closing his hands forward. Perhaps this tracking missile used infrared photoreceptors to explore the target. These three missiles exploded without exception. The ground in front of the robot, followed by the flying dust instantly buried the jumping robot.

Since the whole process takes a very short time, let alone the flames that have spewed out, everyone did not see the robot jumping up just now.

"From the emergence of the missile to the explosion, the entire process is very short, but the robot has been able to avoid it effectively. If a network satellite is used as a reference object, the robot can respond at the moment the missile is launched, ensuring the robot's safety to the greatest extent. . "The big man continued, but a little excited between words.

Among the scientific research achievements about Guan Ming, the level of confidentiality of artificial intelligence is the highest, because it is a magic weapon of ‘Everyone is Like a Dragon’, and it is not easy to be observed after use.

The level of controllable nuclear fusion is also the highest before it is officially used on a large scale, because it can cause war, but it is easy to observe after use.

Artificial intelligence and network satellites need to be adjusted down several security levels accordingly. The former is mainly applied to various types of scientific research and national defense sites. The scope of application is very large. Although the country has cracked down heavily on spies, no one can be sure of this. Will never be exposed.

The latter is mainly because there are too many satellites. There are more than 200 satellites of the same model and country floating in the sky. It is said that it is not a little nasty, and it is estimated that the fool would not believe it.

After hearing this big man's words, the giant's think tanks talked to each other and discussed.

No one communicated with Guan Ming because the level of technology was not equal, but Guan Ming could also hear the conversations of those around him.

"From the results of the blast just now, it should be armor-piercing shells."

"Almost, but with the current performance of robots, tracking missiles can be carried in small quantities. This robot should mainly carry conventional artillery shells, such as broken armor, armor-piercing or grenades."

"Drilling ammunition is also good, it can hit underground targets, but ... not enough ammunition is carried!"

"... It's okay. The robot itself is a war weapon of the attack category. It's a light bomber, and it's for the army."

"Yes, even a Transformer can't handle a large battlefield."

Guan Ming scratched his chin and glanced at the two who are more than 100 years old.


Has foreign cultural invasion entered the middle-aged and elderly group?

"Mr. Guan ~ ~ Judging from the performance just now, what do you think of this robot?" Dong Zhiwu asked Guan Ming with a smile. There were elements of showing off and asking for advice.

Identity and age let him know some Guan Ming's information, and also recognized Guan Ming's achievements in scientific research.

However, everyone has worked hard to eat and drink Lasa in the cave for several years, and it is false to say that it is not hard. He hopes to get a word of "admiration" from Guan Ming's mouth.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ’ve seen the files before, I'm surprised when this big guy really runs at this speed. As far as I know the mainstream tanks in the world don't even run 100. Avoid heavy and praise lightly.

Apart from what else can be praised for speed, this Guan Ming really doesn't know.

Don't look at this big robot performing well in actual measurement, but in the stripped view, this is completely a war weapon built with artificial intelligence as its core, and artificial intelligence was developed by Guan Ming, and even network satellites are also managed. Developed by Ming.

Guan Ming can't praise himself for giving power in front of others.

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