Private Technology

: 866 everyone has things to do

In the study room in Zhongnanhai, Guan Ming looked at the latest military deployment from Double Star and found that the giants were targeting this country.

For reasons, Guan Ming also feels that this country has chosen more appropriately, because from the comparison of the fighting effectiveness of the two sides, this time the battlefield is of a simple level. From the perspective of the international situation, because of certain policies of this country, There is also room for diplomacy.

If it is said that beating the island nations and Indonesia will trigger a strong counterattack by the United States, even if everyone knows that this is the dead ghost that China seeks for the United States, but winning such countries will greatly promote China's development. This is because the United States cannot wait and see. Ignore it.

And this country is not as important to China as the island nation or Indonesia. The United States is likely to lift it up and drop it gently, so as not to break the Chinese fish net.

"Are the survey cameras ready?" Guan Ming asked.

The Sky Survey Camera is a device that replaces the dark celestial camera in the Hubble Telescope. Although the sky survey camera developed by Guan Ming is far superior to the Hubble Telescope in terms of functions and parameters, he did not have time to think about the name and simply used the same name. After all, this thing is just Guan Ming's personal hobby, non-commercial use, it is really impossible to change the name later.

"It's ready. Optimize according to your previous design. The sky survey camera currently has 41 million pixels. It is expected to receive 68% of the photons of the telescope's main mirror. I believe we will get more and more detailed data, but The current design drawing is difficult to modify into a style that can be added later, unless the project time is extended by 50% -80%. "Double Star also whispered.

Although there is no monitoring equipment in the study, and the sound insulation effect is also good, the sound source is on the desk, and the loud sound is not good for the eardrum.

"Time cannot be dragged backwards. The Sagittarius side is getting darker and darker. I suspect that this visible light will decrease with the number of shots or time. In the end, there is a high probability that it will become invisible to the human eye." Guan Ming Depression.

Guan Ming is not sure whether this decline changes with time or frequency, because Guan Ming's side is a distance spanning more than 20,000 light years for observation, and there must be a missing part, such as solar and lunar eclipses Once the luminous side is on the other side, Guan Ming will never detect it.

But for any reason, weakening is not good for Guan Ming. He needs to shoot out the space telescope early!

"Yes boss, based on the currently observed frequency, it is estimated that in the next 3 months to half a year, this laser pulsar magnitude will be reduced to a degree that is difficult to observe, because of the limitations of the network satellite itself, we have no way to judge Is there any other way to transmit this information in addition to the laser pulse? It is recommended to quickly lift off an optical space telescope, and then quickly lift off a humble space satellite with multiple detection and collection capabilities. Finally, based on the feedback data, Develop a large multifunctional satellite that can be replaced, added, and recombined. "

For extraterrestrial civilization, Double Star is also very interested. In its logical judgment, after removing the protection of the steward, perhaps its main energy will be put on it in the future.

For a binary star with a high probability of 'eternal life', research that spans tens of thousands of light years is the most time-consuming, and even it wants to cross the galaxy to find life outside the Milky Way.

"Yes, you can draw up a specific schedule and see if there are any technologies we need in foreign laboratories. I'll first look at your optimized survey camera." Guan Mingdian said.

Double Star also made nonsense, and directly called out the comparison data of the two sky survey cameras.

Outside the study, in the living room, Guan Mengxi's head was on the wall, his body dangled from left to right, and he drew a long voice and said, "I am so boring, I want to go out and play ~"

Since the last time the little guy went to the giants to chat boldly, the little ones have been banned. As long as there are no adults around, don't want to go out, and don't need to lock the door. There is a double star, let alone the door. The window is her. Can't jump out!

"Miss, there is no time for grown-ups in the family, so you ca n’t go out to play. It ’s better to drive at home. There is a newly designed convertible for children, which completely simulates the current electric car on the market." A cone-shaped robot station Beside Guan Mengxi, said.

"The living room is too small to run away at all!" Crouched his head and looked at the big guy, Guan Mengxi flattened his mouth.

"Mom is sleeping, Dad is working, Grandpa and Grandma are going out to play again, and the younger sister hasn't known what the sneaky is doing recently, even I'm hiding! Is it adolescence? It's treason?" He cried loudly, Exhale the dissatisfaction in your heart.

From the point of view of Double Star, Miss Er is not in the rebellious period, but the awakening of the blood in the body, and began to hide from Miss. Perhaps it was related to her boss ’s wife the night before, but unfortunately it was stabbed out at the time, causing Double Star I don't know what Mu Xiaoxiao said.

I calculated the intensity of the last stabbing and came to a conclusion of “does n’t hurt”, but I know that Guan Mengxi ’s extraordinary double star believes that the pain in Guan Mengyu ’s heart is far more severe than the physical pain.

"What about the hard-moulded little yellow duck? Recently, the boss lady made a few interesting Frog Army Cao." For the housekeeper, Shuangxing has enough patience and perseverance.

"No, I don't want to play now, but I think my mother seems to have made some very small clothes recently. Some clothes that my sister and I can't put on. Why?" He straightened his head and raised Meng Ximeng He looked at the silicone skin head on the cone.

"It should be made for Little Master. After all, this is the first son of the boss ~ ~ and the first younger brother of the young lady, so the boss's wife attaches great importance to it." Shuangxing said slightly confused.

"Oh yes, my brother is going to be born, and I have to give a gift!" With the fist hammer, Meng Xi's face was clear, and then he rushed upstairs with excitement.

Slap ~

Slap your palm on the door and push it open.

In the bedroom, Guan Mengyu, who was sitting on a small sofa, shivered, then took off his VR eyes, turned his head to look at him, and found that his sister and sister were rushing over with excitement.

"I still have something to do. I can't go out with you!" Guan Mengyu said earnestly, for fear of being pitted by his own sister again.

"Cut ~ sister, I have serious business to do too!" When she walked to Guan Mengyu, the sister sat on the sofa with her buttocks.

This room is the only bedroom in the villa with floor-to-ceiling windows. Considering the little sister's early wisdom, after Guan Ming determined the room arrangement, the service staff had prepared a single sofa and tea before Guan Ming had not yet checked in. Several types of furnishings, of course, are reduced to children's models in equal proportions.

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