Private Technology

: 877 secret weapon

In the early morning of the next day, after opening his eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised to find that his husband actually woke up earlier than himself, and was not sure whether he was dreaming.

It ’s not that Guan Ming puts his belly in bed and sleeps, but Mu Xiaoxiao wakes up every day and wakes him up, so from a performance point of view, Guan Ming usually gets better than Mu Xiaoxiao. later.

I am worried that it is difficult to fall asleep.

Guan Ming did not sleep well last night. He woke up automatically and consciously early today, and then used the double star to watch the battle last night.

For now, the situation is very good.

After making the other party blind and deaf in the first wave of bombing, the double-star-controlled mechanical forces destroyed the enemy ’s largest wave of living forces. In fact, the role of soldiers on the battlefield is more to clean the battlefield, let alone There were casualties. In one night, the number of resistances did not add up to ten times.

Compared with robots, even captives feel that humans can speak better, even if they are enemies.

"Husband, why did you get up so early?" Lying in Guan Ming's arms, Mu Xiaoxiao poked Guan Ming's face, very curious, "Is it still a dream?"

"Dream you big head, don't go to the toilet and throw up?" Pushing the electronic glasses up, Guan Ming rolled his eyes and said angrily.

After learning that there were no casualties, Guan Ming felt much more relaxed.

"Don't talk about me, I'll go to the toilet first!" Mu Xiaoxiao, twisting her curious face, touching her chest, wearing only a pair of underpants, rushed to the toilet.

Mu Xiaoxiao probably gave up on the treatment of morning sickness. After Guan Ming mentioned something, she immediately felt nauseous.

After looking at the time, it was less than eight o'clock, Guan Ming was going to give a call to the quasi-general giant. In addition to caring about the situation of the war, there are things like donations. After all, the quasi-general giant is hosting the outside world and is also the next general manager Giants, this kind of good thing, looking for him is the best choice.

But after Guan Ming put his electronic glasses on and thought about it, he decided to call the giant in charge of technology.

At present, the news of the supervision of the quasi-general giants is not disclosed in the news. Guan Ming called so positively to ask about the situation of the war, and it is easy to leak something.

"Little tube, what's the matter?" The call was answered, and the giant in charge of science and technology waved at the reporters, motioning them to be quiet first.

"Oh? This is a good thing. Let ’s do this at 10:30 in the morning. Let's talk face to face." After hearing Guan Ming's voice on the phone, the giant looked at the travel record and arranged for Guan Ming. Time, according to the timetable, ten thirty to ten fifty is his rest time.

"Well, OK." Then the giant hung up.

"You continue." The giant nodded at the two in front of him.

"Then we just continued to say that at present, Dead Light A has gone through all the experiments. We want to take this opportunity to make this weapon debut, at least we must go through the baptism of war and test it with war." Fifty people, said.

Dead Light A is a heavy-duty laser weapon independently developed by the country. On the opposite side, it will destroy enemy military satellites and hostile space stations for military purposes. On the lower side, it will destroy local fixed silos and underwater nuclear submarines. However, it can be fixed on the vehicle and has high flexibility.

Take the nuclear submarine as an example, the entire process from discovery to breakdown and gasification is less than one minute, and the dead light A can be completely controlled by the double star (artificial intelligence), which means zero errors. In theory, this The weapon will be powerful enough to have no friends.

At present, most of them are directional light speeds that are emitted along a straight line and cannot turn. However, Dead Light A can use a laser satellite relay station or a satellite reflection station to form a corner, which can destroy ground targets within 300,000 kilometers!

Only China in the world has this technology!

Looking at the world, in terms of laser weapons, the country is at least 15 years ahead of the world!

However, the above data are all calculated through double star big data. The specific situation still needs to be tested. The most important thing is that the country is currently fighting, so the Dead Light A project team is eager to use this weapon in this battle!

"I have read the document just now, but any weapon that wants to enter the battlefield needs to be fully prepared, even if it has been calculated by a supercomputing calculation," said the giant.

When the two of them heard this, their faces darkened.

If you give them another month to two months, maybe they will have more data to prove the stability of the weapon, but for this two or two months, it's like a godsend.

Research in the field of weapons seems to be only logistical work, but only by studying weapons, and only after knowing the country's artificial intelligence (double star), these talents understand how powerful the country is!

In the minds of these researchers, there is no option for defeat in this war, and the time of victory can be counted down by days.

"But this time you prepare first. At present, the battle is still good for us, but we can't predict every part of the war. There are no troubles in preparing a few more hands. How many sets are there now?" Fight the enthusiasm of scientific researchers.

"There are three sets in total. The main reason is that there are only three satellites currently supporting. The project funding previously applied for in accordance with the previous drawings. After waiting, the satellite part was optimized through artificial intelligence calculations. There are two more satellites built here to be sent to the sky. "The other side said with a little surprise.

"Let ’s go to the west, one to the east, one to the south. After you go, follow the instructions of the local leader ~ ~ Do n’t shoot at random, after all, this is our secret. Weapons. "The giant nodded, not paying attention to the issue of funds. As long as it was not corrupt, it didn't matter to build two more satellites. In his view, these are not even small sections.

"Okay, I'll arrange it in a while." Nodding again and again, the man frowned.

"Well, then you can go back to work first. Recently, the country is at war. There are unavoidable omissions in many places, and you have more patience." Finally, the giant consoled.

"You can rest assured that we are all very clear and we will put ourselves in the right place. We must obey the command and not open fire!"

Housekeeper, bedroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed and looked down at his belly.

Because she is pregnant, Mu Xiaoxiao's fitness intensity is obviously not as good as before. When she sits, she bends slightly and can see signs of bulging in the lower abdomen.

Of course, pregnancy itself is a process of big belly.

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