Private Technology

: 883 straight concerns

After washing the little paws, Mu Xiaoxiao went to Guan Ming and looked at him pitifully, saying, "My husband, I suddenly found out that my knowledge is not enough. Is my head empty?"

"Uh ... you can have this understanding, in my opinion, you have at least the self-knowledge." Guan Ming answered sincerely, after all, in terms of learning, Guan Ming could throw her 80 streets.

"Believe it or not, I bite you!" Mu Xiaoxiao banged his teeth at Guan Ming, his neat white teeth looked good, and Guan Ming once wondered if she had gone cold and whitened.

"If I read the words separately, I wouldn't be vain at all ~" He smiled and drew Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming teased wantonly.

"You hate it!" Xiaoquan punched his chest, Mu Xiaoxiao's face flushed slightly, and then continued, "Seriously, I'll test you, how do you write the four words" Zhumei "?"

"Four ghosts, two are not separated yet, what happened?" Although confused, this did not delay Guan Ming's memory of the Chinese characters, let alone say that Ming Ming's memory is super easy to use, if necessary, He can translate these four words into other languages.

"However, I found sadly that I could not write these four words, and at the same time both of your daughters could do it!"

"I think I've been abolished. My mother can't even teach her daughter. I failed. Especially with Chinese characters. You said whether my university was a vain or not. You said whether my mother would fight after knowing. Die me. "With a sad and helpless face, Mu Xiaoxiao let out a sorrow like a defeated dog in life.

Glancing at her little head, Guan Ming thought for a moment and said, "In fact, this kind of thing needs to be dialectically viewed. In fact, if you count the average height of peers in a century, you will find that the current child is higher than before. So from a horizontal perspective, the children's IQ is also a wave higher than we were then. As for your mother ... it is impossible to kill you, but it is likely to produce shit. "

It is not correct to compare IQ horizontally with height, because the food in the two eras is good, as well as age-appropriate education. The performance of an individual can only represent the person's original contact, living environment and social background, but with Mu Xiao Xiao's IQ should not understand this level.

After the marriage, the mother will still hold back the player who does not hang, usually thinking about the problem is straight forward and will not turn.

"The problem is that I am Ben San! Today I tested the two children's learning, and I asked Double Star to read Chinese characters and let the two children write silently. As a result, I found that I had a lot of words and I forgot to write, but the two children actually You can write right, you should not be able to understand my despair! "Sighed quietly, Mu Xiaoxiao slipped down and lay on the pillow, even lazy to be ignorant of such shame, Probably gave up treatment.

Is this why you pitted your two daughters this afternoon? Guan Ming guessed irresponsibly.

"Hi ~ I thought what's the matter, do you worry about this? Don't say that you are a graduate of Fudan University. Even if you only graduated from elementary school, you are still their mother-in-law. Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming sideways took the electronic glasses from the bedside table in preparation for work.

"I'm not worried about these two children. I'm just worried about our future son. What do you think if our son's IQ follows me!" Mu Xiaoxiao said warily without touching the smooth belly.

"Then I'll make more money to make him live without worries, and you can find him a good wife. Let's wait for the grandson's rise!" I patted her **** as a consolation, after all, I could recognize The IQ gap between the two shows that she also thinks about it seriously.

Taking off Guan Ming's strange hand, Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, shook Xiao Qi's fist at Guan Ming, and then leaned forward to find electronic glasses to brush the TV series.

Since it was recommended by Guan Ming, how about the quality of the tube, Mu Xiaoxiao is still willing to try it, just like the original ones ...

Guan Ming first went to see the latest situation of the situation, there are dual stars to do internal response, Guan Ming can be informed in time.

At present, the front line is advancing to the hinterland of India, but the speed is not fast. After all, war is about service and politics, probably the relationship between tactics and strategy.

At present, the number of captured enemy soldiers exceeds 700,000, and the number of civilians exceeds 3 million. At present, these 3.7 million people have been shipped back to China in batches and centralized control.

It is not as terrifying as the German concentration camp during World War II. It is also provided for three meals a day. Although the cost is not small, it can certainly be recovered in the later period.

Their own losses are not much. In addition to disposable consumables such as ammunition, currently the most damaged are intelligent troops and vehicles, but the former will always be recovered in time, and the latter is more a matter of wear and tear.

Relatively speaking, the Indian side lost more.

In addition to the population, the country has now achieved a satellite for the other party, and a satellite has been destroyed here. At the same time, because of the pre-war communication relationship, no third-party country helped the satellite.

Although India hopes to introduce the United States and Russia to fight against China, India ’s property rights protection is inadequate. All the drugs that can be seen on the market have a copycat in India. Therefore, the US pharmaceutical manufacturers have been dragging back. This is only in terms of drugs. .

The Russian identity is relatively simple, because China stated that the island city attack was done by India and at the same time provided various 'evidence'. We must know that the name of the previous Sino-Russian joint military exercise was to fight terrorism.

Now that the Russian side does not follow the print side, even if the Indian side has done a good job, don't try to get the fair support of the Russian side now.

However, this situation also has a bottom line, for example, the inherent territory is not occupied.

As long as China does this time with India, as long as it does not kill civilians, engage in biochemical weapons, or occupy territory, it is not a problem to break India into ruin.

"Is there news over Sagittarius?" Entered with pupils, Guan Ming asked.

"The latest intercepted information was at 10:07 am this morning ~ ~ The information has not changed much, and the content of the judgment is similar to the previous analysis, and the light is fading synchronously." On the electronic glasses, a line of words appeared.

Guan Ming calculated the time when the message appeared. In terms of time, there was no outbreak at a specific point in time. If it was a cycle, it would be at least 24 hours apart and at least 3 times a week.

The most important thing is that the visible light has been reduced a lot, and the optical space telescope that belongs to him is still in production.

"You continue to observe." Thinking for a long time, Guan Ming helplessly gave orders.

Afterwards, the double star was silent.

Guan Ming is still dying from neutrinos. How to isolate other cosmic rays is a very painful thing. From the heart, Guan Ming really does not want to build an earth-like environment, and then build an Antarctica.

Not to mention the Earth's revolution and the automatic adjustment of satellite positions to ensure alignment with Sagittarius, it is difficult to build a building with an atmosphere and a magnetic field.

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