Private Technology

: 885 Unbreakable chip

In order to flicker Mu Xiaoxiao go to bed early at night, don't watch the "News Broadcast", Guan Ming also slept early this time, the final result is that Guan Ming's young couple can catch up with the army to have breakfast together!

Oh my god, Guan Ming didn't have breakfast someday!

"噗 ~" With electronic glasses watching the latest developments, Guan Ming spit out goat milk directly after seeing somewhere.

Fortunately, Guan Ming has a big mouth and sits on the main seat. If there is a person sitting opposite, make sure to spray the milk on his face.

But even so, there was no way to eat the food on the table.

"I didn't feel honest about eating." Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and said arrogantly, then looked down at the younger sister Guan Mengxi and said, "You must be obedient in the future, don't learn from your father!"

Guan Ming rolled his eyes and heard it. It may be because the child has grown up. Guan Ming always feels that Mu Xiaoxiao called himself 'Dad' particularly twisted.

"What's the matter?" Guan Daddy lowered the bite-fried fried bag, and then wiped his clothes with a square towel. The same was true of the other old people. They looked at Guan Ming together, and Double Star came in time to change breakfast. .

Everyone knows that Guan Ming is watching the latest news, but due to the problem of authority, Guan Ming will always get more, more complete and more timely information than the outside world.

"Ahem ... nothing, nothing, but the country actually wants to initially explore the solar system at this time, and currently says that it will shoot hundreds of exploration satellites into space, and also jointly explore with me." Guan Ming said with a smile.

At present, there is no further report on this section on the Internet. However, according to the judgment of the press release by Double Star, the state should directly issue the units to state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Without a so-called press conference, it should be insufficient time.

I took a look at others. The Internet was not very optimistic about this decision, and there was no conspiracy theory in it. I just felt that the country was fighting, and we should put all our limited forces into the battle and let the war end as soon as possible or as soon as possible. Fight down India.

However, there must be a rhythm in it. The reason why it is not like the situation when someone talked about the management at the beginning of the war last time is estimated to have been cleaned up by the country.

"Space? Why study this now?" Guan Ma frowned and asked.

"Explore space puppets, you don't understand this." Guan Ming knew that this was the country's response to what he reported.

The report was only completed during the day yesterday, and a press release was issued last night. It is still the case that the country needs to concentrate on fighting and the giants are not all in the capital.

Probably, the upper levels of the country also think that this kind of thing is more important than fighting, under the premise that the opponent is as stupid as a pig.

"This ... is it okay?" Guan Dian asked vaguely.

"Is there any problem? Speaking of which is also related to me. I also recently researched space issues, but I felt that I was too slow alone, so when I talked to the giants yesterday, I talked about this. What kind of thing, what is the result of thinking so quickly. "Guan Ming reluctantly shook his head.

If it were not for Guan Ming's name in the draft, he would not admit anything.

But if you think about it carefully, Guan Ming also knows that this kind of large-scale space exploration, especially the country's own behavior, without a strong scientific leader, is also labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Even Guan Ming felt that this was specifically proposed by the state, perhaps for protection or to enhance public confidence, because even without Guan Ming's name, other countries would not ignore Guan Ming's technological capabilities.

You know, there are still two hundred or so network satellites floating in the sky. If you say that there is no secret, there is no one to believe.

"Oh ~ I said how did you study the telescope some time ago, it's because of it." Mu Xiaoxiao knew it afterwards.

"Space is a good place. It is a natural experimental place for various experiments. I had planned this long ago." After Shuangxing changed all the food and wiped the table, Guan Ming picked up chopsticks and ate again.

They all said that they should have a lighter breakfast. All Guan Ming chose pork scallion pie, while Mu Xiaoxiao chose pork bone soup.

"As a result, the telescope on the top of the company's building was almost released." Mu Xiaoxiao spit out.

"Mom, do you have a telescope at home?" Looking up, Guan Meng Ximeng asked in a cute manner.

"Yes, it's super big!" Mu Xiaoxiao tried to spread his arms like a child.

"Then I can go and see when I get home?" Guan Mengxi asked expectantly, his eyes bright.

"Of course you can," Mu Xiaoxiao said, leaned over and fed her a spoonful of bone soup with meat.

At the same time, the other side of the earth is in the dark.

"At this time to pay attention to space, is there any new technology?" Okui looked at the documents in his hand and asked the think tank.

"At present, it is uncertain, mainly because the solar system is too large for us. Unfortunately, the document does not say what functional satellite, otherwise you can guess it." A white man answered.

"Let's pay more attention to this part. Do you have certain functions for the previous satellites?" O'Hare asked about the 200 or so satellites of the same model in the high, middle, and low orbits.

Many things don't mean that you can see what you see when you see it. Just like TV commercials, publicity and practicality are two concepts.

Similarly, the functions of more than 200 satellites, even now, have not been detected by the outside world.

"We suspect that these satellites have a certain military purpose. During the Sino-Indian war, there were 110 satellites floating above China and India ~ ~ especially near the battlefield, with more than 20 satellites. Border control, we have reason to believe that these satellites have functions such as high-altitude photography, but considering the size of the satellite, even if taking pictures, the pixels and accuracy will not be too high. "The white man said sarcastically.

"Who knows if there are any other problems here, after all, there is also Guan Ming's handwriting. Chips are also a problem when talking about it. At present, in products such as electronic glasses, the analysis progress of chips is somewhat slow. I don't see other products using similar chips on the market, which is also a problem. "Okui said slowly, knocking on his desk.

"This ... we have worked hard, but you also know that this chip is not a popular chip, and even our reverse-developed products cannot use more than 50% of the chip's functions." The white man said with some difficulty.

At present, all technologies are inherited and orderly. They are based on improving performance or innovating on a certain basis.

The same is true of the chip, but in Guan Ming's electronic glasses, the chip is a completely new structure, which causes a headache for the outside world, because they find that the original knowledge content cannot analyze the chip.

Most importantly, this chip performs very well on electronic glasses!

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