Private Technology

: 888 purpose of the war

From the beginning of the war to the present day, it can be said that, apart from working **** the battlefield between China and India, the negotiation table has not been broken for a day.

Unlike the persistent pressing of a hammer on the ground on the battlefield, the performance of the Indian side at the negotiating table is quite varied.

At the beginning, it was tough and decisive, saying that they would fight back the troops of the country. As a result, the Indian side cried and called for the American father and the polar bear father two days later. There was no way. The brains had burst out.

However, in the diplomacy of the previous month, the two countries have already settled these two countries, and even the EU member states have already done it.

Whether threatening or begging, the performance of the Indian side at the negotiating table has fallen short.

As of today, in just a few weeks, the Indian side has changed two groups of people at the negotiating table. It is a pity that even if the festival is held twice, the Indian side on the battlefield is still very weak and completely unstoppable. The footsteps of the country.

On the 3 million square kilometers of land, only 2.1 million have not been set foot by the national forces, and this 2.1 million lands are still in a state of trembling, completely controlled by China's fear.

Close to 1.3 billion people, not counting deaths and injuries, China alone counts the number of captives close to 6 million. In order to avoid the war, the remaining people are crowded on land not exceeding 1.5 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to every square kilometer. Lived 850 people.

You know, the population density here does not refer to urban population density, but to 1.5 million territories including mountains and rivers.

However, to this day, the Indian side also sees the current situation. As long as the United States, Russia, and Europe do not take the lead, the Indian side will not win China at all, so the Indian side shows its sincerity at the negotiating table.

"You show me this, I don't understand it." Guan Ming looked at the documents in his hand and was speechless.

"You called me today, wouldn't you just say this." Shaking his files, Guan Ming looked helpless.

What is the compensation, how much is the prisoner's consumption, and so on, Guan Ming can't figure it out. Without turning two pages, Guan Ming can't stand it.

"Related to this, you turn to the third page to see it at the end." Yang raised his chin, and the giant motioned for Guan Ming to look back.

There are many documents and thick palms.

Guan Ming turned directly to the third to last page and found that many of the above things were related to him.

The first is that the Indian market must be opened. Although tariffs and the like also have Indian autonomy, the above explains that different products have different taxes. At the same time, a maximum tax is set, which is similar to the feeling that the Allied Powers opened the Qing Dynasty.

Most importantly, the above indicates that Guan Ming's products must not be subject to any restrictions, and at the same time, India must comply with a series of provisions such as intellectual property rights.

In short, it means that Guan Ming's products can be sold normally in India without any restrictions, and pirated products are not allowed.

You should know that in India's hot soil, Guan Ming's static holographic projection has been pirated. Strictly speaking, this pirated version is pirated from Sequoia, because the dynamic holographic projection on Guan Ming's side has functionally covered the static. Holographic projection.

"Isn't the product going to withdraw from the international market before, why should I go to India again this time? Also, let me go to India to give a speech or whatever, after all, I will go abroad, what if I get killed?" Guan Ming advised He said enthusiastically that he just wanted to make a quiet handsome pot.

"Withdrawing from the international market is only known to us. As the winner, it is also the fuse of the event. If you act too much, you will be misunderstood, and this time you follow the speaker The quasi-giant went together, and no one dared to tamper with it, and no one had the opportunity. "The giant waved his hand, motioned to Guan Ming not to persuade, **** wave, no danger at all.

"Okay, you're right, but I don't have any experience stores or direct stores in India. I will find an agent or directly sell it to Zhong Qiming and let Zhong Qiming develop in India. Market. "Guan Ming didn't want to get too involved in this.

The technology empire may inspire Guan Ming's three-minute blood, but the business empire or something, Guan Ming is completely loveless.

The steward is rich, but the father still likes to smoke the Yellow Crane Tower, Mu's father still likes to drink fen, Mu Xiaoxiao still likes to eat braised pork, Guan Ming still likes Po Xiaoxiao.

Guan Ming and even the housekeeper have no lofty ideals. They are vulgar and bone marrow from the inside to the outside. Everyone wants to live in peace and stability. It is just fine to be happy. It is not suitable for the style of housekeepers .

Judging from Guan Ming's experience, "Little Cherry Ball" is very suitable for the housekeeper's style of painting. It is so fresh and idyllic.

"You are really !!!" The giant pointed at Guan Ming, so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"Haha, it's just small things. If you look at it this way, the war is over." Guan Ming grinned and turned the topic away, because he suddenly remembered something about that phone ~ ~ Presumably, the reason why the country mentioned Guan Ming's products this time should be considered shortly before. It is just that Guan Ming has been cleaned.

"Not so fast. Even if everything is settled and a treaty signed today, it is estimated that in less than two months, everything cannot be handed over." The giant stared at Guan Ming and said.

"Yes, there are too many captives. We need more money in this regard. How can we not abuse the captives, let alone say that the food is important for the Indian side." Guan Ming curiously looked at the compensation. Content, until seeing a certain compensation, Guan Ming knew in his heart why this time it was India.

As neighbors, China and India have territorial dispute areas.

From a historical perspective, the original state power was very weak. Although the country had a strong attitude toward the outside world, it was limited by the international situation at the time and did not completely lie down.

In this negotiation, the country obviously pulled out the controversial territory. Although Guan Ming did not know whether everyone had spit on the other party's face at the negotiating table, from the documents, the outcome was still very good.

The Indian side acknowledged the ownership of the disputed area in the document, indicating that the inherent territories are not of importance and indisputability to a country.

Of course, after seeing this clause, Guan Ming automatically interpreted that the Indian side was afraid that the country would create other disputed areas.

Instead of occupying much territory, it only needs a military perspective to occupy some special geographical locations close to the Chinese side.

"I didn't expect it to be done so soon. I expect to see Wanwan return when I am alive." Said, Guan Ming thought of a leader whose last name was "Cai".

That is to say, there is only one piece of water, otherwise the banana route is forbidden, let alone food, it is estimated that the water will not be able to drink.

Return tea eggs?

When Guan Ming was studying in his last life, he ate instant noodles and put eggs from two fellow gangsters!

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