Private Technology

: 987 Painting style determines faith

Guan Ming's counsel was obvious to all. He didn't have any big goals this time abroad, so he was going to stand up and go back upright.

Therefore, the electronic glasses, except for bathing and sleeping, he is not ready to take them off, the old saying goes well, the safety of going out first.

Before getting off the plane, Guan Ming had prepared a box of electronic glasses for the giant and his entourage, but unfortunately the giant just refused to smile.

Guan Ming pondered that in addition to believing the power of the human brain chip, the giant still believed in the powerful fighting power of the country in the Sino-Indian war.

Dead enemies are good enemies, and those who do not show up are the true ones.

It takes more time to get off the plane than to get on the plane before. The giant waved his hand and waited for the reporters to take pictures. At the same time, it should be the guard of honor. Start the singing and then the giant slowly walked on.

No one took the lead. After the giants got off the plane and the reporters finished shooting, Guan Ming followed.

A few minutes later, the white vice president and the giant shivered, took two steps forward, stood in front of Guan Ming and shook hands, smiling with a pile of folds on his face, "Welcome to the United States."

Feeling that the opponent's hand strength was a bit big, Guan Ming was very unkind to guess that the life of the husband and wife of this old man and wife was not harmonious, but with a smile on his face, he said, "Thank you."

Subsequently, the red flag car in the belly of the plane drove out, and the giant and Guan Ming entered in turn.

The license plate is the number of the embassy, ​​which is probably the so-called mobile territory.

"It seems that we are still taken seriously." Through the front and rear windows, Guan Ming saw several cars forming a large 'safety bubble'. Although not as exaggerated as the Guan Ming team, this is also a taxpayer's money. More security forces still lie in deterrence at home and abroad.

"It's bigger than the last time I came here. It seems that Aihei attaches great importance to you." The giant turned his head, looked at the windshield, and then laughed.

Hearing the giant's words, Guan Ming shrugged and said nothing, because in Guan Ming's view, it was all that the giant laughed at him.

The meaning of military merit is universal, and people with good eyes can see how likely it is that the giant will reach the top next year, and there is also a Guan Ming on the car.

If these two people happen in the United States at the same time, it will definitely be the fuse of World War III, just like World War I.

The plane was stuck in time. When it arrived in the United States, it was more than 8 am. The signing of the "China-India Agreement" was held tomorrow morning. A press conference will be held tomorrow afternoon. At the same time, Austrian and Black will entertain the giant and Guan Ming at the White House. .

At least on the schedule, Guan Ming didn't see the words that the Indian side would appear in the White House tomorrow night.

"I need to go to the United Nations to communicate this morning. I need to attend a United Nations conference this afternoon, so you should be idle today, try not to run into the crowd." After the hotel settled in, the giant ordered him to leave before leaving. Make it clear.

"I'm carrying this, I will always work in the hotel." Tap Ming electronic eyes, Guan Ming said indifferently.

"Well, you don't have to do this. I remember that you haven't been to New York yet. It's okay for Zhou Wu to drive you around." The giant patted Guan Ming's shoulder and went on to say: "I'm not in a hurry to work. You have time. "

"Well, let's talk about it later." Guan Ming's tone was perfunctory. As a qualified salted fish, housekeeping is one of the most basic abilities.

Seeing Guan Ming being so perfunctory, the giant is hard to say anything. If the housekeeper does a monthly check-up to monitor Guan Ming ’s physical condition, the giant will allow Guan Ming to go out at 9:30 every day to skip the eighth set of radio gymnastics. !!

"Zhou Wu and Xiao Liu, just tell me what you want to eat and drink. My side is airlifted from home, and safety can be guaranteed." Guan Ming turned back and said to the bodyguard duo.

Zhou Wu is Guan Ming ’s personal bodyguard leader, and this little Liu has a military background and is a large school. From the point of view of the level, he is one level with the giant bodyguards. At the same time, he has a personal brain chip in his head.

"Rest assured, we all know this." After seeing the giant leaving, Zhou Wu, who was somewhat restrained, also relaxed a lot, walked lightly to the sofa, and sat down.

The little Liu was very vigilant and dragged a chair to sit beside the bed, staring out the window.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ming didn't demand anything, but turned to enter the master bedroom, lay on the bed, and use electronic glasses to chat with his family remotely.

The room was checked several times before check-in, and Zhou Wu also tested it with an instrument. No problem.

"Sleepy?" Guan Ming asked carefully, looking at yawning Mu Xiaoxiao.

More than 9 am New York time and 1 a.m. domestic time, Mu Xiaoxiao agreed to wait for Guan Ming to settle everything before Guan Ming left.

Unfortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ is probably sucked by the fetus into a negative number ~ ~ I never considered the jet lag, but even if the road I choose cannot stand, we must lie down.

"Ah ~ sleepy! It's more than one o'clock in the morning!" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice cracked, and his eyes were tired.

Recently, Guan Ming was raised to bed at seven o'clock in the evening, and the biological clock that fell asleep at nine o'clock.

"You guys are really real. You slept with you. If it weren't for Double Star telling me that you haven't slept yet, I wouldn't have video with you at this time." Guan Ming complained.

In front of Mu Xiaoxiao wearing a neat robe sitting at the desk, which means that she did not intend to sleep now, affected by Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao is also used to the feeling of wearing only trousers to sleep.

"Hey, worried about you, how did it feel to go to New York? It ’s a pity that I have n’t been there yet." Holding her cheeks with her hands pretending to be cute, but her narrowed eyes showed that she was too sleepy to open her eyes Already.

"I'm just here. Generally speaking, there is no difference from Beijing and Shanghai. There are more people with black, white, and brown skin tones, and there are many Asians. So you don't have to look forward to it, nothing looks good." Guan Ming There is no chauvinist tendency, but he still feels that his family is good, which may be a sign that he is getting older in advance.

"Oh, but you have to be careful. Laomei is legally equipped with a gun. You should try not to go out. Don't make a sloppy speech. We can win until the later stage!" Raised his fist and made a cheering gesture.

Guan Ming rolled his eyes.

As a perennial 800-point player in Dota, Guan Ming was desperate to find that his wife was a fanatic.

Isn't the big-breasted Ice Girl, Fire Girl, and Little Black really inferior to Katerina, Annie, and Tristan?

Guan Ming is so sad!

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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