Private Technology

: 1989 Honest and Reliable Guan Yanzu

"Oh, New York is a good place. Many people call it paradise. If you have time, you might as well go out and see. I think you will like this city." For this irony, O'Hare didn't care.

Ha ha? Oh your brother-in-law!

Still looking out? Encouraged Guan Ming to decide that he would never go out and watch without a need!

Fifth Avenue is famous, but Guan Ming is not even willing to go to Wangfujing.

Columbia University is famous, but Guan Ming once glanced at the entrance of Peking University and went back.

The New York Stock Exchange is famous, but sorry, Guan Ming does not stocks.

Statue of Liberty?


Guan Ming can only say that the size is too big.

"... Forget it, although New York is good, but I was overshadowed by the last attack and didn't want to go to some strange places." Guan Ming thought for a moment and said.

Everyone knows something, such as Guan Ming and Austrian Hei.

But the same thing, some people are not clear, such as Zhou Wu and Xiao Liu, so they think it is just Guan Ming's evasion.

Probably I didn't expect Guan Minghui to be so direct. Okui took a moment, but was replaced by a smile, saying, "The state is different. In fact, sometimes I also want to promote the law on banning guns in the country, but this is difficult. "

Without waiting for Guan Ming's answer, Okuei beckoned at the door. Without closing the door, a healthy white man walked in.

Previously, the living room of the suite was only Guan Ming, Okui, Zhou Wu, and Xiao Liu. Although Okui did not allow accompanying persons to come in, the door of the suite would certainly not be closed. As Okui, the president, his security is no less than Guan Ming. It was just that Okui wanted to show his 'sincerity'.

"This is Anthony, a member of the security advisory team, a trustworthy person. During your time in the United States, I need to ensure that you can't make a mistake, so he will be responsible for your safety during this time. If you want to go out, I hope you can cooperate with his actions, at least to allow us enough time to prepare in advance. "

"Hello, Mr. Tube." Anthony smiled slightly on his stiff face before converging and becoming serious.

"No problem." Guan Ming nodded hesitantly, because this situation was already expected by him and the giant.

Guan Ming will not doubt Anthony's personal level, and of course he will not doubt his loyalty to Guan Ming. This appearance alone makes Guan Ming a little unhappy.

The counterpart is about one meter eighty-nine, with a neat beard, a length of one centimeter, a very dense face, and a three-dimensional face, which can be described by 'knife'. At least it looks like a 'movie protagonist' Although wearing a suit, he can also sigh the other's broad mind.

People who are more handsome than me should really die, involuntarily, Guan Ming had such an idea.

"The society is getting better and better, is there any interest in returning to our market?" Okui looked at each other's eyes as if to see through something.

"It's best to get in, but I'm not good at business. All these things are responsible for Liu Mengmeng."

"Oh, Liu Mengmeng is the vice president of our company." Guan Ming added.

"It mainly depends on your wishes. Our country's market is very huge and everyone has a lot of disposable funds. If you can enter, I will provide some good treatment. I do n’t want to deal with people ’s parades and other things every day. I ’m fast. I have a headache. "Okui nodded at his temple, indicating that he was very distressed.

However, if there is gain, naturally there will be pay. Guan Ming naturally knows that the other party is coveting his own technology, but Guan Ming does not want to give even a scum.

"Well, I'll call my vice president to talk about this. I know that I donated a lot of money during the Sino-Indian war some time ago. After all, this war is also my sake." Guan Ming smiled No change, turning the topic to this Sino-Indian war.

"When I first heard about the amount of your donations, I was very surprised. I didn't expect that you had such great courage. The rise of each country cannot be separated from the efforts of countless ordinary people, but also patriotic businessmen like you. I remember that there were several such characters before the founding of the People's Republic of China. They were all very powerful people. "Okui couldn't help but also express emotion, because when the United States was founded, such characters also appeared.

"Ah, those ahs are people who have written into history and are worthy of being remembered." Several names circulated in his mind, and Guan Ming nodded in conviction, whether it was the red-top merchant that Baidu Encyclopedia could not change. The man standing next to Grandpa Mao, although all did the same thing as Guan Ming, but on a moral level, Guan Ming thinks that it is not good, even if Guan Ming has more content in history textbooks than these .

"Since you were attacked, I have been worried about your security, but fortunately you have nothing wrong, you know, your wisdom belongs to all human beings, and I always think that if you live to be a hundred years old ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Your achievements may be greater than Newton and Einstein. "

Looking at the black-faced man in front of him, touting himself, Guan Ming didn't know what to say for a while.

"Uh ... maybe, who knows the future?" Guan Ming said vaguely.

Okui wasn't sure if Guan Ming was perfunctory 'all humanity' or perfunctory 'achievement', maybe both, with a slight sigh in his heart.

"This is your first visit to the White House. What do you want to see ... stars? I remember that your company invites a bunch of stars to Shanghai every year."

"Maybe someone will ridicule and reject my President's invitation, but if it is you, I don't think most people will refuse." Okui laughed at himself.

Upon hearing Okui saying this, Guan Ming twitched.

This is very embarrassing. Those chicks are obviously Liu Mengmeng.

In those years, Liu Mengmeng was looking for a chance to sleep next to each other, and only a few sporadic Guan Minghuis went there in person, but it was also limited to the eyes and the inner yy. He didn't want to catch fire in his backyard.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is 100% assured of himself, his own father and mother are not assured!

However, since it was Okui who said this, Guan Ming must give some dignity. After thinking for a while, he said tentatively, "Little Britney Spears?"

For English singers, Guan Ming doesn't know much, and they can only say a few names when they are combined in two lifetimes. For example, mj, Britney Spears, and Justin Bieber with very short initials. The rest are only a few. The melody of the song is relatively clear.

As for speaking foreign language songs, Guan Ming's favorite cover song is very nice.

Wait, if I remember correctly, it seems that he is only one year older than Mu Xiaoxiao.

Thinking of this, Guan Ming suddenly had a bold idea.

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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