Private Technology

: 902 Measurement by all parties

"Well, please trouble you." Sigh, what else can Guan Ming say?

Said Xu Sanduo, who came to a camp, was a bodyguard? Don't be kidding, this is to cultivate a company Song Ji?

Tonight's reception dinner with the theme of "China-India Friendship", Guan Ming is not really good, after all, he is so handsome and handsome, Yushu is in the wind ...

But if you ca n’t go, do n’t go, Guan Ming is not bad for that bite. Anyway, Guan Ming did n’t just deliver the ingredients by air, even the cooks came by air.

This is a night without Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming decides to eat some light food and give the chicken a holiday.

Let ’s start with two braised pork trotters and add some collagen to make them look more supple.

Guan Ming, who was lying in the bathtub, flashed a few thoughts and set his own dinner.

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about. You don't have to worry about it. Watch TV during the day. Don't keep busy with your work. Your body is the most important thing."

The words of the giant reminded Guan Ming of his former stewardess, but unfortunately the former stewardess persuaded him not to go out to play ball and study honestly at home. It is enough to learn until 12 pm. Do n’t stay up late. The body is the most important ...

"Well, I don't have the mood to work today." I can feel the confidence of the giant in his safety, and Guan Ming is not good at asking anything about this kind of honey.

Do you have to confide in Guan Ming, what other giants say is stubborn, ask, is Guan Ming brave enough to ask? ?

"Okay, my grandpa and I have a good talk at night. I have something to do here, so I'll hang up first." Without waiting for Guan Ming to say anything, the giant quickly hung up the phone.

"Grandpa? This ..." Guan Ming shrank his head, and the bathroom was misty.

He called the little secretary, and the giant sat in a swivel chair thinking about whether to tell him about the genetics of the genetic control.

How to say, based on the succession generation of Guanming once in a hundred years of artificial insemination, the current inventory is not a problem for tens of thousands of years, so in the long run, the country is already invincible. .

But inheritance and play are two concepts.

Yao Ming's son's height may break through two meters in the future, but this does not mean that Yao Ming's son's basketball dream can reach Yao Ming's height, maybe people will not take the basketball road at all.

Similarly, if Guan Ming's direct descendants are ready to take the artistic path like Guan Mengxi, it will be very uncomfortable, as if God gave you a stick, but you are a mess.

The most important thing is that if this pressure is given to Guan Ming, the giants are very doubtful whether the goods will be more seduced, and the kind of spurs that break through the lower limit.

After thinking about it for a while, the giant decided to give a meeting to the internet giants when the dinner was returned to the hotel, and everyone discussed and discussed the matter.


"I think this is a good idea. Generally speaking, the defeated country will inevitably pay a price. The most direct manifestation is that those in power must be nailed to the stigma of history. I cannot accept that the confession will be reversed after more than ten years or decades. Maybe. "This is a member from South Korea, who spoke at the internal meeting of the Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration.

The objection he opposed was to an opinion put forward by the Japanese side.

Although Japan and South Korea are following the United States, the demands between the two are not exactly the same.

In history, Japan has also invaded South Korea. South Korea is also annoyed by the Japanese Prime Minister's worship of the Yasukuni Shrine.

In fact, India and India have long concluded between life and death, but everything does not exist in isolation.

If in this trial of India, the senior officials such as the Indian president who was put in prison are severely punished and an iron case is concluded, then the Japanese side will be a bit difficult, because a relative of a prime minister belongs to Escape punishment under lenient conditions.

"I do not deny that India is a defeated country, but in the Sino-Indian war, whether the Indian side really carried out a blatantly large-scale terrorist attack in China's territory has yet to be confirmed, and we must uphold a just and fair Attitude to deal with this matter, I do not want to mention this matter hundreds of years later, we will be laughed at. "Japanese members quibbled.

The so-called fairness and justness are more about the division and blundering of interests.

If China can meet the demands of all countries now, let alone the court has set up an iron case, even if India is fully occupied, all countries will not object, but the interests are not enough.

In the limited effort, everyone hopes to get a good value for money, so everyone sat together and started talking, which is known as fairness and justice.

"Fairness and fairness are the most fundamental principles of this arbitration, but I hope you also pay careful attention to the attitude between the two countries. Whether it is China or India, there is no doubt about the cause and result of this war, so I do n’t think Minutes go to waste more time, you know, our long delay here means that we have no respect for China and India. "The US representative interrupted this is about to enter an endless discussion ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ The Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration is an international arbitration court. It will only be involved in the investigation, arbitration and mediation of a dispute under the joint request of the parties to the dispute. The US representative directly blocked the possibility of 'investigation' and let everyone Work **** 'arbitration'.

Relatively speaking, arbitration courts are not very suitable for war criminal sentencing, but international tribunals are civil judicial adjudication bodies between sovereign governments and they are also not suitable.

India needs to end the war quickly, quickly gather the land, and the soldiers and civilians captured by the Chinese side. It needs to let the previous government take the blame, and it must be particularly reliable.

China also needs to end the war quickly, because China needs to build up its strength and prepare for the next wave of war. If the Sino-Indian war is not handled properly, once a new war breaks out, it means that a new war may emerge It may happen that cooked ducks can really fly.

Therefore, at the suggestion of the Chinese side, the Indian side also went to the arbitration court to file an arbitration, but the two countries did not have any objections to the cause, process and result of the war.

At present, there is only one thing that is lacking, that is, the kind of conclusion that is accepted by the whole world.

"I don't mean to delay time. I just think that the defeated party will bear all the mistakes and may save time, but it will likely cause unnecessary trouble. Of course, if I vote, I don't mind that I have to deal with it strictly this time. After all, no perfect reason can hide the cruel reality of war. "Feeling the burning eyes of US members, the Japanese representative resolutely counseled.

We can feel the resoluteness of the United States, and at the same time, considering the strength of China's military and economic forces, all the member states present have remained silent.

Without sufficient interests and threats, all countries in the world will not offend both the East and the West. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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