Private Technology

: 905 2 turns within reach

Until Guan Ming got into the bed and slept, he hadn't recovered.

Since rebirth, he has always felt that his biggest cheat is ‘seeing technology’, and the plan of life is nothing more than a transfer to a scientist, and he will eat and die all his life.

But now suddenly someone told him: Brother dei, your physical fitness is great, come and join me as an adult Teddy. The title of "Send a Child" is super dazzling!

"Shakespeare said: It's a problem to be born or not ..." muttered, Guan Ming lying in the bed comfortably.

After arguing, Mu Xiaoxiao is willing to give birth, at least Guan Ming has no pressure at all!

Going up, most of the next giants will only have a doll, and they are all girls, strictly abide by the family planning plan of the year.

Let's look at the teacher in the movie industry. Some children can't have a surname with the teacher. Just scolding?

Guan Ming thinks that with his net worth, he will have one or two more cubs, and the public opinion will be very dim. After all, Guan Ming can afford to feed and can support his life.

But if you have a full gourd baby or a football team, Guan Ming feels that he is not far from being sprayed.

I have such an advantage in my body. Even if my elf is punched with a hole to kill someone, I will understand Guan Ming.

Guan Ming felt that he should make a brand in advance and hang it on the bedroom at any time, and it would be engraved with ‘Scientist Training Camp’ or ‘Birthplace for Talents’.

"Today is really a good day, sleep to sleep ~" Scratching his buttocks, Guan Ming reached out and turned off the bedside lamp, and officially fell asleep.

At the other end of the globe, Mu Xiaoxiao took Guan Mengxi back to the house after eating, leaving Guan Mengyu to deal with the four elderly people.

"Your mother is an imp, don't be sad, Xiaoyu, we will accompany you." Holding her little fat face in affectionately, she cares for her, and fears that her second granddaughter is in a bad mood.

It is best to have two twins with different personalities at home. One is quiet, the other is naughty, the other is rational and the other is off. Just like the girl group, the **** and thighs are long and the **** are small. A cute little one, there is always one that can get you.

Unfortunately, her mother is a little mentally retarded.

I wish my grandson was a smart egg.

At this moment, the mother was worried.

"Grandma, I'm not sad. On the contrary, I'm very happy. Every time I see my mother and sister do this, oh no, I'm so busy, I will be very happy." A pit.

Can't forget, can't forget ~

Accompanying the magical bgm, Guan Mengyu remembered that grinning goblin, holding his head and weeping, and even shook his nose and tears on his face!

If it weren't for her grandma's taking the younger sister away, or for her own mother's suppression, she would never survive it!

"Hum, wait, look back and see how I cleaned up the two of them, so I can give you gas!" Nodding Meng Yu's little nose, Mu Mom made a wish.

Upstairs, the women are fighting.

"The United Nations was founded in 1945. At that time, the United States was strong, so the United Nations headquarters was established in New York. It is regrettable now." The car shuttled on the highway, the giant said with regret.

It takes time for a country to be strong. The giants are extremely convinced that the country will definitely surpass the United States in the future, but they were too far behind and their bases were too bad.

The difficulty in catching up is not to slow down your opponents, but to make yourself grow faster than your opponents, which is also the wish of each generation of giants.

"Okay, no matter how strong, really strong is really strong." Guan Ming jet lag has not completely reversed, and now a little bit weak.

"Yes, you can be strong." After repeating Guan Ming's words, the giant looked at Guan Ming and said, "Today's spirit, when the agreement is signed in the afternoon, it will be recorded by all parties. You are also an important person in our country. It is estimated that new content will be added to the history textbook next year. "

"The modern war between China and India was based on the attack of Guan Ming in Daocheng, and the country wiped out the Indian side for a month. Finally, at the United Nations Headquarters, witnessed the surrender of the Indian side at Guan Ming, drawing a perfect end to the Sino-Indian war. . "The giant's face with a playful smile, self-evident.

"Hey, I'm prepared. I could get up early this morning to make up." Guan Ming didn't care about the ridicule of the giants. Guan Ming was like the protagonist of the movie.

The makeup of the four major sorcerers in Asia absolutely belongs to the non-moving knife and no surgery, and it quickly becomes handsome.

Guan Ming doesn't have much research on makeup, but he really did make up and Guan Ming was really forced by himself.

When Guan Ming saw the final result of makeup, the first reaction was: I rub it. There are so handsome beautiful men in the world, and it is indeed a strange thing born of the essence of billions of years in the universe!

"Haha, it's much more handsome than before." The giant is in a good mood ~ ~ and also follows Guan Ming's words.

Today's giants are very happy, because the surrender of the Indian side not only represents the determination of the disputed boundary between China and India, but also indicates that the influence of a certain lama has been weakened infinitely.

Judging from the international situation, China's battle was not only bloody, but also imposing. At the same time that the right to speak has increased, the layout of Africa has also been established, and even the voices of neighbouring countries have been much lower.

Looking at China, except for polar bears and India, the territories of other countries are not large. Based on the Sino-Indian War, if China really dares any country, it can be completely eliminated in less than a month.

Even because of deep relations, several countries are completely within the range of Chinese artillery!

The car quickly went to the door of the United Nations Headquarters building. At the door, the team was met by the then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Regarding this, Guan Ming has some impressions, not only the nationality issue, but also the messy reasons. In short, Guan Ming failed his initial impression.

A bunch of people taking photos and videos next to him, Guan Ming's face was serious, and he followed him like a giant pony.

Smecta, one meter or something, Guan Ming is proficient in Korean, so he can understand what this is saying.

"Hello." After the translator translated the secretary general's words into Chinese, Guan Ming also shook hands and responded in Chinese.

No one specifically talks about etiquette with Guan Ming, but Guan Ming feels that since he came out with the giants, it means more political meaning. Speaking mother tongue is a good habit. Anyway, translators rely on this to eat, not to use nothing.

Today's schedule is fixed and time is relatively tight. The Secretary-General does not have much time to manage Guan Ming and arrange his deputy to take care of Guan Ming. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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