Private Technology

: 908 The Show that Crosses the Earth

The nature of this kind of international conference is also a conference such as war surrender. In fact, it attracts a lot of people. Guan Ming looks like a ghost.

However, this 'drill' also only describes Guan Ming's mentality. From the appearance, Guan Ming belongs to 'elegant elegant', with various faces exploring the grass.

"General Manager, Hello, I am a CCTV reporter. As one of the participants in this conference, what do you want to say now?" CCTV reporter captured Guan Ming in the corner, although he did not poke Guan Ming In the nose, but also 'niche'.

"... Looking at these foreigners, it's better to stay at home and look at your daughter-in-law", tilting her head and glancing up and down to glance at the female reporter, and it took only 0.1 seconds to remove her eyes from the hip skirt, and then pull the calf seriously.

No way, seeing the length of this skirt, Guan Ming immediately thought of his own wife, he still remembers the tight hip skirt that is too tight to even walk.

However, Guan Ming said this just to express the boredom of the meeting and his boredom. Guan Ming did not mind being a visitor, but first of all, the content must be able to get to Guan Ming.

Otherwise, do you think Mu Xiaoxiao alone can pull Guan Ming to watch a small movie together?

Just kidding, cut out Guan Ming, the outside is black, and the inside is black!

"Cough ~" Covering her mouth with her mouth and nose covered, the female reporter almost smiled as her chest fell out.

"General Manager, CCTV is now broadcasting live on the entire platform. If your wife is watching the program now, I think she will be very happy." The female reporter responded quickly, although she smiled like a peach blossom, but also reminded euphemistically. Guan Ming pays attention to the image.

"... You should say it earlier, it should be more than 3 am in China now, so let's rest early, everything is going well here, don't worry about it." Guan Ming waved at the camera, Guan Ming said.

Through electronic glasses, Guan Ming discovered in time that Zhongnanhai, except the two at home, was sitting in the living room to watch the live broadcast. However, in the tea cup on the coffee table, the strong tea appeared tan, which could be seen from the color. The taste is very heavy.

"Well, I would like to thank Guan Guan for the attention of the audience in front of the TV. I went back to the topic just now and witnessed the surrender book submitted by India. What do you want to say now?" The female reporter did not dare to let it go Guan Ming was free to play, and toughened the building right.

"The rise and fall of the country, the glory and disgrace of the country." Guan Ming just vented a little pressure just now, and then he got serious.

"Open your eyes and look at the world. This world is not a peaceful world, but we are fortunate to live in a peaceful country. The strength of a country requires everyone's efforts. In turn, everyone is protected by a powerful country."

"A country has a home, and every family becomes a country. I hope that everyone will work hard to contribute to their own small family, to their own people, and to contribute their own strength. At least when we travel abroad, those foreigners He won't point at our noses to say some bad words. "Guan Ming did not say implicitly, because he is not a public official, he can represent himself, and he also knows how many people are watching TV and watching the Internet.

The three words "positive energy" are somewhat broad. Guan Ming feels that the so-called positive energy is to do what he should do without violating national laws and folk customs.

For example, you are not late for work, you must do your work well, you must play well with your assistants, you do n’t have to play first-class missions, you have to panic.

Not everyone can do earthshaking things, and the country does not need everyone to be earthshaking.

If you want to work in the office as a white-collar worker, you must first have a migrant worker build an office. If everyone is a white-collar worker, who will protect the country and the people with a gun!

"You ... make a lot of sense, so do you have any plans for the future?" The female reporter almost didn't answer. You must know that this is a CCTV special program or a live broadcast. It's too straightforward. Right ...

It's a pity that in the headset, the leader let her continue. This is so uncomfortable.

"I haven't planned anything yet. My wife is pregnant. The main task during this time is to accompany her. After the child is born, there will be a delay. In other words ... I may study some more innovative technologies." The expression seemed as wonderful as the change of Sichuan Province master's face, Guan Ming turned a corner, and finally finished the finishing touch.

No problem!

Really fine!

What Mu Xiaoxiao is about to give birth to is the first son of the couple. In China, the son is the heir to the line and inherits the DNA of the heirloom. Even if it is Guan Ming, there is no way to avoid this mentality.

Especially when I learned that this little point had a great chance to inherit Guan Ming's excellent IQ and the optimized body genes of the young couple, this made Guan Ming very concerned.

Guan Ming may be able to treat his sons and girls equally, but he will definitely compete in distribution, after all, he has two girls.

In terms of concern, this son may be treated like Guan Mengxi. In terms of teaching, he may be a bit higher than Guan Mengyu. After all, Guan Mengyu belongs to self-study, and Guan Ming is just a name.

Probably, in the heart of Guan Ming, there is still the shadow of the fat boy in his last life.

Mu Xiaoxiao in this life is superimposed by Guan Ming's love of two lives. The son of this life may also be superimposed with double expectations.

On the other side of the globe, Guan Ming ’s statement ‘not in line with national conditions’ was shown to everyone without delay.

"Fuck, I almost believed in his former righteousness, Ran Ran. I didn't expect him to be such a double-marked Xiao Ming!"

"It's so good! I'm so envious of Mu Xiaoxiao. If you have such a husband, you will probably be peeped / laughed when you go to the toilet."

"I always feel that the phrase" innovative technology "that Guan Ming said before is very questionable. Will I get an automatic milking device ~ ~ and then automatically add sugar, condense, and cut into pieces to make cheese ? "

"Shente cheese, after the cold, you try the taste. If you are unhappy, you can taste it overnight, it will kill you!"

Various barrage spit out, after signal conversion, whether it is AR / VR, holographic projection or electronic glasses, you can watch live broadcast without any hindrance, the effect is very good.

But everyone is just talking about it, because everyone knows that China's victory in the Sino-Indian War is normal, but none of China has died, then it is abnormal.

By contrast, all abnormalities can be classified to Guan Ming, and he also has this qualification.

"Be content to be a man. Xiaoming is a person who does big things. You can't delay things because of you, otherwise you will be scolded, you know." He patted his pro-girlfriend's slightly fat thighs, Mu Mu taught diligently.

"I know I look as pretty as a goblin, but I definitely won't delay his work!" Mu Xiaoxiao, who was lethargic, replied with a smile, and then held Guan's arm, very Relying on the past, she watched Guan Ming on the TV with great interest.

"You, it's not just the pretty goblin, it's the grinding goblin!" Guan Ma smiled with pleats all over her face.

"Thank you mom!" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao pushed up hard, his face sullen, just like the powerful Husky.

"It's just that this little demon's IQ is not enough, and she can be stupid every day!" Seeing that her daughter-in-law is better than her own mother, Mu's heart is a little bit sour.

Since the beginning of Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ, Mu's mom has not enjoyed it!

It ’s understandable that I have been holding a small flower for 20 years, and I have been taken away by the son-in-law, even the flowerpot, but this particular one is a sunflower. Since I opened the flower, I have not seen the face! !!

Really want to burn a fire, replant a flower in the ashes!

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