Private Technology

: 915 Three-dimensional layout

Everyone's choice is relative, there is no good or bad in the strict sense, and so is Meng Liting.

Meng Liting was ready to eat a lifetime of hard food at the time of the confession, so don't talk about boyfriends and children.

Probably it was the most touching when someone was rescued when the heart was dead.

Liu Mengmeng, who is good at picking up girls, modified the tactics according to the goals and successfully won Meng Liting. Even Meng Liting's home, Liu Mengmeng has been leveled.

In this great and sacred cause of picking up girls, Liu Mengmeng beat his boss.

"The boss will be back in a little while." Meng Liting asked, with her head resting on the shoulder of her 'little boyfriend'.

"It should be almost. I talked with the boss some time ago, so it will be a month." Although both of them have a human brain chip installed, if everything is communicated through the human brain chip, it is usually too monotonous. .

Something that is not important, the two are more used to communicating in language.

"It's good to come back. Now I don't know how to deal with many of the documents on hand." I was probably thirsty. I bent down and took out two cups of water under the coffee table.

Shun Shun slid down from the waist, Liu Mengmeng's expression was slightly wretched.

"Don't make trouble, you're about to go to work." Sitting on the buttocks, she put the little hand directly under the buttocks, and Meng Liting turned her head and gave her a white look.

"Oh, broken, broken ~" Liu Mengmeng groaned for a while, but her hands were still scratching and scratching, her hands were fleshy, and her expression showed that she was so cool now that she didn't want to, it was very wretched.

Blushing, she took a photo of Liu Mengmeng with shame, and then got up and went upstairs to change clothes and go to work.

Meng Liting, who has been reborn, is enthusiastic about her work because of her affection for Guan Ming and her yearning for an unknown future.

In a hotel not far from the White House, Guan Ming slept until dawn, got up and put on a beach pants, and shirtless out of the bedroom.

In the living room, Zhou Wu and Xiao Liu were neatly dressed in the sofa.

They are not the same at home and abroad. They are personally protected.

"Good morning." He yawned, scratching Acup by the way.

"Early, do you have breakfast now?" Seeing the boss coming out, Zhou Wu greeted with a smile.

Although he is older than Guan Ming, Zhou Wu's living habits are much stronger than Guan Ming. From the perspective of living habits, Zhou Wu is more like a young man.

"Eat, are you all done?" I was about to go to the bathroom to wash it. Upon hearing this, Guan Ming stepped forward and was going to go to the kitchen.

"It's all done." After seeing Guan Ming's pause, Zhou Wu also decisively went to the kitchen to prepare meals and dishes, and Xiao Liu also went to the kitchen with him at this time.

"Is there anything important today? What arrangements are there for the giants?" Xiaokou drank Xiaomi porridge, which may be just because he just got up, and Guan Ming had a bad appetite.

"There is no important schedule today, except for the plane at night, there is no plan for the giants. The daytime schedule can always be arranged by himself." Xiao Liu took the knife and fork and cut his breakfast very westernly.

"What kind of breakfast is this? It looks very interesting." Guan Ming looked curious as he looked at the sliced ​​meat and the bursting inside.

Rich in this life, Guan Ming has eaten all the delicious things in the world. At the same time, he also likes to eat delicious things, but like this thing on Xiao Liu's plate, Guan Ming really hasn't eaten it.

"I put a slice of cheese in the middle of the two slices of bread and wrapped it around with bacon. Then I fried the bacon in the pan. The exact name is unclear. It was taught by a colleague based in the United States. "Frankly told Guan Ming of all the processes, anyway, it is not a trade secret.

"Should add some black pepper, salt, etc." Guan Ming commented.

"Looking at the mood, but my taste is a bit lighter, so I didn't add it, mainly because I am used to eating meat at each meal." Xiao Liu said.

"Boss, you have started to study these ~" Zhou Wu looked at Guan Ming and sighed.

Obviously, Zhou Wu thought that Guan Ming was going to write down after discovering the food and turned back to make food for Mu Xiaoxiao.

"... Study occasionally." Guan Ming rolled his eyes.

For Mu Xiaoxiao?

What a joke!

Guan Ming just asked for it, and then went back to show it, anyway, a fool at home!

"Is President Guan going out today? If I go out, I need to arrange the vehicle in advance, and at the same time notify the US side that they will be responsible for external security. There are people inside and outside, so even if President Guan goes out there will be no hidden dangers." Then he looked up and asked.

"It doesn't make much sense to go out. Continue to stay home today." Pushed the electronic glasses, a simplified 2D map of Washington State appeared, with more than 300 little red dots on it.

With the giant and Guan Ming as the center, the red dots spread outward from dense to sparse.

Each red dot represents a human brain chip, which includes human users and animal users.

Giants as Chu Jun, safety is the top priority, Guan Ming is an important folk figure, and safety is also the first. Since the giants made a trip to the United States, all human brain chip users in the United States have moved to do early Security troubleshooting.

Maybe the artificial chip user who is 5 meters away is an Asian who sells Mexican rolls, the artificial chip user who is 8 meters away is an Asian who is traveling / study in the United States, and even the artificial chip user who is 10 meters away may be a punch A poodle dog spoiled by children.

As one of the top executives responsible for security this time, Xiao Liu was fortunate to be one of the few who could monitor all current artificial chip users in Washington state.

He was shocked by this three-dimensional dark web.

It is exactly this way that he can be sure of the safety of this trip.

"By the way, about an hour ago, Anthony told us that Britney invited you to the Einstein Memorial and Museum today." Zhou Wu remembered something, and said suddenly.

"Einstein Monument and Museum? Why did you go to this kind of place?" Guan Mingpai double-clicked the small bowl in front of her ~ ~ and picked out a piece of diced beef from it and ate it.

"Perhaps she thought these places would suit your identity." Zhou Wu laughed.

Perhaps the outside world defines Guan Ming as a master of science, and at the same time loves all those who are related to scientific things, but Zhou Wu knows that this understanding is wrong and is overly beautifying Guan Ming.

Guan Ming is usually too lazy to die, and he is too lazy to even receive important national awards for science and technology, let alone to pay homage to the monument of a deceased scientist.

Regarding the Internet rumor that Guan Ming spent four years in the university library during school, Zhou Wu was deeply skeptical. He believed that it was the school's purpose to set an example and to add a 'fantasy' color to Guan Ming.

It's a pity that Guan Ming's laziness does not mean that he was lazy.

At that time, Guan Ming was struggling, so he was very diligent.

"Forget it, you push it for me, Britney is not as good-looking as Taylor Swift." Guan Ming spit out.

Guan Ming was boring when he fell asleep last night, so I checked the current American female singer who is more popular. From the point of view of the beauty, this is obviously younger, although this always likes to write his ex in the song for all Fans remember her predecessors forever.

"At least Taylor is one year younger than Xiaoxiao, and Britney is one year older than me." Instinctively, Guan Ming continued to speak.

"Boss, you have to hold on. The boss and the lady are very nice. I don't want to see fluctuations in your relationship." Crying and laughing, Zhou Wu could only offer a gentle exhortation.

Everyone has been together for so many years, and at the same time the job is obviously very stable. If possible, Zhou Wu hopes that Guan Ming and his wife will be safe for life.

"Be careful, I'll tell your wife-in-law and say you're looking for hotel customer service!" Fang his teeth, and Guan Ming threatened him.

Zhou Wu laughed with a funny face.

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