Private Technology

: 930 Milk Fiend and Milk Meng

Guanming heard of "theboys". It is said that this album is still the song, which is mainly used for the US bulletin board. It seems that it also invited American producers to create it.

Guan Ming is not sure if someone in the other parallel world will be killed by some passengers. However, one generation persuaded Guan Ming that the white socks and black skirt could allow Guan Ming to eat two more loins!

The beginning should be vocal harmony, I feel very good, sitting on the edge of the bed, Guan Ming watched the mother and daughter dancing.

Although Guan Mengxi once expressed that she wanted to be lazy and didn't want to practice after lunch, it was time for her expression to be very serious. She kept her mouth open and wore the same clothes as her mother, but her skirt was safe and reliable.

Twisting the cylindrical body, it looks very cute and funny, coupled with her extremely serious little face, there is always a contrast cute.

As for Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming looked at the enchanting dance and felt that although he was a big belly woman, his style was undiminished and his beauty remained.

The fluttering skirts, twisting body, drew Guan Ming's heartstrings all the time.

Because of pregnancy, she was fattened all over, her abs disappeared, and replaced with a plump feeling, especially the knee thighs holding her thighs, and the slightly overflowing meat in that circle reminded Guan Ming of the animation Dragon servant's short legs, even if Mu Xiaoxiao is a long-legged urban special force.

"Okay!" The music is over. Guan Ming, like the combination of Uncle Benshan and the seal, looks more than just stupid.

"Hey ~ It can be better, it's still not enough time for practice. Why do you come back so early today?" There was a complaint in his mouth, maybe he felt uncomfortable. .

It's a pity that such a gentle movement won't make Guan Ming have any pain at all, but it's such a coquettish feeling, and almost gave Guan Ming a breakdown.

Holding his wrist lightly, he exclaimed. Unprepared Mu Xiaoxiao was stopped by Guan Ming and hugged his waist.

Picking up her chin, she was close enough to feel the heat from the other's nose, and Guan Ming looked at the other with a smile on her face.

After the initial turmoil, Mu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Ming a grumpy look, but she noticed that Guan Ming's face was obviously full, and she was not moved at all.

Maybe it suddenly changed from hustle and bustle to silence, and the atmosphere became ambiguous. On the rosy face because of dancing, with a little sweetness and shyness, he slightly moved his head, pouted, and said fiercely: "Look!"

There was a feeling of fierceness, Guan Ming tilted his head forward slightly, and said with a smile: "Look at the little fairy, who dare to ask who the surname is, and where is the fairyland? My family has thousands of hectares of land and millions of money. Is n’t it beautiful to share the prosperity of the Qin and Jin Dynasties? "

It doesn't matter whether it is appropriate or not, anyway, Guan Ming is a professional husband and not a professional language teacher. It doesn't matter, the meaning is all right.

"Hahaha, are you" The Legend of Fairy Sword "or" Returning to Zhugege ", are you still a little fairy? The daughter is still there!" Inexplicably, she got a smile from Mu Xiaoxiao. In the arms of Guan Ming, the whole person rotates a circle and the skirt is flying. Although the effect is definitely not as long as the long skirt is more 'immortal', but it still raises eyes and laughs.

"You guys, when I don't exist anymore, I won't peek, grandma said, my eyes will break when I see things I shouldn't see, I won't peek!" Meng Mengda's voice from the desk It came, Guan Ming looked over there and almost didn't smile.

Xiao Biao covered his eyes with both hands, but the fingers were quilted, let alone the eyes, not even covering the eyebrows!

My little idiot, do you want to break your eyes?

This open-talking skill is definitely not inherited from me!

Guan Ming glanced at the large idiot and made such a positive judgment in his heart.

"Well? Did your grandma say this to you?" Mu Xiaoxiao was clearly attracted by Xiao Bu's words, and his voice was full of surprise.

"Yes!" Nodded heavily, then Guan Mengxi put her hand down, raised her chest, and said proudly, "Grandma told me and my sister that once the father and mother are stuck together, they must not look, otherwise the eyes will broken!"

Where did you say pride when you said that?

Guan Ming's eyes twitched, because he found that his eldest daughter seemed to have the habit of "inexplicable pride". How could this be broken?

"How can grandma ..." Crouching in front of Guan Mengxi, Mu Xiaoxiao looked back at Guan Ming, and didn't know what to say. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao's grandmother was Guan Ming's mother-in-law. Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth was a little bit open, especially between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"It's okay to say it, especially the 'sticky' character, it's the essence! It's in place!" Guan Ming nodded his arms and expressed his support for his mother-in-law.

Maybe it ’s because of the family environment. Guan Ming hates the kind of weaned child and sleeps with his parents in bed. It may also be that Guan Dad was a small official ape and had a bad relationship with Grandpa Guan at the same time. When he was managing the memo, he already had his own bedroom, and the special forces were in the city.

"Go ~ How can you teach your children this way! You hate it!" Sweet voice ~ ~ Even Bai Baiming's actions are still very charming.

Although she turned her back on her own mother, Guan Mengxi silently covered her eyes with her hands. In the same way, her fingers didn't just leak her eyes, she didn't cover her eyebrows at all!

Seeing that small round eyes were staring at himself intently, Guan Ming was amused by this cute little nod.

The brain full of wisdom occupied the brain again. Mu Xiaoxiao noticed it in just one second, and then turned to see that her own daughter was actually doing this again, and she laughed angrily.

"Okay, change your clothes, and then your mother will accompany you to watch the cartoon!" Picked up his little hands like glasses, Mu Xiaoxiao pinched the fat little face, holding the other's leg with one hand , Easily picked up this half-bag of rice-heavy little guy.

"Okay, okay, I want to see ..." Oda Shinahiro's Ambition! "Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's neck, Guan Mengxi thought for a while, and said that he liked Xinfan very much.

"Okay, I think about it. The Maeda Inu Chiyo is so cute inside. How about turning your mother to make her outfit for you?" Mu Xiaoxiao said, holding Guan Mengxi out of the bedroom.

"Okay, okay." The voice was cheerful, presumably, Guan Mengxi also loved this character, but judging from her age, presumably she was just an appearance party.

"I think about it, that mother is a handsome man-dressed girl Asai Nagamasa, and her younger sister is ... the second girl Date Masamune is fine."

"Wow, wow, the second sister is super cute too! Of course, my mother and I are super cute too!"

Listening to the conversation that was going away, Guan Mingyang was lying on the bed with a smile on his face.

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