Private Technology

: 947 protector

His daughter-in-law is lacking in mind, but as the father-in-law of the other party, the father can only do his own attention.

Can things like steps stand in a mid-length dress?

"Oh, Xiao Xi, let's look at other places ~" Teacher Mu did not think about it with a camera, and started to voice-control his girlfriend, while Guan Ming watched Xiaobu's performance with interest.

It's funny, there is a feeling of developing a game, but Guan Ming raises not only his wife but also his daughter.

It may be that you are familiar with the environment here, so do n’t worry about the short legs, but turn up quickly. From the deck to the terrace to the transparent room at the bottom of the ship, Barabara kept talking after the little guy entered the state.

"Grandpa, they're fishing, so the light can't be too bright." Stomp his feet, tube Meng Xi adjust the light intensity in the room, then look back and ask: "Mom, will it be dark?"

"No, it's just right." Mu Xiaoxiao gave a thumbs up and then continued to look at the villain in the camera.

"There are several rooms below the boat, such as bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, etc., but I don't think it's interesting to live here. If you look below, will you feel very scary, dark." Squatting on the ground, tube Meng Xi poke his finger on the transparent hull. Through this hull, you can see the dark and dark, dark to the bottom of the sea as if it had no border.

If someone from a deep sea phobia comes over, it is estimated that they can scare urine in minutes.

Strange to say, although Guan Ming is afraid of heights, he may swim because he feels awkward in this environment, but he is not as helpless as he is on the glass bridge or roller coaster.

"Oh? I thought Xiao Xi would find it interesting, wouldn't you be afraid?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"It's okay, I believe God will protect me ~" Crouched on the ground and looked up, Guan Mengxi smiled.

"Haha, yeah, dad is our protector ~" He laughed and sat down on the ground. Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and gave Guan Ming a shot, although it would be mosaic in the end.

"Although I will be very happy for you to say that, but get up first, there is no carpet, don't freeze it." Considering watching the sea floor, so there is no carpet on the bottom of the boat. It will be miserable for several more days.

"Yes, yes, Lord Protector ~" Smiling and reaching out, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were bright, looking at Guan Ming expectantly.

According to the normal routine, what a princess would hold at this time is absolutely in line with the development of the plot, but do n’t care about Mingming, but he does n’t have special training in arm strength, and Mu Xiaoxiao is still a big belly. ...

"What a big person, the kids will make a joke!" She smiled and shook her head, Guan Ming dragged her up, finally holding her fat waist, for fear she would sit on the ground again.

"Cut ~" poked his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao slapped off Guan Ming's hand, and continued to shoot videos with his girlfriend.

After that, Guan Mengxi danced a dance here, which was the closing project of the whole video.

"Wow, grandpa is great, younger sister, there is eel rice and salmon sushi ~" Looking at the food on the table, Guan Mengxi's eyes glowed green, and Guan Mengyu was also happy.

The little sisters like this "natural" food very much. Guan Ming feels that this is because they have not had a more luxurious lunch, such as a KFC luxury lunch.

"Oh, that is, today your grandpa and I caught a tuna and a few eels, but unfortunately you were not present at the time, or you would definitely see a lively fish ~" Touching his own double chin, his father smiled All pleats.

It ’s as if it ’s true. It ’s obviously the ingredients that people in the company brought over. Okay, and why is there no squid I like ~

Guan Ming's thoughts were broken in his heart, but the other party was his own father, and Guan Ming had no immediate thoughts.

"Don't you like raw salmon? Or try my cooked salmon?" Feeling that Guan Ming didn't move his chopsticks, Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at Guan Ming, then lowered his head and made a customized meal for himself, then decided Share Guan Ming a piece of cooked salmon.

Salmon is a typical low-calorie, high-protein food. At the same time, the fat part of salmon is rich in DHA. These are essential elements throughout the entire pregnant woman's life. As a second-time pregnant woman, Xiaoxiao Mu, even if she does not like to eat this She also swallowed drooling food when she was not very seasoned.

"Salmoned with salt and boiled salmon, I might as well eat eel rice, although I'm not very accustomed to this kind of thing." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming won't grab food from his wife-in-law. I can't make it through a single level.

"This is Bai Zhuo, Bai Zhuo!" Mu Xiaoxiao glared at Guan Ming, emphasizing the cooking method of the salmon.

"Yes, Bai Zhuo ~" Guan Mingzha pulled the piece of eel that was very pale in color, but in his mind, he thought of a certain part of Guan Ming looking at this idiot some time ago.

Eel rice is one layer of eel and one layer of rice, which is operated by Shuangxing himself. It may be at the request of the little sister. This thing seems to have been grilled with carbon, but it is sprinkled with a little salt. In terms of taste, Guan Ming feels this Nothing compares to braised meat, spicy fried clams, dumplings, and even street barbecues.

But when he saw that his two daughters couldn't bother to talk, Guan Ming was also full of heart. When he was young, he couldn't help thinking that when his father and mother picked up all the meat in the stir-fry, he was old. The two faces also had a reassuring smile ~ ~ Unfortunately, Guan Ming was just like the twins now, and there was not much feedback on the care of the elders.

It is right for children to enjoy this care without conception, and it is right for parents to give all their love.

"Boss, there are still some ingredients in the kitchen, do you need to make more?" After hearing from Guan Ming, Shuangxing also felt Guan Ming's dissatisfaction with this meal, so he asked aside.

"No, you are doing well, and I am not very hungry." Turning his head, looking at the big robot, Guan Ming said.

A big smile appeared on the screen of the robot's slick head.

"Double Star, you are doing well ~" Looking up, there is a rice grain hanging in the corner of the mouth, and Guan Mengxi repeats Guan Ming's words seriously.

"Thank you, Miss, do you still want to eat? There are still a lot of eels today." The body is fixed, so you can't do a bending movement, but a silver-haired old man steward who is bending down and bowing appears on the display. It looks like a very cartoon image. Maybe, this is how the Double Star positions itself.

One watched the little boys grow up while serving and taking care of the existence of this family.

"Wow, wow, I want eels, more eels! By the way, my sister!" The probe looked at his sister's wrists and said little.

"Good young lady, please wait a moment." After speaking, the robot stepped back slowly.

PS: 2000 words is the minimum limit for posting (system requirements). My side is the 2000 text. At the same time, the number of PS words is controlled to ensure that no extra costs are incurred.

The health insurance card is also deducted proportionally, and I have 4 teeth on my side ...

Suddenly today I saw 'Nuclear University'. Students in the college entrance examination, you have another choice.

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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