Private Technology

: 949 This is a very VIP operation

"Whether resources are wasted, we must first determine whether the total amount of resources is sufficient. Under the premise that there are sufficient resources, a little waste is worthwhile." The boss did not elaborate on this one, but Guan Ming nodded suddenly.

The perspective is different, so naturally there are different answers to the same question.

A large amount of helium 3 is stored on the moon. Because the moon has no atmosphere and no obvious tectonic movement, a large amount of mineral materials are left on the surface of the moon after the asteroid strikes the moon. The initial lunar mining will mainly be collecting surface mineral materials.

The subsequent sequence is on the moon, preprocessing these mineral materials, and then packing a large number of preprocessed minerals into a rocket, and the rocket flies back to earth, and then the earth transports the processed nuclear fuel to the moon through the rocket. To ensure the normal activities of the equipment on the moon, this is an overall process.

Guan Ming clearly realized that with the power of the country, the early stage work can fully withstand the consumption. Even in the early stage, the rocket needed to run a few more round trips. The rocket is not a problem, and it is nothing more than a smaller income.

Then the answer is obvious. Since you can withstand the pressure, you don't need to wait for the output of an unknown product. Now you can use a semi-finished product to facilitate the work. The fault tolerance rate is absolutely no problem. It is a kind of using resources for time. This is a game for VIP players.

"Well, just be happy." Guan Ming shrugged.

Walk through the spacious laboratory and finally arrive in front of a metal facade.

No need to speak clearly, the metal door was opened.

I came to Guanming today. The boss didn't bring any scientific research staff. Although it is clear that Guan Ming may be too afraid to refuse to communicate with the boss, the boss will not easily do something that misleads Guan Ming. To this end, the big brother also deliberately looked at this information.

"This big guy can move this time?" Almost instantly, the big brother saw the device like an alien flying saucer in the center of the room.

But this is just godlike. Perhaps in the future, Guan Ming can really study the flying saucer in film and television works. At least the big guy thinks this should not be unforeseen.

"No problem, as long as the materials pass, the problem will not be too big." I did not tell the boss about the failure of the experiment, because it was not a problem for Guan Ming.

"Okay, that's it. I'll arrange for someone to move this when I go back. You, you can work harder, and then you can put together another one. If you have any needs, just ask me directly." He didn't let Guan Ming repeat the experiment, because he couldn't understand it. He patted Guan Ming's shoulder and encouraged.

"So fast?" Guan Ming was startled.

"I remember just telling you the data last time, and I'm not sure if this thing can be used on the moon. One more thing, this shape will always be modified."

Afraid of misunderstanding, Guan Ming quickly said, "There is no other idea, but in actual application, the take-off and landing platform is more important, so even if it is used hurriedly, I always embed a remote control that can always correct the device. Lifting and landing racks ... just like aircraft landing gear. "

It does not matter if the equipment takes off and landes directly in the laboratory. Whether it is air dust or ground level, these are controllable, but it is not guaranteed on the moon.

There is no air on the moon, but this does not mean that there is no dust, and that things like horizontal planes, landing gears, etc. are plain, and they are also things that extend the life of the equipment and are easy to use.

"According to the progress of your scientific research, the airlift mission for the next month has been modified. As long as you send the equipment here, there will be the fastest speed to send things to the sky ... Do you know why?" Fu The gangster looked at Guan Ming and asked.

"This ... I don't know much." Shaking his head, Guan Ming was also a little embarrassed. Is there anything to be said about it ... oh no, what's the special secret?

Guan Ming suddenly thought that when Mu Xiaoxiao was breast-feeding, he gave Guan Ming a shot ...

"Your scientific research project is very important. It can be derived from a wide range of fields and can even change the way the country ’s military and war will be changed in the future. So the country wants to do its best to let you make this thing quickly. Now, you understand Are you here? "The big brother also had to express his determination and courage, and his support for Guan Ming.

If Guan Ming is in the system, there is no problem if the country invests funds and resources to assist in scientific research, because the results are national, but Guan Ming is not, even his status in the system is just to facilitate the arrangement of his protection. What's so special about the rocket.

From a legal perspective, all research achievements of Guan Ming belong to Guan Ming himself. Even in the absence of contract guarantees, even if the country exerts great efforts, the results have nothing to do with the country.

But in this way, the country still believed in Guan Ming and provided him with such an opportunity to go to the moon experiment.

Yes, this is just an experiment, but it is not a simulation experiment ~ ~ but a real test.

"Uh ... need me to provide drawings and technical solutions?" Guan Ming's expression changed from a little bit surprised to a constipated look. He could never forget the robot.

It's not that Guan Ming is stingy, it's just this matter, put it on others, Guan Ming is mostly watching the lively, but on yourself, it will be very uncomfortable.

It has nothing to do with money. Although the robot was taken away forcibly, even after Guan Ming provided all the drawings and technical support for that robot, in the robot project, Guan Ming only did this, and even later the quasi-general giant invited When Guan Ming looked at that large-scale combat robot together, Guan Ming just said a few words painlessly and did not elaborate the pros and cons between humanoid robots and odd-shaped robots. Even now, Guan Ming's ability in the field of robotics More often, he didn't say to give the previous information or something.

To put it plainly, Guan Ming was still unhappy.

"This is not necessary ... When I mentioned this to me above, I made it clear that the anti-gravity equipment and even future scientific research results are yours. No one can grab it, and we won't let it. Others have a chance to do it, but I also hope that you can consider using your technology to improve the current national equipment, including things not limited to weapons, when you can do it. "The boss said with some caution.

Although the robot thing is not a secret after reaching a certain height, people who know it will not easily comment on it, because from both perspectives, there is nothing wrong between the two parties, but their positions are different, but it is good to manage After the Ming Dynasty, it performed very well, especially when it was able to actively report an important piece of information that even the big brother knew only existed but did not know the content.

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