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: 951 scumbag

"In case the children grow up, for example, when they are fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, ninety or twenty, they are fooled and suddenly cry and come back to say that they are pregnant, and then the scumbag runs away, or worse For one thing, if the scumbag behaves very well in front of the child, but the essence is scumbag, isn't it cool? "

"It's not money at home now, I'm not afraid that someone will come to our house to cheat money, but I'm afraid that someone will come to our house to cheat people!"

When I asked the boss who said ‘who’ is following her two girls every day, Guan Ming was a little panicked. Everyone had something to say, and some of them came for me.

Mmp, Lao Tzu ’s flowers have just sprouted. You guys are already aiming at flower pots. Am I not strong or strong, or am I planting too few flowers?

Guan Ming belongs to his family who understands his family affairs. Since his physical skills are so strong, even if there is no scientific basis, his child is almost the same as 'Danshu Iron Coupon' in the eyes of some people. After all, Guan Ming has a lot of money.

However, Guan Ming is very unhappy, or it can be awkward for anyone.

There is no meaning of discrimination between men and women, but most parents feel that their sons are easier than their daughters when it comes to their children's emotional problems.

Because without considering the philosophy, the boy belongs to the pig of Gongcao. One bite can eat one bite, and one bite can earn one bite. The girl belongs to the pig arched by pigs. One bite of meat requires one bite. More meat.

Now Guan Ming ’s son is still lying in Mu Xiaoxiao ’s belly, and he ’s going to cross the passenger tube and Mengyu. Guan Ming ’s concern for Guan Mengxi is naturally very high, so for this kind of problem that is trivial and mediocre. , He will also suffer.

"But ... Zhangnan cannot approach us." Scratching his face, Mu Xiaoxiao said very embarrassingly. In China, the lack of early education is a regret and an inevitable. Social atmosphere is constantly transforming people, even if it is best to know how to do certain things, but ...

"Also, you seem to be the scumbag in your mouth." Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao, holding banana chocolate, showed a very disgusting expression, saying, "You scumbag, I was only one year old, and it turned out to be you Now, if it wasn't for my mother's long-term contact that you were not very scum, she would have blown you away. "

"Well? No, it looks like you're really scum now. I ambushed for a year when I was a junior in high school. After marriage, I still farted in the bed and smoked me. You're scum!"

Showing a funny smile, Mu Xiaoxiao's empty hand poked Guan Ming's belly like a small hill.

"Why am I talking to you about the child? You told me that the child is awkward?" Guan Ming wasn't accustomed to her at all, and he slaps his backhand on the big chest, showing a wave of magnificence.

"You have to respect the identity of" 姥姥 ", because I will become the puppet of Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu's children in the future." Although Guan Ming's movements are very insignificant, but she is not strong enough, and she is used to it, so Mu Xiaoxiao is not at all I care, but continue to lick chocolate to eat.

"... don't mention the child's child's uncle, it's a bit sad, let's talk about the child's uncle." Seeing such a two-year-old wife, Guan Ming's expression was like constipation.

Guan Ming feels that she ca n’t count on counting on her daughter-in-law. She can thank herself for being able to do well, let alone take care of the two children. Judging from her current IQ and the child's IQ, it is estimated that when the child is in his teens We will take care of this mentally disabled person in turn.

It is still a good national policy. The phrase 'caring for the disabled' has been spoken for so many years. Presumably after many years, this behavior should not only be reflected in taking a bus.

Otherwise, set a house rule now, and come to a housekeeping responsibility for caring for the disabled?

Guan Ming associates a lot in an instant.

I have to mention that when chatting with Mu Xiaoxiao, even Guan Ming was easily crooked.

"Talk to my mother? What's so funny about my mother? One old lady, either tickling me every day or walking on the road to hit me." Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said indifferently.

It can be seen that even now the child can catch chickens and dogs, her mother is still dominated by her child's uncle.

"Well ... I have nothing to talk to you about, get out of the group." Guan Ming was sad at this moment.

Maybe it's because I haven't eaten chocolate for a long time, Guan Ming was also tempted to eat a piece at this time, so he wanted to get up and look in the drawer.

Guan Ming was able to come out and grab the food from her daughter-in-law, but he was still a little sensitive to the appearance of bananas, especially her daughter-in-law was proficient in all kinds. When she was mentally retarded, she might be in front of Mu Come and ridicule this matter, of course, under normal circumstances, she would die tragically.

"Do n’t, I still want to talk about it. When my mother knew you wanted to bubble me, then I was angry ~ ~ If my dad did n’t persuade my mother at the time, I guess you will come next time He will be beaten out when he sees it. "When seeing Guan Ming passing by himself, Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, pia on the fat butt.

Guan Ming, who wasn't planning to change places, took the chocolate out of the drawer and naturally sat back, saying, "At that time, I remember I was still a student of Fudan University."

Most of human memories of the past will condense things over a period of time into a sentence, a song, a mood, and so on.

It is as if Guan Ming now remembers the concept of 'university' when he hears "Rice Love Rice", then thinks of the school library, and then thinks of roommates, freshmen, etc., just like a scroll, Xu Xula Curtain.

Regarding the memories of Mu Xiaoxiao's make-up lessons at the beginning, Guan Ming first appeared in the small, stuffy room. The sunlight shone through the room in the afternoon. Mu Xiaoxiao lay on the desk with one hand and wrote the paper with a pen in one hand. The short-sleeved mid-length skirt of the color series can't hide the good figure. On the face that is serious, focused and with a little baby fat, the fluff that has not faded cuts the sun, and the whole face and the whole person are wearing a This kind of green beauty is like a green apple. Even if you only see it, you will have a sweet and sour feeling.

That kind of beauty, even now, Guan Ming still can't forget, as if the stars in the sky are unchanged, as long as you look up, you can see the shining star.

Of course, do not mention the occasional underarm hair, she did not have the time to deal with such things.

"Ghost Fudan University student!" Mu Xiaoxiao stood on one side, raised her leg, and put her feet directly on Guan Ming's shoulders, her expression was awkward, and her tone was a little awkward.

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