Private Technology

: 954 house rules

Guan Ming is not a double star. There are no more files in the blink of an eye. In recent days, he has also broken the text to see the information about organ simulation.

Although Guan Ming hadn't been involved in the biological field more before, he who has done human brain chips still has a little bit of knowledge in biology. The reading difficulty is certainly not high, giving Guan Ming more feeling, like reading comprehension.

After reading many articles on this aspect, Guan Ming learned that the organ simulator was not the simulator he used to simulate human organs with silicon electronic chips, but a biochip containing real human cells.

The biochip is also called protein chip and gene chip, which originated from the combination of DNA hybridization probe and semiconductor industry technology.

In fact, if you want to refine the points, the human brain chip can also be regarded as a type of biochip.

However, Guan Ming has no idea to move the human brain chip to the organ simulator for no other reason. It is simply an art that just feels that one thing can reach the extreme. It is better to be more specialized or general. it is good.

It's like doing a dota. After 10,000 rounds of Shadow Devil, maybe your technology will rot to three empty cannons, but you will definitely see it. You will be very rotten, such as jumping knife, red stick, sheep knife , Ice armor to a set of magic flow, rather than physical leveling a.

"I don't know how your high school biology teacher taught it. Don't you remember anything in the textbook? The spleen is made of blood, but the lymphatic system is more important."

"Ha? You ask me how the spleen and stomach are linked? Blood, nutrition transmission, etc., how do you explain this to me?"

One day, Guan Mengyu said madly in the study.

Dangdang, the knock on the door of the study came, the sound of Guanmeng Kuang was interrupted, even the expression of madness converged, replaced with a ignorant expression, looking at the direction of the door.

"Dine, eat." The door was pushed open a slit, Mu Xiaoxiao tucked his head in, looked at the two people in the room, and said.

"Well, let's go eat first." Guan Ming heard it, it seemed like he was liberated, he quickly got up and killed him, but he didn't care about the rain on his mouth just like applying poison, even his daughter-in-law did not care. , And went out to kill.

"Well? Dad is so strange, what's wrong?" Mu Xiaoxiao was a little curious, then asked Guan Mengyu in a naive tone, and took her out of the sand by the way.

"I don't know, does he have constipation again?" Guan Ming carrying his back, Guan Mengyu vomited and blackened Guan Ming.

Guan Ming's constipation is no longer a secret. Mu Xiaoxiao, who lacks the mind, often uses this to ridicule Guan Ming. Sometimes she comes to temper, even if the child is in front of her, she will talk nonsense.

"Hah? Maybe not, these days seem to be ..." Mu Xiaoxiao was able to return the word "blocking the toilet".

Lying in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms, Guan Mengyu swiped and said nothing, but because Mu Xiaoxiao was pregnant, Guan Mengyu was not good at turning over something in her arms, for fear of bumping her future brother into an intellectual disability.

"Guan Ming, I want to go out for fun in the afternoon ~" At the dining table, Mu Xiaoxiao ate the prawns that Guan Ming had peeled off, and then used a clean little hand to peel the shrimps for the two children.

"Go on, take Xiaoxi together, haven't she been clamoring for relaxation these days?" Guan Ming said indifferently.

"No, it's my father who has taken over my sister. I want my sister to play with me!" Guan Mengxiyi said solemnly.

Guan Ming is not the person who loves the problem. He will ask questions if there is a problem at the time. It is exactly the same that he will arrange Guan Mengyu to the study, which can be solved at any time. Guan Mengyu ’s side also has such arrangements. I am very satisfied, because whether it is going to school or accompanying Meng Xi, it is more difficult for her.

"It's not bullying. I'm supervising my sister's studies, just like your mother is going to teach you to learn." Guan Mingke didn't want her big girl to have a bad understanding, although she probably didn't realize it. .

"Just domineering! Dad dominates sister during the day, and mother dominates at night, huh! I ’m not good with you!" Your child's chopsticks, Guan Mengxi held his shoulders in his hands, snorted heavily, glared at Guan Ming, and turned his head away .

Guan Ming was speechless, and Guan Mengyu was speechless. The father and mother laughed, but Mu Xiaoxiao ...

She's almost splitting!

"Hahaha, Xiao Xi is so good. Say what my mother dare not say, Dad is so good, we are not all right with him, how about it?" He kissed the flesh of the big girl, Mu Xiaoxiao Said hippie with a smile.

"Uh huh, but we still have to take our sister, none of us are okay with my father!" A smile also appeared on Guan Mengxi's face, but the pit girl madness can't forget her own sister now.

Who's so good with him!

Guan Mengyu rolled his eyes, but did not speak, so as not to make my younger sister cry. ~ Take it with you, take our sister, and let's live in the future, let my father live alone. With a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have a door in his mouth. He caught what he said and said something.

"You child, the children are still young, they will take it seriously." I patted the back of Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, and the mother complained, but she didn't work hard, it looked more like 'touch'.

"It's okay mom, they're still young anyway." Compared to Mu mom, she wasn't afraid of managing mom at all.

Alas, after finishing talking about this product, he even put it together, and put on a face with the stewardess, so that the stewardess didn't know what to say.

After eating at home and taking the main seat, Guan Ming consciously let himself speak less at the table. After all, the head of the family needs dignity, but at this time he was also very depressed.

"Our old housekeeper said one thing, I got rewards for doing the right thing, and wrong punishment, from big to small, be careful I spanked one by one." Guan Ming glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao and threatened.

"Cut ~" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't convict after hearing Guan Ming say so.

Although she has been spanked before, and sometimes she does not object to this behavior, but the pain is not because her fat is thick, it is because Guan Ming does not use the force, and she will suffer if she disappears.

"Xiaoxiao, where are you going to play in the afternoon? Now the weather has cooled down, wear more clothes, bring a coat or something when you go out." Mu's mother didn't want to study the **** at the table, and decided to give it a fork. open.

ps: ah ah, it's going to be late again, sorry sorry, I will upload the novel first, and check the typos later. Although it is Saturday today, I have to work overtime today, so I envy those comrades who do not have to work overtime. The results are down. How are the friends doing?

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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