Private Technology

: 9.5 million people auditorium

The Great Hall of the People is not unfamiliar to Guan Ming. He has also been here several times, but he came here early to receive the award. He was considered to be attending the meeting. Later, he was so confident that he took leave every year.

As one of the landmarks of the Imperial City, the exterior design of the Great Hall of the People may look periodical, but this does not hide its importance.

In fact, according to Guan Ming's knowledge, the Great Hall of the People is actually not so unattainable. When Guan Ming followed his boss in the emperor's business trip, he also went in. The ticket seems to be 30 or 50. The specific Guan Mingji Unclear, the only thing that can be remembered is not to bring the bag. Of course, dangerous goods must not be allowed to be brought.

The certificate on Guan Ming's neck said that it was a free ticket and a bag certificate.

Guan Ming didn't bring many people, so he brought a Zhou Wu and Zhongnanhai to arrange a logistics staff, the former is used by him, many times do not need to control the words, Zhou Wu can get things done, the latter The main purpose is to deal with Guan Ming's relations in the imperial capital, such as arranging vehicles, lodging, and so on. Another is to prevent someone from colliding with Guan Ming.

As the administrative center of the country, the emperor can not say that the second generation runs all over and the section chief takes the subway, but it is also not allowed to bring a thief to touch the bag or something. Perhaps the word 'guanming' will be used to call the police. I went to the scene to deal with the problem, but there are more and more people in the country called 'Guan Ming'. Perhaps there are N hundred or so Guan Ming of the female gender. Uncle Tiaozi also has time to tell.

"Privileges must be ah ~" Guan Ming said with emotion as he watched the distant tourists pointing at themselves.

"Privilege performance is one of the motivations for ordinary people to forge ahead." Zhou Wu said boringly, pushing two suitcases.

Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming said, "Don't say so powerful bastards. This is not in line with the core values ​​of socialism!"

"My old husband told my child to let her study hard. She will go out in a luxury car like her uncle, have her own private jet, and even see someone in the section chief level wait for the other party to shake hands." Zhou Wu shrugged casually and said.

"I'm dizzy. This kind of thinking is not necessary. I have long ago no such person as the section chief in my eyes." Guan Ming joked like a joke.

Zhou Wu ’s children are the same age as the twins. It ’s the birthday is a little younger. If you remember correctly, it ’s called Zhou Weilin. The name is very masculine. The IQ is definitely not as good as the twins. It may be because of the IQ. If you do n’t go there, you do n’t know what will happen when you grow up.

"But my husband will always use you as an example to educate my children. To put it plainly, it is still a privilege to pretend." Zhou Wu turned the topic back to the beginning, and Guan Ming didn't know what to say at that time.

Fortunately, the security check was completed, Guan Ming took two people and four suitcases to enter.

Guan Ming's main surveying and mapping location this time was the 10,000-person auditorium. It can also be seen from the name that the auditorium can seat about 10,000 people, but the main operator of this mapping is not Guan Ming, but a double star.

Guan Ming is a persuasion. As long as it is a trip, safety is absolutely the first. In addition to a certain amount of arms in private aircraft, there are some drones. This thing can be used to coordinate with satellites in space for space positioning and detection. A star space with a radius of 1,000 meters, centered on a private jet, can quickly find a suitable landing point when a private jet fails, and can block bullets without fear when a private jet is attacked.

Therefore, Guan Ming can use this thing to survey and map the specific data of the 10,000-person auditorium without any preparation, so that Double Star can accurately obtain the three-dimensional map of the 10,000-person auditorium for its preliminary deduction.

As for why he didn't enter Guan Ming's original data map, Guan Ming thinks this should be the importance of architecture, who knows.

After the trunk was opened, four drones flew out of it. With the wings extended, the drone was 1.5 meters long. Without the need for additional preset commands, it took off in a buzzing and then flew in the air.

The logistics officer in Zhongnanhai looked at the four big things nervously, for fear of falling and smashing something, and Zhou Wu followed Guan Ming and walked to the rostrum.

In addition to the steps and heights between the podium and the auditorium, there is another important division: the position of the speech.

After the reform and opening up, there are regulations for renting the Great Hall of the People. The most famous one is the fairy ritual for adults. When Guan Ming first got married, he had thought about whether to come here.

However, considering that the current quasi-manager was a big man in Shanghai at that time, Guan Ming also handled it in Shanghai in a low-key manner, but I have to say that it would be more compelling to run in the Great Hall of the People.

Guan Ming had no chance in the Great Hall of the People in his life, but he felt that Guan Mengxi should still be possible.

"Here ~ ~ Get a power supply, and the anti-gravity device can be charged quickly after stopping." Going to the central position, Guan Ming nodded the ground with his feet, and a drone from the sky came over, and After Guan Mingfei made a circle, he pulled up.

"Okay, boss." In the electronic glasses, the double star said that the recording had been completed.

"In terms of projection, I want to project the picture being presented on the podium. The requirement is that the first row of viewers can see the enlarged picture without effort, and the last row can see the enlarged picture without effort." Standing on the podium, Guan Ming looked at the auditorium and made his request.

The general data of the 10,000-person auditorium, Double Star has just sent Guan Ming through electronic glasses.

There is no column structure, and the steps are arranged. The front row of the first floor has the lowest horizontal level. Look up and look up. There is no problem when the amplitude is small. If the amplitude is too large, the experience will be poor. There is still a certain distance between the platform and a certain operating space.

"Boss, do you need to renovate the dome?" After completing the message, Shuangxing sent three more diagrams.

The first is to place the projection on the podium, but there is sufficient lighting on the podium, which will interfere with the imaging, and there is a banner on the top of the podium, which will limit the viewing angle of the audience on both sides of the third floor .

The second is to install a holographic projection on the dome. In the center of the auditorium, it is projected toward the podium, and the projection position is shifted.

The third is to use a drone on a holographic projection. The projection can be completed without the need to modify the auditorium, but the disadvantage is that the battery cannot be supplied for so long.

Of course, if you want to image, it is not only holographic projection. It is more convenient to use electronic glasses, but Guan Ming does not want to be caught afterwards!

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