"Deputy Zhang, do you think, which of these two plans is better?"

I know no one is embarrassed to ask tension directly like this, because it will not make tension come down, so the role of the bad guy can only be played by me.

Zhang Li wanted to laugh, but he twitched twice, and didn't laugh.

Admitting that Murphy's plan is better means supporting Murphy. While giving Murphy the victory in person, he also announced his own failure. How can he be willing?

"If niece Mo's plan can really achieve her wish, of course, it is her better, but ... don't you think this is just a beautiful fantasy of our wishful thinking?" Zhang Li couldn't laugh, his face was serious, even Some angry said: "Feng Chang invested 30%, but required a 49% control? The management of the domestic market does not allow Moon Valley to reach out, but the promotion and development of overseas markets Moon Valley must agree to us to intervene ... Is the top of the Moon Valley all fools? If you don't look at the controlling stake, this is completely our own company, and they are here to work for us? Too naive, they have to May be promised, but they will annoy them. This is forcing them to find other partners! Everyone must know that there are not one thousand and eight hundred domestic market competitors. Not everyone is as greedy as us ... "

After a pause, tension calmed down, sighing: "Young people are courageous. This is a good thing, but it is easy to fold and the goal is ambitious. But you also need to know that contentment is common. What is development? Leave yourself room for manoeuvre, lower your posture, and make a loss today, you can take advantage tomorrow, not to mention, we have not suffered a loss today, have we? "

These words have also shaken some conservatives.

"Deputy Zhang hasn't read this plan carefully?" Tassel has lost the nervousness when he first entered the conference room, although it is still a bit restrained, but at least when he stood, his legs did not tremble, and he was confident enough to speak. "In terms of cooperation projects, hardware conditions, market systems, brand promotion, and consumer recognition, the domestic level can reach the same level as Feng Chang, that is, there are no one thousand, eight hundred, and a maximum of thirty or fifty. This is We have come to a conclusion after a detailed market survey, and among them interested in this project, I am afraid that less than 30%-everyone is confused by the conditions of the Valley of the Moon like Deputy Zhang Dong, thinking that 30% of us hold us A big part of the reason is due to the negligence of market research. First of all, everyone starts with the starting point of thinking, that is, was led by the Valley of the Moon, or was misled by Miss Three. From the beginning, she In the simplest and most clever way, it creates the illusion that Moon Valley is very random in choosing partners, no matter who becomes the cooperation of Moon Valley Partners, are all benefiting, she uses, it is Vice Chairman Zhang this 'contentment' state of mind at the moment. "

Zhang Li didn't put tassel in his eyes at all, so even if tassel was right, he was very disdainful, "but this is the truth ..."

"This is not a fact," Liu Su said, "Miss Three is a legend that has been deified. Five years ago, she seemed to have invested in Long's Qianlong Mountain Villa very casually. She did not care about the market prospects of Qianlong Mountain Villa. It is also generally blamed on the unreasonable development strategy of Long's. This precedent almost controls everyone's thinking, but now we look down and no longer look up at the three deified goddesses and strip away those virtual tables. What we see is What? Qianlong Villa realized Long Xiaotian's dream, but it also dragged down the development of Long's. Then, Miss Three, the largest creditor, completed the acquisition of Long's at an extremely low price, and also recovered. The already-established Qianlong Mountain Villa-is this just a coincidence? We do n’t want to believe that this is a coincidence, just because we all expect to become the Long family five years ago, and believe that we wo n’t commit the same kind of greed as the Long family. It ’s a terrible mistake, which is what Zhang Deputy Dong calls, "Everything leaves room for maneuver to develop."

When referring to the decline of Long's, Long Shan's expression was a little dark, but she nodded immediately, expressing her approval and appreciation for the tassel opinion.

Tension was dumbfounded by Tassel, and he heard Tassel continue: "Vice Zhang Dong said that we should lower our posture. This is a joke. Even a small staff member like me understands that the negotiation table is not strong. I ca n’t get the maximum benefit and lower my attitude. It ’s tantamount to giving up the initiative of cooperation. What's the difference from being slaughtered by others? I ca n’t help but wonder if the plan that Vice President Zhang just brought out is himself Yes, at least the purpose of the plan is to build on a certain attitude of 'striving' rather than 'lowering our attitude!'

Tension has red ears and red ears. Tassel's words have not only been recognized by almost everyone. Her doubts about tension have aroused the sympathy of most people. The plan is not tension. He did not understand Feng Chang's attitude and bottom line in this plan. .

Concession and lowering are completely different things.

"I would add two more sentences," Murphy said. "Tassels just said that there are at most 30 or 50 market competitors in China with the same level or above. Among them, less than 30% of the projects are in the Valley of the Moon, which is not Untargeted-not all competitive groups will be interested in the project of Moon Valley. They either already have their own brand or have not encountered development bottlenecks like ours, but are willing to be comfortable and secure ... "

Zhang Mingjie couldn't help but finally stood up and said, "Even if there isn't 30%, there is only one. The Valley of the Moon also has options other than Feng Chang, doesn't it?"

"No, we are smooth, there are no competitors," Murphy said, "Because of the 30% of the competitive groups, only Fengchang has Chunan!"

Zhang Mingjie froze, Xuan'er sat back apatheticly ...

"This is also the strategy of Miss Three. The project is hers. Someone scrambles, and the initiative naturally falls into her hands. Things are rare. She only uses this common sense, so she puts it out and can say. The company in Chunan can get this project. The Valley of the Moon is also willing to make a 20% concession in capital contribution. I do n’t know why she chose to use Chunan, but there is no doubt that competitors of all kinds of goods A blowout pops up, but even a fool should understand that Feng Chang will not let Chu Nan, even if Chu Nan is a person who loves wealth and wealth, and conditions that others can afford, Feng Chang can still meet He, therefore, these competitors who do not pose any threat to Feng Chang are just fighting with a hint of fantasy, but even so, they can still give us a sense of crisis, and Miss Three has created an illusion by this. It seems that this cooperative project is only her whim, and she is passive, and it is only our fate. Based on this, we can think backwards. Why does she do so much for faze? The action? Because she chose Feng Chang as a partner of the Valley of the Moon from the beginning! Ms. San is a savvy and successful businessman. She uses people's deification of her. The reason why she strives for initiative is to worry that she will Be a passive party, so why don't we fight for it? "

"Wonderful!" Murphy's voice came to an end, and Mrs. Duanmu took the lead to applaud: "Fair's analysis is very reasonable-the reputation of the product represents the credibility and image of a company. Is there such a casual reason? Zhigu chose Fengchang, which must have been carefully selected, so the initiative should belong to us. Although Phil is young, she has far-sightedness and is rare. "

Mrs. Duanmu boasted about Murphy, but her good-looking eyes stared at me like Murphy's tassel.

"Everyone has seen the two plans, so let's vote for shareholders." As Zhang Li said, the meeting room was silent.

I've seen thick-skinned people, but never seen thicker skins than tensions — everyone's response has explained everything, Murphy has been recognized by almost everyone, but Zhang still insists on shareholder voting!

No one looked down on scorn, only Mo Yizhi remained silent. He didn't scoff at tension, because he knew that his tolerance would make tension more ugly, and win more for himself and Murphy. fraction.

The baby-faced Mrs. Duanmu asked with a smile: "Brother Zhang's intention is to still vote for himself?"

Zhang Li didn't answer, it was considered the default, but Bai Bai's face was now flushed with blood—he knew that he had lost the image that he had been struggling to maintain for decades, so he didn't want to lose his future in the future.

"Wait a minute," Murphy said suddenly, "Uncle and I gave up the right to vote for fairness, so I hope that Vice President Zhang also gave up the right to show justice."

Zhang Li hasn't responded yet, Zhang Mingjie is anxious, "Why ?!"

Young is indeed a bruise. No matter how high your IQ is, there is no variety of experiences, and psychological endurance will not increase. Zhang Mingjie can no longer cover up his emotions. He chose the wrong path in the last step, annoyed. He was a bit irrational ... Sima Yang next to him sighed. He knew that Murphy had intended to be sympathetic to tension. Unfortunately, he refused to accept the tension of failure, forcing her to play the last card— —

Murphy ignored Zhang Mingjie and looked to Zou He and Xi Baiyuan, saying, "Everyone must remember that Chu Nan and Assistant Sima's younger brother had a fight at the bar not long ago?"

Zou He and Xi Baiyuan nodded and glanced at Zhang Li. Yao Ling even sneered.

Zhang Li's face changed suddenly. He was a smart man, and naturally knew what it meant when Murphy raised the matter now.

"Why that night, the gathering of our investment team's comprehensive group was selected at the bar where you deputy Zhang Dongshu and Uncle Zou drink and entertain. So coincidentally, there was a friction between Chu Nan and Sima Hai. The surveillance video of the bar is very good I chose to record the process at the time. Everyone must be very curious about these? "Murphy said coldly," It's actually very simple. Someone knew in advance that we would definitely go to that bar, so I arranged everything in advance, and Inviting Uncle Zou and Uncle Xi to have a drink and chat together, because first come first come, so what happened later was a coincidence, not a trap ... "

Murphy didn't name her name, but everyone knew that she was talking about tension.

With the clumsy performance of Tennessee, more than half of Murphy's words are believed, including Zou He, but Zou He still said, "Feier, if you have no evidence, do n’t talk about it, otherwise it ’s easy to be People bite back. "

Zhang Li's face was gloomy and glared at Zou He. Zou He said that not only did he believe in Murphy, but also showed his support for Murphy.

"Thank you Uncle Zou for reminding me, but I'm not somebody, I always like to arrange and defame without evidence. I have witnesses."

Murphy exchanged a look with Tassel, and Tassel immediately dialed a phone and said only one sentence, "Come up."

I shook my head and smiled bitterly, and dared that Murphy had already told everything about tassel, but the two girls had concealed it from me ... how much better are they now?

Everyone was curious, who did the tassels call up?

After a while, the answer appeared-a young man with a black and strong heart knocked in after a knock on the door.

Most people don't know him, because like me, he is just the most basic clerk in Fengchang Building.

Waiting for others to ask questions, Hei Zhuang Youth has already said, "Hello Chairman, everyone ... good leadership, I am an employee of the Comprehensive Group of the Investment Department, my name is Tian Guochong ..."

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