Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1008: ] Chu Xiaohua and Xu Xiaoyou (Part 1)

The four people went upstairs while talking and laughing. Sister Hu was looking for the key and heard the girls yelling when they laughed at the opposite door. They were all messy. Chu Yuan and Dong Fang prefer to be quiet, so they are noisy. The new neighbour has nothing to say, but Sister Hu really likes those energetic female college students, including the 'Chu Xiaohua' classmate who doesn't know a lot of characters!

These days I haven't found a chance to talk to that **** ‘Chu Xiaohua’, but Sister Tiger is already quite familiar with them. []

At this moment, listening to the happy atmosphere overflowing from the opposite door, Sister Tiger was envious and said with emotion: "It's so young ..."

Seeing us all looking at her with a strange look, she took out the key and added: "Although I am still young now ..."

"Uh-oh ~ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I was wrong, I was wrong, sister Sister, I was wrong, I did not laugh at you, ah ha ha ha ha ha-"

"Laugh, I make you laugh, I make you laugh enough!"

Dongfang didn't hold back, she laughed, and was tickled by her sister ’s underarms. Dongfang ’s underarms are very sensitive, and she is most afraid of being touched by others. When she is playing with Chu Yuan, it is often Chu Yuan who has weak motor nerves. But she only has a way to escape, and that's why, as long as Chu Yuan slaps under her armpit, she will laugh and die, tears will flow, she is weak, she will be slaughtered, and then no matter what humiliation conditions Can promise to come down ...

"I ... I ... ha ha ha ha ... I was wrong ... wrong ... Sister Xiaoye, you are sixteen years older than me ... forgive me ..."

I sigh, this is true. Although Dong Xiaoye voluntarily became a leftover girl, she still cares very much about her youth. Whenever she touches her forbidden zone, her reaction is like a childish child, and Dongfang , Usually too deep, and only now like this, crying and laughing, apologizing for mercy, do some children look like ...

"Sister Xiaoye, you're about to spare the East. If you don't spare her ... I will be strangled by her ... Brother, save me ..."

The suffering of Chu Yuan is no less than that of the East. The Oriental lady who was lying on her back is now smiling and pulled out, her body is weak, but her hands are dragging Chu Yuan's neck collar, so as not to roll to the ground and win Chu. Marginal face with red ears and red ears, anxious to ask me for help.

I was behind Sister Hu, dragging her away and saying, "Small night, don't make trouble, how old are you, and you still care about the children ..."

I regret it as soon as the words came out. Sure enough, Sister Tiger was shocked, let go of the East, and slowly turned her head, but the fierce **** was still laughing and asked me, "You talk about how old I am. Anymore? "

Grass, isn't this irritating the upper body? !!

I was smirking, wondering how to appease Sister Hu's irritated woman's heart. Maybe it was because our noise was too loud. The door was suddenly opened, and a fair and handsome face came out, "Sister Dongdong. .. "

Sister Hu was busy gathering her distorted expression, and before she turned, she had changed into a pretty lady's smile, but I was choked with a smile and my heart jumped abruptly-every time I met her eyes, I could feel that. Which is hostile.

"Little flower, haven't slept yet?"

This gentle girl is a tomboy with a pseudonym "Chu Xiaohua", Tianyou!

Tianyou glanced over my face intentionally or unintentionally, Xuan'er yelled at Sister Hu: "No, it's still early, and there are guests at home ... No, no, no, it should be your guests. . "

Sister Hu froze, "Guest of our house? Who?"

Tianyou didn't answer, turned and shouted to the room, "Sister Xue, Brother Chu is back."

Chu Yuan and I were both frightened. Most of the stinky girls were guilty of conscience, but I was frightened—the echo came out of the opposite door, and it was precisely the company that had left the company's Ziyuan before work!

Why is Xiao Zi at Tianyou's house? !!

Don't wait for me to ask, Ziyuan first said: "Did you meet up so late?"

When I nodded, Sister Hu opened the door. "Come, come in and chat, Xiaohua, will you come and sit together?"

"No," Tianyou glanced at me and said, "It's too late, it's inconvenient ..."

Sister Tiger Haha laughed: "What's the inconvenience? He's a man at home, all girls."

"Someday, Dong Dong, Sister Xue is a guest. It must be something to come over so late? She came at six o'clock, and sat at the door for an hour and a half. Come and entertain her, we are neighbors. I can go there any day. "Tianyou deserves to be followed by Xu Heng. He is obviously a violent and vulgar illiterate girl **, who can put up knowledge youth and girls next door, but he has noses and eyes.

"Okay, then you can go back and rest early," said Sister Hu, pouting at Zi Ziyuan with a taste and ridicule, and said to Tianyou: "But she is not a guest. She is here, not called to visit. 'Come back home'."

Ziyuan's face turned red, and she was dragged into the house by Tiger Sister. I found out that Chu Yuan's stinky girl had slipped away, probably because she was afraid of Ziyuan, so she fled back to the room, and the East was gone. All I left was the door.

"That woman is your **** too?"

"What happened to the Passat downstairs?"

I spoke with Tianyou at the same time, Xuan'er frowned, staring at the tomboy who suddenly became the face of the refrigerator, "姘 + 你 + 妈 + 's head, talk to me later, and keep my mouth clean."

"Your uncle! You don't have a big feces smell in your mouth yet!" Tianyou took off his glasses, a pair of narrow eyes full of anger and disdain, but I can see that she is embarrassed to put a cultural person in front of me, herself They all feel embarrassed by the good girl just now.

I sneered: "You also know that your mouth is not dry and clean, the smell of big feces is coming out? Then pay attention."

"I ..." Tianyou still wanted to scold, but swear words came to his mouth, and swallowed back, we did not dare to speak loudly, for fear of being shocked by the people in the house, so no noise is the most wise choice, " Do n’t teach me to put on a bad smell with me, do n’t think that my brother told me to listen to you, I will really listen to you. ”

Do n’t think that your brother asked me to control you, I would really control you-this is vindictive. I ca n’t say that people are based on good faith. Although it is a transaction, it is also a promise. If Xu Heng really turns himself in, I I really ca n’t ignore Tianyou, whether Tianyou is willing or not, who made me promise Xu Heng ...

I have a belly question to ask Tianyou, such as the car downstairs, for example, why did she become a 'chuxiaohua', and there is such a 'chuxiaohua' in Qingyuan University, for example, where is Xu Heng now and what is he doing? ——But now I do n’t have time to ask one by one slowly, so I picked a question that I think is the most important, "Is your brother asking you to move here?"

Tianyou apparently was very dissatisfied with Xu Heng's arrangement and said with a grimace: "My brother said that the officials are protecting each other, and the police can't be trusted. The police will definitely leak out what you have contacted. The person who will come to you in trouble will definitely be indispensable. So ask me to come and protect you. "

This answer surprised me-I thought Xu Heng wanted to come to Tianyou for the purpose of 'contacting', both to exchange information between him and him, and to contact Tianyou with my feelings.

My current relationship with the tomboy is an enemy and a friend, and it is extremely bad. Xu Heng is definitely not assured. After he surrenders, will I keep his promise to take care of Tianyou for him, and he is not assured whether Tianyou will listen to me and be taken care of by me. So, I think, he asked Tianyou to come, the purpose is to let us repair the relationship, Xu Heng eat my temper, knowing that with a certain friendship foundation, I ca n’t stand by and watch Tianyou ...

"You? Protect me?"

Tianyou raised his eyebrows. "Do you think I don't have the ability?"

I do n’t mind, this tomboy ’s skill is really good, but after all, she is just a girl in her early twenties, without professional training like Sister Tiger ... I have a little sympathy for this child ’s IQ. Liar, on the surface it was the task entrusted to her. Actually, let her approach me, create the conditions for our contact, and give us a chance to be friends ...

But for me, this is not a bad thing-knowing that the little mad dog at the opposite door is here to protect me, instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to bite me, I can be more solid at night ...

Tianyou saw that I did n’t answer, and my self-esteem was stimulated, and I wrapped my collar around my neck, "Chu, you ..."

I let go of her hand. "You're also Chu."

Tianyou said angrily: "You surnamed Chu, you can look down on me, or look down on me, Yeah, I don't care, but there is something you can remember for me-my Xu Xiaoyou's life was given by my brother Xu Heng, he If I want to do anything, I will do nothing. Do n’t think that grandpa I am willing to serve you! Do n’t think that grandpa I am serving you today to care for you in the future. Your grandpa will not need you to worry about it in the future! "

I froze for a while, knowing Xuan Er, this tomboy must be strong and humble ...

She hates me, or not because she thinks Xu Heng insists on surrendering to me. She just does n’t want to lose Xu Heng, and at the same time, she is full of confusion about the life that Xu Heng has to face before she loses it. With fear.

Like Xu Heng, she is also afraid of loneliness.

Xu Heng is not only her benefactor, but also her brother, she is relying on-if one day, I will disappear forever in the life of Chu Yuan, what will happen to her? Probably like Tianyou now ...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help sympathizing and pitying this fierce tomboy, and my voice softened unconsciously, "You are a girl, don't always be grandpa and grandpa, who are you? "

Tianyou rubbed his eyes, put on his glasses, and cleverly took away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes. He sneered, "I'm your grandpa!"

"Then who is my grandma?" In the fight, I could n’t fight one of the three, she bickered, thirty of her, but I could n’t fight her. Ignoring her fierce expression, I asked: "What is going on downstairs I found it, there is nothing in it, what do you mean by giving me the car key? "

"Are you stupid? I only give you the car but don't give you the keys. How do you drive?" Tianyou's answer is too simple, so simple that it crashes me!

[Ps: I got angry in the past two days, I had a high eye pressure again, and my eyes hurt and tired. Otherwise, I should be able to make up a chapter today, but now it ’s updated later, sorry, sorry for everyone Up ...]

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