Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1010: ] Gambling debt (on)

Location: Living room.

Characters: Sister Tiger, Ziyuan, Chu Yuan, Dongfang, and me.

Incident: It looks like it is going to have a trial and criticism meeting, because they are sitting on the sofa, but let me sit on a small bench, and handcuffs ...

Dong Xiaoye, a judge, lifted Erlang's legs and thought about it, and felt that the posture was not appropriate-the pants are too short, and the thigh roots will be exposed to me sitting opposite, so I quickly adjusted it and grabbed the can before it was opened The cold beer knocked on the coffee table, "Silence, silence-fate, the TV volume is lowered first ... don't worry, my little ancestor, sports news, the Lakers against Thunder in the morning, I just have to talk to Waner to discuss the game I forgot to read it, I do n’t know the result yet, it will be broadcast immediately, and the Lakers will lose if they lose again ... cough, that, the court is now in session-the defendant Chu Nan, please tell me truthfully, who is the name of the female college student What does it have to do with you? "

I lowered the black line in my head, and the goods were too boring, but I still frankly said, "Chou Meimei ..."

"What do you want me to do?" Chu Yuan cried, "I'm a plaintiff's lawyer."

"I mean, that girl's surname is Mei Mei, Jiu Jiu, charming Mei, I have nothing to do with her, I don't know her at all." I glared at the stinky girl, wondering in my heart, you are the plaintiff Lawyer, who is the plaintiff ...

This matter was caused by my interrogation with Chu Yuan. Now how is it reversed, and I became the party being tried? !!

"The name is remembered so clearly, and I don't know her, who believes ..." Sitting on the opposite side of Chu Yuan and flipping through the magazine, the Oriental head didn't look up, and muttered quietly, before changing it, I wouldn't feel anything. The oriental style has always been the same, but now I can smell that the words are mixed with a bit of sour taste, but it may also be my own affection. After all, the east is not Chu Yuan, she is more mature than Chu Yuan.

Dong Xiaoye frowned and reminded: "Defendant lawyer, can you be professional? Your duty is to defend your client. How can you fail? Are you not afraid he will not pay you? I remember your pocket money Seems like it has been spent ... "

Upon hearing this, Dongfang quickly closed the magazine, cheered up, and coughed, saying, "Master, my client really, really, really doesn't know those female college students who are opposite, and there are witnesses who can testify. I ask the witness to appear in court. "

"The witness is in court."

Dongfang made a look at Ziyuan, and Ziyuan was just like two people during the day. She actually followed the three crazy girls with interest, and she sat up next to Dong Xiaoye and cut an apple. She stood up and raised her right hand. A serious statement: "Master, I am willing to guarantee with my personality and conscience. I will faithfully perform my legal obligation to testify. I will truthfully and without concealing everything I know and everything I see. If I violate the oath, I Willing to accept legal punishment and moral condemnation-while I was waiting for you at the door, the girls were invited to be guests at home and chatted with them for a while. It is certain that Xiao Nan did not know Qiu Mei. "

Dong Xiaoye asked, "Why?"

Ziyuan laughed very kindly, but made Sister Hu's face red and red with embarrassment. "The reason is that you have reminded them of this morning, Lord Judge. You have already inserted this flower in Xiaonan's cow dung-please forgive them Do n’t you dare to come and pry your corner? ”

Is this ridiculous? Yes, but not purely ... Sister Hu can't hear the meaning of Ziyuan hiding under ridicule, so she didn't emphasize that we are 'pretend couples'. Spreading out the relationship between the couples is what her job requires Part of it, because we have long since come true ...

Explaining to a wise man is a stupid cover-up. Sister Hu understands that it is far more wise to justify or deny. Just then Chu Yuan echoed: "I can also testify, my brother has never been to the opposite door, no May know the right person ... "

Sister Hu took the opportunity to change the topic, "plaintiff lawyer, why are you as wronged as the defendant's defender?"

The answer is very simple-the 'plaintiff's lawyer' is the role assigned by Dong Xiaoye. In normal circumstances, when she encounters such a situation, she must be coquettishly and entangled with me and cooperate with Dong Xiaoye's game, but now she does not, She didn't want to show the childish side of her child in front of Ziyuan. She was deliberately showing her reasonableness, and being considerate and tolerant to me.

To put it simply, that is, as Ziyuan faces me, she will face me more than Ziyuan ...

The smelly girl took a peek at Ziyuan and said, "I am seeking truth from facts, and people should be alive from reality, aren't they? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, it ’s like, like it is like, do n’t like it, do n’t like it Yes, no, no ... "

She was not answering Dong Xiaoye, but she was telling Ziyuan ...

Ziyuan's response surprised me and Chu Yuan. "I agree that people should be realistic, there is no, there is no." Say, but also smiled at Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan smiled a little bit —— Whether I am or Chu Yuan, they all believe that Ziyuan came to figure out what happened in the morning, but her current attitude ... let us completely understand what she was thinking ...

Dong Xiaoye put me in handcuffs, but in fact it was because Ziyuan greeted her early and left the company. She changed clothes and ran to the outside of my house to squat and wait ... Ziyuan said nothing about the reason, and I did n’t take the initiative. Asked, Sister Hu would certainly feel different atmosphere-she knows that Ziyuan is a person of Moon Valley, and the theme of today's Fengchang high-level meeting is to discuss cooperation with Moon Valley. After that, another quasi felt that the arrival of Ziyuan and her purpose embarrassed me.

This girl preconceived and judged that I was opposite to Ziyuan, and the smell of gunpowder was permeated, so I only interrupted the work and wanted to alleviate the atmosphere that was suffocating from the beginning ... How did Tiger Sister know the suffocation she felt, Not between me and Ziyuan, but between Chu Yuan and Ziyuan ...

"Well, since Ziyuan and Yuanyuan both said so, the judge now pronounces the following: Defendant Chu Nan, due to insufficient evidence, was not guilty of seducing a neighbor's female college student, the death penalty was waived, the crime of life was unavoidable, and punishment was made for dinner. Weekly, execute immediately— "

"Wait!" I said, "Is there anything wrong, shouldn't the evidence be released in court? Why punish me for cooking?"

"You have to sell cheaply, even if you don't know Qiu Meimei, did you touch her just now? Kiss her? You are full of tofu, but we are still hungry, less nonsense, hurry up and cook for me A plate of eggs and tomatoes, and a plate of cold bitter gourd, have you eaten it? You haven't eaten it. You can order what you want. Don't hesitate. "

"Nod your head! What do you think I am the chef of the restaurant?" I grieved: "I eat tofu? I was eaten tofu, okay! As soon as I was a victim, you wouldn't say comfort me, and you would handcuff me Get up, that's all, let me cook for you now? Is there any sense? "

"Tianli is-'You love me,'" Sister Hu said shamelessly. "Who told me you didn't object when you were a judge, and you didn't become a thief, why did you let me shackle you? That's why you want me to, If you are willing to be tried by me, then I have to obey you, no matter how nonsense, please raise your hand if you agree with the result of my trial! "

Three little hands responded immediately, including my defense lawyer Dongfang Niang ...

"You see, everyone is sensible, so you're just a mess."

"Okay," I sneered, "'I love you, right'? OK, I'll cook, but don't be idle, hurry back to the house to change clothes."

Sister Hu looked down at her home dress and said suddenly: "You cook, but you don't go out to eat, what clothes do I change?"

With a wicked smile on my face, she answered with an exaggerated mouth: "Change-swimming-clothes-"

The tiger sister Chu Yuandong, the three girls suddenly changed their face, and the East responded the fastest. They quickly retracted their raised hands and pressed them under the buttocks. "It's too much for South Brother to cook! Little sister, Without you, you should immediately open my client's handcuffs and apologize to him! "

"You don't need to apologize," I said to Dongfang, "Do you think you can make up for the psychological harm you just caused by raising your hand when you say two nice words to coax me? You will have enough to eat and give me strength. Squeeze your feet! Since it is 'you love me,' then be willing to gamble and lose! "

Sister Tiger and Dongfang almost cried-before we bet, as long as I got off the ring without any damage in the test with Zou He, Sister Tiger wore a bathing suit for a week at home, and Dongfang made me a week's feet Massage, on the other hand, if I lose, I wear a one-week swimsuit to pinch Tiger Sister to let the East appreciate ...

However, because Jiang Yu fell off the boxing ring and injured his wrist, it caused a lot of commotion and coquettishness. I didn't mention it. People who lost the bets, such as Tiger Sister Dongfang and Murphy, naturally pretended that they had amnesia. ..

"I hate you ~ Brother Nan, how can you take it seriously?" Dongfang sells it, but it's too fake, I don't eat this set.

"Joke? If you lose me, would you say it is a joke?" Based on my understanding of the East, she would take the opportunity to take a few crazy photos of me, so as to facilitate the overdraft of pocket money from me when needed. ..

Ziyuan was puzzled, "Why would you gamble to lose? What are you betting on, why is it a foot massage and a swimsuit ..."

Dongfang busy: "Just so, let Xiao Zi comment on the reasoning-"

The young lady is sharp-spoken, and she walks through it. She not only explained the gambling agreement, but also described the process of my test with Zou He clearly and thoroughly, but the irony of which was not tortuous was tricky and bullied Zou He. Old age, poor physical strength, injured left elbow, etc ... In short, it is worthless to depreciate my victory.

"Sister Xiaozi, do you think Brother Nan shouldn't care about us? We bet with him to care about him and motivate him, that's not malicious, but now he clearly wants to take advantage of us! Suan will revenge, revenge? "

Ziyuan ignored the East, but asked Chu Yuan with a smile: "So, Yuan Yuan, you have lost your bet, haven't you?"

Chu Yuanqiao blushed, "Hmm ..."

"So ..." Ziyuan turned her face and asked me again, "Xiao Nan, did Yuan Yuan kiss you?"

"No ..." This girl laughed and felt guilty.

"Why didn't you kiss? Didn't you say it was okay? You won, and Yuanyuan will kiss you in public." Ziyuan's follow-up asked, with some aggressive momentum, although she smiled very sweetly.

[Ps: Sorry everyone, only update at this time ... Some scum is very uncomfortable these days, the code word is very difficult, and the old is sick. I do n’t know if you do n’t know, I used ice bag last night Apply it for a while, then startled, put on the glasses, the left eye can't see anything clearly, thought that the spectacles have dropped ... Now finally come over, a fright, maybe the ice pack is too cold, The reason why the ice is too long ...

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