Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1014: ] Look over there ...

Just like the joke of 'beasts' and 'beasts are not as good', I slept properly, instead of earning the goodwill of the East and Winter Nights, they were ridiculed and mocked by them the next morning. In addition to the ridiculous '奚落', I am not strong enough, but the words are quite allusion to the suspicion that Ziyuan lacks charm and is not tempting enough for me, which has caused Ziyuan to have a small mouth after eating breakfast. Hanging a soy sauce bottle ... Chu Yuan didn't say a word, but I was in a very good mood. Obviously I was very pleased with the honesty of the whole night. I also admired Ziyuan's sullen look due to her self-confidence. She also gave me a pinch when eating. After two meat buns, I don't know if it is reward or encouragement ...

Although there was an exam in the morning, Chu Yuan made an exception and changed into a beautiful dress. After entering high school, she was wearing casual clothes for the first time to school. It is estimated that the boys in the seventh middle school will be boiling, and you can see a completely different one. Chu Yuan. []

Sister Tiger was also forced to dress up by Ziyuan, saying that this is the most basic respect for Min Rou, and this is also true. If Min Rou is also my 'little secretary', it is not polite enough, at least formal. It doesn't seem random, it is still necessary.

During their hard time, I secretly printed a copy on my computer, and put it in a blank envelope with the key of the Passat car that Tianyou gave me. The car downstairs, I always have to give an explanation to Sister Hu. This requires a little help, and if it is not handled well, she may have to doubt the opposite door.

The rest of the time I was waiting outside the door, because I was hoping to meet the giant + breast girl Qiu Meimei, she asked me to be careful about Tianyou, saying that there is something wrong with Tianyou, which made me really care, of course not care about Tianyou that tomboy, and It's this feud ... Who is she? Unfortunately, there was no movement at the door, either the girls hadn't got up yet, or they had already gone out.

Speaking of which, I really do n’t know what Tianyou is doing every day now. It seems to be out during the day, but at about 7 o’clock in the evening, I will come back with a few girls in the same room, pretending to be like school girls who have worked on summer vacation .. .


"Chu Shao."

Before entering the company hall, I bumped into Zhang Mingjie with a smirk.

People often say that the road is narrow, why? Sister Tiger's answer is correct, "Good dogs don't stand in the way, dodge!"

That ’s right, the enemy ’s path is narrow, because only the enemy will block your way. Although Zhang Mingjie looks hostile and even respectful and humble, this ca n’t change our position as an enemy—yes, I ’m the last to go, even if I am the final The winner, it is impossible to forget the hatred of his knife on my stomach because of the joy of victory ...

Zhang Mingjie saw that I had acquiesced in Dong Xiaoye's attitude, and his handsome face was a little embarrassed. "Chu Shao, can I talk to you alone?"

Ziyuan said: "It seems that he and you have nothing to talk about anymore. Sorry, you have blocked us from taking the elevator. Please give it up."

Zhang Mingjie just looked at me and said, "It won't delay Chu how much time you have."

Even if Ziyuan has a good temper and is so ignored by Zhang Mingjie, she will inevitably get angry. Sister Tiger is even more upset for Ziyuan, and she is angry: "Is Zhang Zhang, are you annoying? Are you ..."

"Small night," I grabbed Sister Hu and said, "This is the company, pay attention to the impact."

Although Sister Tiger hasn't exploded yet, we have become the focus of the lobby-now is the time to work, it is the time when people come and go most intensive, and we are still standing at the elevator entrance ... I just say this time, The spread of information was amazingly fast. The sudden change in my relationship with Zhang Mingjie happened yesterday afternoon, but everyone knows it today. Waiting for the guys in the elevator to see us face to face, no one came close. The front of the elevator forms a large semicircle, whispering to each other, while watching the excitement, while whispering to people who have not yet known.

Dong Xiaoyue retreated behind me, and I patted Ziyuan's shoulder again to show comfort, and then asked Zhang Mingjie with a smile: "I don't know what Master Zhang is standing in front of me now, friend? Deputy General Manager of Marketing If it ’s the latter, I ’m a little clerk, I ca n’t refuse it. If it ’s the former ... I just want to talk to you. ”

Zhang Mingjie's face flashed with joy, and he was busy: "Of course as a friend, what does Chu Shao want to talk about? There are many people here, let's find a quiet place ..."

"No, no, there are many people--" I raised my left arm and pointed to one side. "Zhang Shao, please look over there ..."

Zhang Mingjie turned his head and looked to his right. The little ol in the front of the crowd who pointed at me was very ordinary. His face was red and red. He didn't know if it was the focus or the handsome Zhang's affectionate gaze. Helpless, the tongue seemed to be tied, "I, I, I ... that ..."

Zhang Mingjie said, "This lady is ..."

I don't know who she is-buddy rubbed his shoulders, shook his right arm, and then ... took it out in my most chic pose and even the power to suckle, and waved a momentum My right straight fist, in the exclamation of the crowd, was suffocated on the half face Zhang Mingjieliang gave me!

Zhang Mingjie didn't have time to hum, and his body spun to the back of the crowd. Unfortunately, there were a few female staff members who were not quick enough to react, but instinctively avoided screaming, a great opportunity to bring the handsome man into his arms. I missed it, because I panic, and stepped on the feet of Master Zhang ... The company's requirement that female employees must wear high heels is simply inhumane. These steps are more severe than my punch. !!

"Behind the knife, you + he + mom + still feel sorry for the word 'friend' in front of me? My aunt-if you put on the shelf of the vice president of the marketing department, I dare not touch you, you talk to me Friend? Then I'll chat with my fists! "I wanted to spit at Zhang Mingjie, but when I thought of spitting, there was no public morality and a fine, so I consciously swallowed the spit.

Ignoring Zhang Mingjie's faintness or death, I grabbed Dong Xiaoye's hand on the left and grabbed Ziyuan's waist on the right. If I entered the elevator casually, people who did not dare to get out of the elevator from the upper floor escaped like a beast and a beast. After entering, he politely pressed the 27th floor.

The two girls did not return until the elevator door was closed. Dong Xiaoye took a punch on my chest and laughed angrily: "Are you so shameless? I wonder who the woman is, if you dare to cheat Fool Zhang Mingjie! Thanks to your face and scolding him for the knife, "

This girl has a strong thief, rubbing her chest, and almost couldn't help catching her. "I don't call the knife behind my back?

Sister Tiger sneered, "One thing!"

Ziyuan just gave me a glance, not surprised me, "I thought you would not be angry."

I laughed: "I'm really not angry."

Then Ziyuan showed a little shock, "Then why did you hit him?"

"I never believed him, but I gave him a fist. He would think that I once believed him ... can make him more annoyed, why not?"

Sister Hu cursed with a smile: "You don't want to suffer."

Seeing my cunning smile, Ziyuan suddenly shook her head and said, "No, you're not just disgusting him?"

"Oh?" I pretended to be stupid. "What am I for?"

"Why is Zhang Mingjie looking for you?"

Dong Xiaoye said on my behalf: "The surname Zhang did not say ..."

"But Xiaonan already guessed it," Ziyuan sighed. "Sister Xiaoye, in fact you and I can guess, isn't this obvious? Zhang Mingjie stood in the wrong team yesterday and found nothing. Of course, he wants to make up for it, and wants to save it, so , The more angry Nan Xiao showed in his betrayal, the relative ... "

Sister Hu clapped, "Zhang Mingjie's price will be higher ?!"

Ziyuan nodded. "You guy, do you want to rip off?"

I smiled and said nothing.

I'm going to rip off, but not Zhang Mingjie—Zhang Mingjie has put on a pair of pants with his boss. If he sings against him again, he will become a capricious villain. So, when he comes to me, it must be The meaning of tension, to knock, I also knock on the bamboo poles of tension.

The last time he knocked Zhang Mingjie, Dong Xiaoye had tasted it, excited: "How many times do you plan to knock him this time? One million? Two million?"

Seeing that I was just shaking my head, Sister Tiger was shocked: "Aren't you going to knock on Li Xinghui, but also knock on his two houses?"

"No," I said lightly, "I want to knock him out of the house."


As soon as I entered the investment department, I was surrounded by my colleagues.

"Nang, tell me, what happened yesterday? I heard that the son of Mrs. Duanmu, who is blind, has blinded her eyes and dared to tease our grandmother Cheng, letting you give you a fat meal, and then you let Master Zou of the supervision department Giving me a meal, isn't it? No, Master Zou is in his forties and has just married a beautiful little daughter-in-law. It must be Ye Ye Huan Ye, foreign strong and strong. If you lose the enemy, you eat it. Surprisingly, I may believe, but they say that you are fighting for a long time and losing. It is impossible. How can you be a fierce old virgin and have a virginity than Master Zou? Did you already break your virginity? Are you here? I do n’t believe it, it ’s the so-called food pulp. If you break, Grand Aunt Cheng and Miss Mo can spare you? In the face of these two misfortunes, can you stand lonely at night? There is a sorrowful woman who wants to be dissatisfied, or else ... your energy is consumed in the vortex of other evils ... "Viagra turned his gaze to the asters and winter night beside me, Sister Tiger is okay, but Ziyuan is red-faced and red-faced, so ashamed Self-contained - though Viagra is nonsense Luangai be lucky hit, man is indeed a virgin era is Aster to end, these two days virtual body, spent the night and the day are not unrelated ...

[Ps: The schedule is upside down again. I slept at noon yesterday, and got up in the middle of the night ...]

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