Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1016: Mo and Jiang (Part 2)

"Father Jiang is regretful after he is angry, but he has a bad temper, and others can't persuade him. The more he persuades him, the more hesitant, even if it's not his original intention at all ... Mrs. Jiang cries with him every day, only to play The negative effect, coupled with Jiang Yu ’s father did all that a son should do. At this time, Father Jiang made another amendment to the will? It really did n’t make sense. Fortunately, in that year, the 20-year-old Duanmu The wife helped the chairman to negotiate an important financing. Feng Chang was established and quickly occupied a place in the retail industry. The development momentum was rapid. Mrs. Jiang saw that Miss Jiang had a future, and her relationship with Mr. Jiang was only slightly. Relieving, Father Jiang was relieved, but his face was even more lost, because the poor boy not only broke out of the realm, but also within a few years, his net worth turned into himself several times. He Afraid that he changed his attitude, others would laugh at him as he became more and more powerful, so instead of improving the attitude of the chairman, he intensified. Finding faults and stabbings, the chairman cannot give birth ... Miss Jiang nothing out, it became Father Jiang often mention broken hundred ... "

The temperament and temperament of the old Jiang family is not like an elder ...

"Sister Liu, are you off topic? Do these have anything to do with Jiang Yu?"

"The key is here ..." Sister Liu asked me with a soothing voice: "With what you know about the chairman, what do you think will be the first thing after his fortune?"

My heart shuddered, cold sweat overflowed my forehead, "Revenge ... Father Jiang? No way ..."

"Yes," Sister Liu said, "Our chairman is this kind of person. He carried Miss Jiang and hosted the company of Mr. Jiang maliciously-but at that time, Mr. Jiang was no longer there. The stroke caused cerebral hemorrhage. Suddenly, there was a turmoil inside and outside the company. The chairman took advantage of that turmoil and conspired with Mrs. Jiang, without any blood, easily retrieved everything they thought should belong to Miss Jiang. By the time Master Jiang ’s will was announced, the company had already Changed his surname to Mo, Jiang Yu's father still has nothing ... "

I couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Mrs. Mo probably doesn't like this approach of Mo Dong ..."

"Not only did she dislike it, Ms. Jiang almost divorced him when she was angry, and only a few people who were close to them knew about it at that time," said Sister Liu with emotion. "It is easier to talk about your heart than your heart? Chu Nan, If you are Jiang Yu's father, do you hate the Jiang family, hate the chairman? "

I didn't think about it, and said, "It must be hated. He had a son and a grandson for a few years. He obviously got a promise, but in the end, he got nothing, and he would definitely annoy the shamelessness of the surnamed Mo and the surnamed Jiang. .. "

Sister Liu just shook her head and listened to me before she said, "Everyone may think so, thinking that he is comparing heart to heart. In fact, he only cares for the gentleman's belly with a careful heart. In the past, Mr. Jiang thought the chairman was chasing Miss Jiang. It ’s his family property, and the chairman thinks that Jiang Yu ’s father is posing as a filial son, and the family of Master Tujiang is the result? Lu Yao knows horsepower and sees people ’s hearts for a long time. The chairman has made a career with his own efforts. Jiang Yu His dad seemed to be in a dream, but people didn't take it seriously. He still did his duty to be his own son to Mrs. Jiang. After Mr. Jiang left, Mrs. Jiang got sick a few times. At the bedside, every time Mrs. Jiang is ill, it's almost time for him to be hospitalized ... People's hearts are long, Chu Nan, if you are Mrs. Jiang, wouldn't you feel uneasy about conscience? "

I'm ashamed. I hate Jiang Yu's father maliciously because I hate Jiang Yu and hate Jiang Yu. It's just that he likes Murphy. I don't know anything about him, let alone his father. .. Sister Liu is right, this is not to compare heart to heart, but to measure the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

"Now?" I said, "Is Jiang Yu's father still taking care of Mrs. Jiang?"

"No ..." Sister Liu said sadly: "He accompanied Mrs. Jiang to countless hospitals, but he never checked his body. By the time he found out, he had advanced gastric cancer ..."

"Dead ?!" I was reluctant to believe such a guess.

Sister Liu sighed: "This is the so-called good man does not live long ..."

I was silent, admirable and unspeakable pity for the unsophisticated simple man.

Sister Liu gathered her respect, and said, "Either Mrs. Jiang or Ms. Jiang, including the chairman, is grateful and guilty for her father, especially Mrs. Jiang. His mother took good care of her, and even treated Jiang Yu as her grandson. As long as it was what he wanted to do, it was all for him. As long as he wanted it, he gave it to him. Therefore, Jiang Yu can study abroad, so, He almost became the general manager of the Shanghai branch before he returned from his studies, so ... "

Sister Liu did not go down and I answered, "So he likes Murphy, so I can't compete with him?"

Sister Liu did not answer me directly, "I don't know what the chairman thinks of you and Fifi, but the whole world knows that the chairman doesn't like Jiang Yu, otherwise he won't keep him dead in Shanghai. He The simple and kind father does not mean that he will be as simple and kind as his father. His father does not remember to hate the actions of the two people in Mojiang at that time, does not mean that his mother and him do not remember to hate. In recent years, he was very restless in Shanghai. Thanks to Mrs. Jiang's support behind her, she did a lot of extraordinary things. Although the performance of the branch has gone up, his high-profile arrogance is also inevitable ... "

"He's high-profile and arrogant?" Although I was hostile to Jiang Yu, I didn't dare to agree. "No, isn't he very restrained?"

"Sven can restrain his eyes without blinking, so take out a Maserati to accompany you to bet?" Sister Liu gave me a white look. "Back to the chairman's eyelids, of course, he has to converge, but after all he is used to high profile. , Some places will still be inadvertently exposed. "

If he “sends” me a Maserati by accidental exposure, the goods are indeed arrogant and high-profile terrible ... Murphy is only a few million annual salary, even if he has over ten million annual salary, make a small bet and spit out three Five million, can't be as casual as spitting? Sister Liu's words made me suddenly realize that it seems that Jiang Yu has not lost much oil and water in Shanghai ...

"The senior management of the group helped him to speak well, and most of them benefited from him. It is the middle and low-level management like me. He can also receive his red envelope every year, tens of thousands less, hundreds of thousands more, and he does not discuss so much. Where did the money come from, but why did he write the book like this? Why isn't it just laying the groundwork for transferring back to the top of the group one day! So so ingenious, like his honest father? His best thing is not this ... "Sister Liu said:" He is thirty-one this year and he has never made a girlfriend, do you believe it? "

"Why?" I felt a sense of crisis in my heart. "Because he has a deep love for Fifi?"

"Oneness" and "Infatuation" are the things I lack most, so they are the source of my sense of crisis.

Sister Liu didn't like to think about others, so she answered vaguely, "Is it true? Only he knows it, but I heard that Fifi's dad and Jiang's family were basically non-associated. When Jiang Yu went abroad, Fifi was eleven and twelve." At the age of 24, when he returned to China at the age of 24, it was just the same year that Fifi was studying abroad. Fifi returned only two years ago. In these two years, I received three red envelopes from him, but I only saw them in the company. Pass him once ... "

In other words ... Jiang Yu rarely has the chance to meet Murphy, so ... where does this exaggerated love start? !! Like me at first sight of Murphy? No no no, although I fell in love at first sight, the reason I got deeper and deeper was because I could see her every day and hear her voice. If I have not been accepted by the wind after the interview, I believe that I am right Murphy's feeling is just a throbbing moment in life, and it will soon be forgotten ...

No reason is needed for the heart, but there must be a reason for love, and a deeper love, and a reason is more necessary-recalling Murphy's attitude towards Jiang Yu yesterday, before thinking of going to the ring, Murphy begged me to win Jiang Yu's expression ... she was right Jiang Yufei is indifferent, even more loathing, resisting, and rejecting!

Obviously, Murphy doesn't think Jiang Yu really likes her. Otherwise, he will look at his father's face and the relationship between the two people in Mo Jiang. At least he will maintain the minimum respect for him, and he will be infatuated with himself and unable to do so. Respond, and instinctively apologize-Murphy is very kind, and her coldness and ruthlessness must have a reason!

In the dispute between Mo and Jiang, Murphy is the most innocent implicated ...


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