Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1020: Consciousness and courage

Let me go to Shanghai to replace Jiang Yu? My first reaction was that I would wipe Jiang Yu ’s butt, and Jiang Yu would be able to come to North to chase Murphy. From all the signs yesterday, if Lao Mo sent me to Shanghai to stop her, Madam Duanmu Not necessarily, I can hide the true situation of Shanghai branch for Jiang Yu ...

A burst of sour vinegar was poured into my brain, and I was about to scold the street, but I heard Lao Mo calmly say, "When you talk about the cooperation project, you are not only an employee of Fengchang, but also an employee of Moon Valley, and it is successful Chen, at that time, unless you take the initiative to resign, otherwise I want to fire you. I must also see Min Rouken nodded. In other words, if you want to destroy Jiang Yu and support you in the back, It ’s Miss Three and Miss Min. Then, I have nothing to do but the old lady is not worried about it and I do n’t have to explain ... ”

I rely on ...

"You ... want to rectify Jiangyu?" Ya obviously wanted to kill someone with a knife!

Lao Mo asked, "You give me a reason I shouldn't rectify him."

I want to kill him more than Lao Mo, but I also feel that if I did that, I would feel guilty. Of course, guilt is not because of Jiang Yu. "His father ... you have been ashamed of his father. Right ... "

Old Mo strangled me to death, "Even if I am ashamed of his father, am I ashamed of him?"

I am dumb ... indeed, Lao Mo is not ashamed of Jiang Yufei. On the contrary, for so many years, he has been so concealed and indulged. Even if he really owes him something, he has already paid off.

"If you say this, it proves that you already know about his father and the Jiang family. I admit that I feel a bit guilty about his father, but it is only in my personal understanding of morality. In fact, his father inherited it. Or do not inherit the property of the Jiang family, the results are the same. Big fish eat small fish is an inevitable development in commercial competition. The Mo family competes with the Jiang family in the same market. There is always one to be eaten by another. The difference is only The reason is that his father inherited the company of the Jiang family. I acquired it. I did not inherit it. The two were mergers. My guilt had nothing to do with the acquisition. Instead, I narrowly measured his father's life. He was a good man, kind-hearted, Simplicity and noble character make me ashamed and respectful, but in reason and reality, I never feel that I owe him. I have told you long ago that there is only one purpose as a businessman, and that is profit. In the pursuit of interests, you must sacrifice excess sympathy and mercy, otherwise you will achieve nothing! The reason why I tolerate Jiang Yu everywhere has nothing to do with his father, I just have to accommodate the old lady , Because she is the mother of my wife, and I do not want my wife to have any embarrassment between the husband and the mother-I, Mo Yizhi, live to this day, only ashamed of one person, that is mine wife!"

Lao Mo's expression was serious and sincere, maybe he didn't think he should say this to me, or maybe he didn't say it in front of Long Shan, so he coughed and lifted the fruit basket on the table. "Take this to Miss Min, and take a watermelon on the coffee table. It is not appropriate to go empty-handed."

Long Shan took the fruit basket, took the watermelon packed in a net bag on the coffee table, and handed it to me. I thought she would feel a little embarrassed. Because of Lao Mo's guilt to his wife, Long Shan is definitely the biggest reason. Long Shan is very free and easy, she seems to see through my mind, she smiled, patted my heart, and said, "For some people, missing something like feelings is destined to be a lonely, regretful, painful life .. Xiao Nan, I do n’t know if you are this kind of person, but I am, I do n’t know if you are stronger than me, but I am not strong. If I say that I will spend my whole life to compensate and atone for sin, it must be It ’s an excuse to hide the fact that I ’ve robbed someone ’s happiness, but when such a relationship happens, it usually only gives you two choices, either to face or to escape. I used to choose the latter but failed. Because I am not strong, because I am nostalgic and unable to refuse retention ... The feeling is like a quagmire. The more I struggle, the deeper I fall, I cannot escape, so I choose to face it, even if the result is death or destruction. .. this is what Love, love that I understand-love, there must be awareness of love, so, I know my sins, if I am embarrassed for this, I am running away from my sins, I have the courage to make mistakes, and deserve it I have the courage to face it. "

If you love, you must have the awareness of love ...

The courage to make mistakes, the courage to face ...

I chewed Long Shan's words carefully, feeling like there was something in my atrium.


Before leaving Lao Mo's office, I suddenly thought of a question, "You said that Madam Duanmu would grab it if there is a shortage in the Shanghai branch, but before yesterday, you had the idea of ​​letting me replace Jiang Yu. This shows that You thought early on that if I went to Shanghai, Mrs. Duanmu wouldn't argue, would you? "

Mo Yi sat back in the boss chair for a moment, then smiled, but did not deny it.

I was curious: "Why?"

Lao Mo's answer was unexpected and unexpected. "Did she give you a card yesterday? The top membership card for the beauty club of the women under the moon. The boss of that club knows you and also knows her. I I think that woman will help you, that's all. "

"Who is that woman?"

"Miss Three's friend," Mo Yizhi said, "In this world, the only person who weighs more than her son in her heart."


Back to the comprehensive group, I handed over the fruit basket and watermelon to Waner, and asked her to wash the fruit, cut the watermelon, and share it with everyone. Waner asked me where the thing came from, and I said it was originally The chairman asked me to give it to Jiang Yu, because Min Rou asked for it, so I saved it. Waner immediately took it for washing. Sister Liu was right. The little girl really did not like Jiang Yu very much, although her aunt I like to die ...

Instead of rushing to greet Murphy's office, I took a newspaper from my desk, took a paper knife and a bottle of glue, and went to the bathroom.

Conveniently, I turned the newspaper to find the proper Chinese characters, and then cut it with a paper knife. The project just started and I heard someone come in and opened the door next door. , But came to push me here.

I was out of breath: "Someone."

"Chunan ... right?"

I hesitated, the voice was ...

"Old black?"

The person outside laughed and said, "It's me ..."

I stopped working, "Is there something?"

"No ... no, something ..."

I asked, "What's up?"

Old Heihe can talk in his weekdays, but now he is babbling and silently saying, "I ... that ... will be transferred away ..."

"I heard ..." I sighed secretly. After Murphy took control of the leadership of the Thirteen-City Group, the significance of the existence of the integrated group was declared over, and it was bound to disband, but as the class she trained, everyone She will fill the Thirteen City team without exception and become her backbone. The future is unlimited. At this time, the old black tune will be taken away. Although it is a branch company director, it is a typical rise or fall. "Take care, I wish you every success. "

"Thank you ..." Heihe was silent for a while, and smiled: "You are right, people have done something wrong, and always have to pay the price ... I ... I know, say 10,000 sentences I am sorry, also I ca n’t change what has happened, but ... I still want to say to you ... Sorry, Chu Nan, I ’m not asking for your forgiveness, nor do I feel that I said 'sorry', and I feel less guilty, It ’s just that ... after being transferred, we may not have the opportunity to meet again in my life. I owe you too much and can give it back to you, but there are only three words. If I do n’t say it, I will awkward my whole life ... That, that's it, I'm leaving ... "

"Old black--"

Old Black's footsteps stopped and stopped.

I sighed and smiled with the tone we used to fart in the previous gag: "Before you leave, remember to ask us for a sea fishing."

After a few seconds of silence, Lao Hei said softly, "Well, it must be ..."

Three words, he choked, "Thanks, brother ..."

"You pay, thank you for what."

The old black laughed, and walked a lot lighter when he left.

I seem to have realized Long Shan's sentence-if you have the courage to make mistakes, you must have the courage to face it.

When a person can face his mistake bravely, at least, I have no reason to remember to hate him.



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