Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1022: ] Who is the sheep and who is the wolf?

Murphy discussed the subject of bathing suits without any purpose.

The reason why she is in a bad mood today is because Long Shan had called early in the morning to inform her about the fact that Mrs. Jiang had flown to Beitian, and asked her to visit Jiang Yu with me. Then she burst out of emotion and hit the earth with tassel and Mars ... but when Ziyuan said that Min Rou had asked me, it seemed to penetrate the hidden line of sunlight. She immediately moved her mind, and then I heard that Lao Mo had already When I canceled the idea of ​​letting me visit Jiang Yu and please Mrs. Jiang, she was even more excited-she was also going to borrow Min Rou's appointment to hide Mrs. Jiang ...

There is no doubt that it is public and private, but there is no doubt that the reason is seamless-she just became the person in charge of the Thirteen Cities Program yesterday. When the head of the branch and the senior management of the subsidiary gathered at the group headquarters, There are too many things for her to participate in and discuss. It is basically impossible for her to escape from Mrs. Jiang at this moment, unless ... Min Rou has asked! As long as we close our mouths, who knows that Min Rou asked us to play?

Murphy's careful thinking, I understand, she hides for a day and a half at most, and still wants to see Mrs. Jiang sooner or later, but she just wants to tell Mrs. Jiang that with her for a long time, Jiang Yu is injured or dead. She Don't care at all ...

Miss Mo happily went upstairs to ask Lao Mo. We all thought that Lao Mo would not agree, but after a cup of tea, Murphy returned, and when she entered the door, she showed a victory gesture. Let's play together ... No, it's an invitation to Miss Min of Moon Valley Company. "

Wan'er was pleasantly surprised, "I'm going with me, too?"

"Of course I can," Murphy said. "Since it's office work, of course I'll bring two assistants, so I look good enough. Don't let anyone doubt."

Tassel can take two assistants at once, busy: "Yes, yes, only look good enough ..."

"So ..." Murphy pulled a long note. "Just Miss Cheng, you stayed."

"What ?!" Tassel jumped off the sofa immediately, "Why did I stay ?!"

"Because I believe in you, I can only take two assistants, Ziyuan is one. Why is Waner rather than you? You have to stay in charge of the investment department and see how clear I am ..."

"My aunt! Are you a fake public helper ?!" Aunt Cheng quit, "Min Rou asked Nan Nan and not you! I don't care if you go and I go!" Then he glanced at me, apparently not Rest assured that I'm with Murphy ...

"Okay, let's go together." Just when we all thought Murphy was so good at talking, and she was in a good mood, she looked at the tassel's chest and sneered, "You have to humiliate yourself, why don't I give you This opportunity? Let's go, let's go buy a swimsuit ~ "

Grandma Cheng's face suddenly became gloomy ...

"Wait a minute!" I pulled Murphy, who couldn't wait to get away, and asked Ziyuan with a smirk, "Is it appropriate?"

Ziyuan said indifferently: "It's not suitable, I said it's not good, you should ask Min Rou." Hearing Murphy and Tassel also go together, this girl is a bit tasteful, dialed Min Rou's phone, and then In my hands.

I do n’t know if Min Rou is really generous or in order to conceal his true purpose. It is very refreshing to say that as many people as possible, play well, the picture is lively ... This is expected, and Ziyuan knew it early on. Min Rou will not oppose, or when Chu Yuan called the father and stepmother last night, she would discourage her. She did not want Murphy and Tassel to go with her, so she had a little anticipation for Min Rou ’s response. As a result, she was disappointed.

I can understand, after all, my relationship with Xiao Zi already knows the three girls in the family, we can get along more naturally and closer, but if Murphy and tassel go together, it will inevitably be more taboo After returning to Ziyuan, Ziyuan always kept a distance with me. After all, I had a chance to have a sweet love, but a few light bulbs lit up next to it ...

I'm not worried about this. Speaking of light bulbs, if Tassel and Murphy don't go, will they be gone? Chu Yuan's girl is full of expectations for today, and Xiao Zi's affairs, she is not completely relieved, if you see tassel again at this time ...

Now I really don't dare to provoke that baby. God knows that she will make something more when she is jealous.

As soon as the brain moved, I suddenly thought of someone, if she also went ... So I laughed: "Since I want to dress, I just dress more like that, and bring Sister Liu together."


Murphy and Sister Liu have to explain the work. Waner and Ziyuan also have some trivial things to do. I have to ask Qin Lan to take over. I will pull Sister Hu and tassel first to go downstairs. In the lounge area on the first floor Waiting, the reason to come down in advance is purposeful, but by no means to come here like Zhang Mingjie to 'shouzhuzhututu', nor to meet Sima Yang who is late for work!

Sima was very thick-skinned, and saw me sitting in the lobby with a slight hesitation, then the old acquaintances came over, politely convulsions and sister Hu nodded, and then asked: "Brother Chu, I can sit down and chat ?"

I laughed: "What if I say no?"

Sima Yang shrugged helplessly, "Then you can only wait until Brother Chutian said‘ Yes ’before you talk and bother.”

Go back? This answer surprised me a bit. I wasn't strong enough. I caught a glance at Tassel and Sister Tiger. The two women understood, and got up and sat at the next table. I said, "No need to change the day, Brother Sima, please sit down."

"Don't dare to take the word please, brother Chu still don't treat me too kindly, otherwise I will be intimidated. I don't know if you have to give me a move to strike the west, then I will be too big," Sima Yangbian He sat down and rubbed his temples with a smile: "Brothers drank two more drinks last night. They overslept this morning and were awakened by Zhang Dong's phone. It was said that Zhang Shao was sent to the hospital by you, haha, It really fits your style of Brother Chu. "

"My style?"

“When you do n’t mess with you, you ’re a sheep. It ’s easy to get along and anger you. You ’re a wolf. Whoever provokes you is who is a sheep. Zhang Shao just did n’t fully understand whether he was a sheep or a wolf today. I deserve to be bitten. "

I asked with a smile: "Is Brother Sima scolding me?"

"Don't dare," Sima Yang quickly shook his head. "You listen to my name, 'Yang'."

"But there is no 'wolf' in my name."

"Because you are a wolf in sheep's clothing."

I and Sima Yang looked at each other. After a while, the two laughed in unison, and the Tassel Tiger sister next to the table was inexplicable. I didn't know where the smile was--to be honest, I didn't know. I couldn't figure out Sima. What is Yang thinking about? Do you say he scolded me? Unlike, he was sincere and serious, but did you say he didn't scold me? Another sentence is thorny ... laughing, but it is just a cover up for my confusion, and it may be understood by him as a counterattack and then a deterrent.

"Isn't Brother Sima coming to tell me a joke?"

"No," Sima Yang finally got to the point, "Brother Chu knows what happened to Zhang Shao in the morning?"

"do not know."

"Don't know, or don't want to know?"

"Is there a difference?"

"Yes," Sima Yang put his hands on the table, crossed her fingers, and said, "If you don't know, you don't know, but you don't want to know, it's because you already know, but you don't want to hear him."

"I don't know."

"No, I don't want to know. Brother Chu is too modest. When you degrade your IQ, you also degrade my IQ."

I looked at him with a smile. "Does Brother Sima know more about myself than I do?"

"The wolf doesn't need to know his strength, and he knows that the sheep can eat. This is ridiculous, but the sheep doesn't understand the strength of the wolf and thinks that the wolf can eat. This is too ridiculous. I like to put myself in The position of the weak, so that I can not underestimate anyone, I am a sheep, so I understand the horror of wolves, "Sima Yang said with emotion," the only mistake Zhang Deputy Dong has made so far is to mistake you for you It's a sheep, and another mistake he might make next time is that you are like wolves like him. "


Sima Yang Kankan said: "Wolves and wolves can talk about conditions, because who sees who is a threat, it is more cost-effective to be a friend than to be an opponent, but sheep and wolves have no conditions to talk about, because in the eyes of a wolf, a sheep is a piece of meat. What I need to worry about is whether it is cooked, stewed, or grilled. Vice President Zhang wants to invite you to dinner. In fact, he is bringing himself to the table into a dish, which is ridiculous. "

"Brother Sima came to invite me for Zhang Dong?"

"Exactly," Sima Yang smiled bitterly, and his face that was stunned by the hangover was a bit ugly, with loneliness and disappointment, "I personally think that if you kill to death like a wolf, you will lose defeat and lose your dignity. It is worthy to admire the courage to admit defeat. It is a pity ... a pity ... a pity ... "

Sima Yanglian said three ‘unfortunate’, but in the end he just sighed and did n’t keep talking.

I said: "Unfortunately, Vice President Zhang Dong refused to admit defeat, so that you lost your respect for him, didn't you?"

"You haven't been able to win you when you haven't won, let alone now you have won?" Sima Yang did not answer directly, but skipped the topic, "Brother Chu refused to appreciate Zhang Dong's face, at night Have a meal together? "

I pretended to be a moment of contemplation and laughed: "Since Brother Sima understands me better than I know myself, do you think I am willing?"

"You are willing," Sima Yang said with certainty. "It's a happy moment, the style of the winner is joyful, the gloom of the loser is glorified, that is, the prestige and the advantage. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone. Why is it painful? Brother, you do n’t have the kind of weight that can make you smile when you are bored. You do n’t send people because you do n’t have the time. The person who knows the most forbearance and the person who knows revenge is the best. Otherwise, Brother Chu will not throw a punch in the morning. Zhang Shao was admitted to the hospital, wasn't he? "

"Brother Sima really knows me," I laughed, but then changed my tone. "But to disappoint you, my brother has something to do with these two days. I want to go to the Moon Valley Company with President Mo and talk away. So Zhang Vice President Dong's meal ... "

Sima Yang said, "It's the same after a few days, right?"

I laughed. Some lie was not necessary in front of the wise man. "Brother Sima explained to Deputy Zhang."

"Good to say," Sima Yang only asked me for a reply. Now that he has got it, he won't be sloppy anymore, and stands up, "So my brother will leave."

This article doesn't ask me what to do in the Valley of the Moon, it's extremely clever, knowing that he didn't want to provoke me, I still like him more, he is indeed a personal talent.

"Brother Sima, remember the topic we talked about in the bathroom last time?"

Sima Yang paused, and then turned around, smirking, "Maybe I should be convinced by Brother Chu."

I sincerely said, "If you believe me, it's not too late."

Sima Yang hadn't responded to me yet, and saw Yao Waner ran out of the elevator, holding a letter in his hand and shouting: "Nang, Xiaoye, it's not good, Xu Heng and Xu Heng come to our company! "

Evening winter night and tassels were startled, even Sima Yang couldn't help but be disillusioned, the people coming and going in the hall were locked in an inconsistent freeze, before I whispered badly, already screaming It's like a cat digging into a rat's nest and running around without a head. What's it called? panic!

Beitian ... No, nationwide, who else doesn't know who ‘Xu Heng’ is? God knows if he has a bomb under his feet ...


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