Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 103: Are you dad? Who is my mother?

Chapter 103 Are You Dad? Who is my mother?

Tassel was really happy, so she sent Chu Yuan to kiss her and was pleasantly surprised: "Do you really remember me, haha, obediently?"

Chu Yuan was like a submissive kitten, and she was allowed to caress her head with tassel, and she saw an incredible expression on my face. The stinky girl actually stabbed her with a hand on my waist, and her eyes seemed to be saying : Your sister, I'm not that naive!

by! Pretend to be a cute genius! I breathed a long sigh of relief. To be honest, I was still worried before I entered the door. I was afraid that the fate and tassel could not get through. Now it seems that the little girl is still quite acquainted with it, of course ... It would be better if you didn't hit me ... it hurts!

After Tassel had a close relationship with Chu Yuan, he proudly introduced to Murphy and Liu Xinlei: "Sister Lei, Fei Fei, this is Nan Nan's sister Chu Yuan, how is it cute?"

I really don't know what tassel is showing off, as if Chu Yuan is not my sister, but her sister.

Chu Yuan has such magic, it seems that everyone who knows her will feel proud and proud, let alone Chu Chuke's appearance, let alone Viagra look, even Murphy and Liu Xinlei are no exception.

Murphy was sitting on the sofa, her mouth opened slightly, her eyes staring at Chu Yuan, her eyes made me familiar, like Chu Yuan saw her favorite kitty cat in the toy store, if not for her own I ’m afraid I rushed in early to get in touch with Chu Yuan, a cute kitten, and I ’m used to being the focus of attention on any occasion. She ’s afraid that she will focus her focus on another girl for the first time.

And sister Liu who came out of the kitchen even forgot her hot pot, and looked up and down Chu Yuan with love and surprise, "Chu Nan, this child is your sister?" Road: "Kang Kang, Kang Kang."

After listening to Liu Xinlei's shout, Murphy just came back to me, got up and walked to us, trying to pull Chu Yuan's hand, only to find that Chu Yuan held my arms tightly, and added a bit of love on his face. He raised his eyes and smiled softly, "Sister, hello, my name is Murphy, and I am your brother's colleague."

"Sister Mo is good." The stinky girl's mouth is so sweet, even if she is too brave, she still refuses to shake hands with others.

"Hello," Murphy couldn't help but touch Chu Yuan's head, showing an incredible expression to me, "Chu Nan, last time you told me how beautiful and cute your sister is, I still think you're bragging, no I thought she was more than you said ... it was like Yang Wei, she was a little angel. "

For the compliments of others, Chu Yuan has long been used to it. Instead, it was a little surprised to hear Murphy say I exaggerated her. The stinky girl looked at tassel for a while, and murmured for a while. In addition to the envy in the eyes, it seems that there are some other things mixed in, clear, but it is hard to understand.

In front of outsiders, I always admire my sister, but in the face of Murphy, Tassel, and Sister Liu, I definitely won't be so mallet, "Well, compared to the three of you, she is far worse, and children can't praise it. Otherwise you will be proud. "

"I'm not a child!" Chu Yuan suddenly emphasized aloud, startled me, and looked at the girl who was staring at me, as stubborn as ever.

Embarrassing. Didn't hear the dead girl. Am I complimenting the three ladies? I gently pinched Chuyuan's exquisite Qiongbi and laughed, "I can't boast if it's not a child."

I kept winking at her, not knowing if she understood. At this moment, Kangkang heard Sister Liu's shout, ran out of the room, saw me, wow a cheer, and ran straight with open arms Come over, "Daddy ~!"

"Hey, my good daughter ~" I squatted down and greeted Kangkang into my arms. The little girl hugged my neck affectionately and rubbed my cheek with a fleshy little face.

Chu Yuan was surprised: "Dad? Who is Mom ?!"

At the sight of this stinky girl looking suspiciously at herself, Tassel quickly clarified: "Not me!"

After hearing the words, Chu Yuan looked at Murphy standing next to me, and God knew why Murphy was as nervous as tassel, and he was a little confused and said, "Not me!"

Perhaps after I entered the door, sister Liu and I showed the most alienation. Chu Yuan, the stinky girl, ignored sister Liu, and almost killed me with an upside down on the floor. She trembled and locked a pair of beautiful eyes on Viagra!

Viagra looked around, then shook his head with a bitter smile, "Well, it seems that it can't be hidden, sister, you guessed it right, I'm the mother ..."


I do ...

Chu Yuan actually believed, and took a step back. I knew that the stinky girl wanted to kick me again as soon as I had a calf, but realized that the occasion was not right, and stiffened.

Seeing Chu Yuan looking at me in panic and fear, a man and three women couldn't help laughing, even Kangkang seemed to understand and couldn't stop laughing. I first kicked Yang Wei's ass, and then I couldn't help it. Chu said to Chu Yuan: "Don't listen to your brother Yang Yang talking nonsense, Kang Kang is your sister Liu's daughter, and likes to play every house, so he is called my father."

Chu Yuan then knew what others were laughing at, her face flushed with shame, she gave me a white look, and guilty of guilty: "I didn't think about it." Then I pinched my arm again, stinking girl afraid of fear Awesome, not as good as Kangkang.

"Kangkang, take sister Yuanyuan to your room for a while," Liu Xinlei said, "Chu Nan, I'm cooking. You sit with President Mo, Su Su, come and help your sister."

Liu Xinlei's eyes were quite helpless. How could I not understand her meaning? A few people were not very familiar with Murphy in private. The first contact was unavoidably careful and lacking topics. This was also the main reason I rushed over. Song Jia had something at home, otherwise it would be nice to pull her over.

It is necessary to break the rigid atmosphere before meals and draw closer to the relationship between Murphy and everyone, and I laughed: "Kangkang, help me entertain your sister Yuanyuan."

"Sister?" Chu Yuan was looking at the young President Mo with a bit of shock. He heard that Liu Mei jumped. Although he was shy, he asked me dissatisfied: "Why is your father? But called my sister? "

The stinky girl likes to pick the words more seriously, and I'm not angry: "She still called you Brother Yang, shouldn't you really think he is my son?"

"I ..." Chu Yuan was speechless, staring at me fiercely, but didn't know what to say.

Murphy snickered aside, apparently thinking that our brothers and sisters were quarreling, and the buddies were blushing, pushing Chu Yuan's shoulders and urging, "Come on, adults, talk, children avoid."

"I'm not a child!" Chu Yuan held my arm tightly, as if I was going to hurt her.

"Sister Yuanyuan, would you like to play with Kangkang for a while?" The cuteness of the girl's costume is definitely brought from the mother's womb. Kangkang pulled Chu Yuan's dress corner. Poor Baba blinked expectantly that her stars were generally bright. Chu Yuan's big eyes suddenly froze.

The little girl pleaded with her personally. How could she be so embarrassed to refuse? Looking at me in embarrassment, I pushed the boat down the water and laughed: "Go and go, I call you for dinner."

Only when Chu Kang was pulled into the room by Kang Kang, tassel came together and wondered: "Nannan, when did your relationship with Yuan Yuan become so good?"

Tassel, how dare you ask this in front of an outsider? It's as if I'm not in harmony with Yuanyuan ... I'm surprised, outsider? Yeah, the bad relationship with Yuanyuan has always been a secret hidden in my heart. Even my parents never knew, why would I tell Tassel? This moment I suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Also standing by my side, the tassel is close at hand, making me feel at ease, but Murphy is close to the earth, so far away from me ...

Carrying Murphy and Yang Wei, I pouted hard at tassel, "We have always been very good."

The fringed nerve is big and frowns: "But you used to ... Ah!" Then the dull smelly girl reacted and quickly covered her mouth, but she was more persuasive in telling the truth, my god, what are you How smart can you be?

Fortunately, Murphy had a preconceived view of my relationship with Chu Yuan, and wondered: "Did you have a bad relationship before? Why didn't I see that she seemed to stick to you."

Sticky, this word is absolutely suitable for today's Chu Yuan, I also feel strange, "I hurt her so much, why wouldn't she stick to me?" My face is happy, proud, and proud, and my face is rolling It's hot.

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