Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1029: Nerve three feet three

The water park has a wealth of entertainment facilities. In addition to exciting water slides, there are wave pools, springboards, and so on. The most distinctive feature is the ring-shaped rafting river in the outer circle. It surrounds the entire indoor water park and will drill along the way. Crossing various bridges, passing various islands, there are fountains, waterfalls, wooden houses, jungles, beaches and other landscapes on both sides. The water flow in each landscape is also different, some are urgent, some are slow, In some places, small waves are very interesting. Kangkang left Chu Yuan for this, set a swimming ring, and drifted and chased with the bitter children happily. When passing by our artificial beach, two A little loli also greeted Chu Yuan on the shore, but the smelly girl just supported the bulging cheeks and ignored them, annoyed that Kangkang and Kuerer left her alone and ran to play on their own. .

Chu Yuan is a dry duck, and a very timid dry duck. Even if she puts on a swimming ring, she doesn't dare to enter the water herself, even if she knows that the water depth is only 1.2 meters ...

The smell of the smelly girl is almost against the sky. She usually bathes in the bath, and she will be drowned by somehow drowning, so she is still wearing a coat and wearing a toad mirror that I do n’t know who left behind, covering up Unhappy expression, sitting under the sun umbrella with his knees, an isolated airbag looks.

It's not strange that the girl has a lot of emotions and she is so bad at sports. She thought that she was coming to the hot spring, but she didn't expect to become a swimmer. When she visited the open-air hot springs in the mountains, she was still very excited and excited, but at the moment But she can only sit on the sand, watching the excitement of others playing so inevitably, there is a gap ...

I took the two little loli back in a circle, took the baton with Sister Liu, climbed ashore, went straight, and wanted to sit next to Chu Yuan, but she was kicked on her **** and kicked out. Outside the umbrella, "Don't sit on my blanket!"

"Okay, okay, okay," Grandma Aunt is not in the right mood, and I don't know anything about her. I picked up a towel from her and wiped my hair, please: "It's boring to sit here, go, brother teaches you to swim go with."

Chu Yuan glared at me, and said badly, "Don't go."

"Why? Don't swim, didn't you buy your swimsuit?"

I asked it knowingly, the stinky girl was self-aware-no matter how clever my teacher was, it was impossible for her stupid student to learn how to swim at once. One side, so it wo n’t go into the water ...

But a duck is also a duck. It is a duck that has a hard mouth. Chu Yuan looked at me with a small face and said, "Is the purpose of buying a swimming suit and wearing a swimming suit necessarily swimming? Is it okay to bask in the sun? "

"But you aren't wearing a bathing suit right now, aren't you wearing a big coat? How are you sunbathing like this?"

Two blushes floated on Chu Yuan's face, his eyes squinted, and he whispered, "Walk around, you just want to see me in a bathing suit ..."

The buddy's old face was hot, and she was in a rush to cover it up, and subconsciously jumped out a sentence, "Who is rare, I have seen you so smooth ..."

"Go to death--" Chu Yuan didn't wait for me to finish, and threw a hand of sand, shameless: "Don't mention that again!"

I was embarrassed, but I couldn't help but laugh at seeing her react like this, "You did what you were afraid of saying?"

Chu Yuan shyly said, "Just don't allow you to say it! You don't know why I did that!"

I asked, "Why did you do that?"

Chu Yuan read the playful expectations in my eyes, and with a hum, he shook the two sands in his hands to the ground, twisted his small face, and looked at the distance with tassel, Murphy, Tiger Sister, Fairy and Min Rou Ziyuan, who grabbed balloons in the wave pool together, muttered quietly, "You know well."

I didn't deny that I sat down next to the smelly girl, grabbed her little hand, and wiped the sand on her palm with a towel, again loving and helplessly grinning: "But I haven't heard you say it myself. .. "

Chu Yuan spread his other hand and let me wipe it, but said in his mouth, "When did you and Xiaozi get together, didn't you explain it to me?"

I froze, shook my head and smiled, "This is not the same thing ..."

"It's the same thing. If you two don't get better, I won't do that kind of thing ..." Chu Yuan lowered his eyes, his voice softly and slowly, "Sister Xiaozi and Cheng Liusu are different. When Cheng Liusu met you, I was already by your side. I liked you first. She came to like you again, that is, 'grab'. So I always hate her with integrity and will wait for me in the future. Bigger, I told her, I like ... I like you, I like you a long time ago, I am brother control, I like my brother's little pervert, I ignore her reaction .. . "

"Do you plan to tell her?" I think I should be surprised, right, but the fact is, I am only surprised by my calmness, maybe it is because of my understanding of Chu Yuan, she can climb in smoothly My quilt was used to declare war on Ziyuan. So, it is not surprising that she shows up at the tassel? I was more concerned about another point, "Why grow up and talk about it?"

Of course, asking and asking, I was not expecting her to expose her brother-controlled attributes ...

Chu Yuan ’s little hand was wiped clean by me, but she still put her hand in my palm, and blushed and asked me, "Why do you think I did that yesterday morning ... I slept in your duvet so smooth? ? "

"In order to tell you, sister Sister Zi, you and I are not just the feelings of my brothers and sisters ..." I said that my skin was as thick as a wall, but when I said that, there was also a feeling that the wall was corroded and melted.

"Then I can just tell her directly? Why do you have to do such a shameful thing?" Chu Yuan's little face was also hot, no wonder she didn't pull her little hand back—it was a blush when I held it reason.

I'm not stupid, plus I know Chu Yuanzhang's shy personality. After hearing what she said, she suddenly realized that I understood why she did such an out-of-circle behavior that totally did not fit her personality!

"Because I am only sixteen years old, even if I said I like you, I am a little pervert who likes my brother, they will only treat these as children's children," Chu Yuan took a hard shot in my palm, Xuan Er held up the big glasses on the bridge of his nose, flattened his lips, and complained: "Even if you are, I think so in my heart: Anyway, I'm just a kid who hasn't grown up. What do I like you and love you now, But it ’s puberty, rebellion, or something. It wo n’t be like this when you grow up ... "

I sighed in my heart, indeed, even if I knew that Chu Yuan liked me not because of adolescent rebellion, I would think like this: She is still young, does not understand love, and gradually understands when she grows up. It's so sticky I depend on me ...

Although I do n’t know if I am expecting or worrying—when Chu Yuan no longer sticks to me and depends on me, when she says she no longer loves me and likes me, will I be fortunate or lost?

I do n’t know, I just know that I do n’t want to verify this.

"If I now tell Cheng Liusu that I like you, I am a small pervert with a fraternity. She must not believe it. Her nerves are as thick as a cabbage's waist. I definitely think I am talking childish, so I only I ’ll tell her when I can grow up, unless ... I have the opportunity to play Cheng Liusu again as I did with Xiao Zi yesterday. ”Chu Yuan ’s eyes flashed with evil light, which scared me into a cold sweat. Fortunately, she followed Sighing: "But that's too difficult. Sister Xiaozi warned me last night that if I dared to do the same thing to Cheng Liusu, she would sue to my parents. On the contrary, if I don't target Cheng Liusu, I will tear After the letter, something that has left you two unconnected for five years, she no longer cares about me ... Cut, her face is too thick, I tear the letter is really wrong, but can't she write another one? Why blame me all ... "

Chu Yuan's tone was quite dissatisfied, but in her eyes she rejoiced. Ziyuan refused to forgive her. It was a heart attack in the past five years. I was also a bit surprised. Ziyuan remembered this thing in her heart, but she just let it go for tassel. Now ...

Just as Chu Yuan is ashamed of her, she is also ashamed of tassel ...

I didn't ask why Chu Yuan declared war on Ziyuan, it was a question that didn't need to be verified-a sense of crisis.

The smelly girl ’s behavior yesterday was not just for the Ziyuan. Her sense of crisis was more from the flowery me ...

"Yes, who is the cabbage you just said?"

Chu Yuan tore a packet of potato chips and fed it to my mouth, but her eyes were aimed at the fringed tassel that jumped high from the water and covered her envy with contempt, saying: Bai Caicai, the fattest girl in our school, has a waist circumference of three feet three. "


Is Cheng Gu's nerves so thick? The smelly girl ’s mouth, as learned from the East, is getting more and more damaged ...

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