The hibiscus is beautiful and beautiful.

Surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, I just feel that heaven is no different.

Regrettably, Chu Yuan refused to enter the water. She could n’t compare to tassel. Although tassel is poor in water, at least in the shallow pool, it is still easy to use. More importantly, Grandma Cheng still dares to show herself despite her inferiority figure.

I still don't know what kind of swimsuit is worn in Chu Yuan.

Grandma Aunt Cheng saw that the two girls were not very interested, and her eyes were twisted. She thought of a puppet idea that pleased them, "Yuanyuan, Little Oriental, do you want to watch an exciting show?"

Chu Yuan is showing off our intimacy towards Ziyuan. The look seems to be mocking Ziyuan. She can't be as generous as me in front of people like her, and she doesn't pay attention to what tassel says. The East is a little curious, " What exciting show? "

Aunt Cheng raised her **** proudly, pointed to the high diving platform in the north, grinned and said, "Ten meters diving ~"

Kangkang and the bitter children have an unfounded admiration for stimulating things. They clapped their hands and applauded, but the rest took a breath, especially Min Rou. He glanced at the height of the platform and fell on his knees. Shaking, pale, exaggerated response, I think Waner, who is the most courageous, shows a eager expression ... I almost forgot, this little girl also likes to be very exciting, remember to be chased by Lin Yunan When the wolverine flees, she not only bursts out her amazing athletic ability, but also feels as excited as this moment.

Sister Liu questioned: "Su Su, can you do it? I don't seem to hear you say that you will still dive ..."

The answer was Dong Xiaoye, and the girl took the matter seriously: "What's wrong? It's simple. Hold your nose and close your eyes, and someone will jump."

Sister Tiger is all-around in sports. Of course, she doesn't look at the jumping platform. As everyone knows, for most people without professional training, just standing at the ten-meter-high place and looking down will be dizzy.

Tassel is 100% bragging, let alone ten meters, she would not dare to jump down even by the pool, because she would not swim at all!

"Listen to her blows, how dare she jump?" Murphy was screaming. She must have laughed in her belly, expecting tassel to be ugly.

Without thinking, Tassel nodded honestly and said to Murphy: "Yes, I don't dare to jump, I mean ... go jump."

"I jump?" Murphy immediately became angry. "Why did I jump ?!"

"Because I can't swim, but you can, and ..." Tassel patted Murphy's shaved shoulder and smiled sweetly. "Don't you forget? You are my servant now, what does the master let you do, Just do what you do, do n’t ask so many why, or it will upset your host, maybe you will think of something that is more difficult for you, why bother asking for it, do n’t you? ”

Naked authority + threat! Naked revenge + revenge!

Murphy ’s face was all green, and Tassel dubbed her radicals in a timely manner, making a surprised expression, “I ’m the one who sells cakes ~ My dear Mo, do n’t you want to turn your face and not confess it? Are you a villain who is silent and unbelievable? "

Where is the tassel to coax Chu Yuan and Dongfang to be happy, it is clear that she is looking for happiness, and her aunt still remembers that Murphy had tossed her for one night!

Falling vertically from a ten-meter-high place, whether or not to swim, is two different things. Murphy can swim, but the courage is not so big, and anxious: "It has nothing to do with not admitting or keeping faith, I ..."

"Don't you dare, right?" Tassel smiled loudly: "Then you can tell me straight away, I'm not an irrational person, you're timid and afraid to jump, it's also a helpless thing, and I'm not good either Forcing you to jump, isn't it? Unfortunately, I can't swim, otherwise I must jump to show Yuan Yuan and Xiao Dongfang once. Now ... I have to ask Xiaoye. "

Chu Yuan and Dongfang never said that they wanted to see who jumped off the 10-meter platform. The tassel was still agitating. On the surface, he regretted that he couldn't swim. In fact, he was taunting Murphy's timidity, and pushing and dragging. It's the shame of Chu Yuan and the East. It seems that the two girls are not in high mood now, it's her fault ...

Where does Murphy not know that tassel is stimulating her, but let her admit that she is timid, especially tassel, but harder than death. She turned her eyes and said, "I am not afraid to jump, but ... . "

Without waiting for Murphy to finish, Tassel preempted, "You don't want to say that you have come to relatives, so it is not convenient to enter the water, right?"

Murphy's face turned red, apparently being tasseled, but the tassel pretended not to see Murphy's expression, and apologized, "No, no, no, you already had the water when you played the ball just now. Why? It may be an inconvenient day, I am too villain, sorry, I shouldn't interrupt you, you go on ... "

My buddy is sweating coldly-Grandma Cheng has to ask Murphy to play a vertical drop ...

Murphy just went into the water just now, but it was only wet the calf. Now the swimsuit is still dry, and only she and Chu Yuan and Dongfang who have been sitting beside me, but this girl is proud and tasseled. Robbing the white, and because it really is not a relative ’s day, it is not good to use it as an excuse, so the silver teeth bite and arrogantly said: "You are too villain, but fortunately I am used to it I am too lazy to care about you. What I want to say is that I am not afraid to jump, but I am very upset that you ordered me to jump, as if I was reluctant to coax Yuanyuan and Dongfang happy ... "

The goal of tassel has been achieved, and he laughed without saying a word, so as not to expose his irresistible ecstasy. Now who can't see Murphy's arrogance?

Although I knew that nothing would happen, I still couldn't bear to see Murphy being too reluctant to himself, saying: "What is the fun of jumping that Dongdong, it is better to play with the slide, isn't it? Yuanyuan, Dongfang, I will take you on the slide, Good daughter, bitter child, go together. "

"No," Dongfang broke my hand and laughed. "Ten meter diving is fun and exciting."

Murphy's eyes just burst into tears.

"But ..." the tone of the East turned, "It's too boring to just watch others jump. This kind of guts game is interesting if everyone participates, isn't it? So I suggest that except Kangkang and bitter children, let's If you want to jump, if you do n’t jump or do n’t dare to jump, you will be punished, will you? ”

"Good!" Of course Miss Mo agreed.

Tassel panicked. "Well ... neither Yuanyuan nor I can swim. Do we have to accept punishment if we don't jump?"

"Of course," Dongfang said, "It's fair to do this. There are rewards and penalties, and there is fun in the game, isn't it?"

Murphy's endless response, "Little Oriental is right." If it wasn't for maintaining her image, I guess she would have rushed to hold Dongfang hard to kiss the two, she enjoyed the expression of tassel very much.

"What jumped for the award, not for the penalty?" The fairy's tone was tentative. It can be seen that she was not very ten-meter diving, so she planned to make a choice based on the Eastern awards and punishments.

Chu Yuan, the little dry duck, was really panicked. I also wondered. The East has always taken care of Chu Yuan, but this proposal is not only aimed at tassel ...

Dongfang grabbed Kangkang and Kuerer and said, "Just jump, and reward Kangkang and Kuerer with two kisses. How about that?"

Sister Liu was laughing, and the fairy didn't take it for granted, and asked, "Why not jump?"

"Don't jump ..." Dongfang's mouth slyly cocked, "It's hard for Brother Nan, let's enjoy the wolf kiss ~ Request a French wet kiss ~"

The girls were red-eared and red-headed, but I couldn't laugh or cry—the East was really good at Chu Yuan ...

The fairies bowed their fingers and shook their fingers in shame, "I hate you, Dongfang, you know people are timid and don't dare to jump, it's because they deliberately make things difficult for them ~~~" The pretentious appearance makes me goose bumps. .

It's not you who make things difficult in the east. She's just coaxing Chuyuan. It's really hard for her to make this proposal. It's not my real girlfriend Tassel. It's not Ziyuan who has had a closer relationship with me. It's Waner and Liu. Sister, and ... Min Rou.

Wan'er was already eager to try, but Sister Liu blushed but didn't panic, proving that she also dared to jump, helpless, and only Girl Min was alone ...

"I ... can I count too?" Min Rou's face was white and red, a stiff smile, begging for mercy.

Dongfang asked: "Aren't you swimming?"

"I can swim, but you ... but ... I ..." Min Rouxiao laughed. "I have a serious fear of heights ..."

No wonder this girl just glanced at the platform just now, her face is so ugly ...

But Dongfang shrugged and said, "That's too bad ... I hope you're not your first kiss."

Min Rou's face suddenly turned red into a ripe tomato, almost exuding juice.

How do I think ... Dongfang is deliberately targeting Min Rou? The smell of gunpowder in her words is very strong.

The young lady's skin is not going to burn the belly, so let's get mad at anyone who catches it?

At the time when Min Rou was most embarrassed, a female employee wearing a sun hat, a swimsuit, and a white t-shirt ran over in panic, handed a mobile phone to Min Rou, and huffed and said, "Miss Min Your mobile phone ... Feng Chang Group ... Mr Dong ... Mr Dong just came on a phone and said yes ... saying what the old lady brought dozens of people to smash our resort, to. .. want Mr. Chu and Miss Mo to hide ... "

Old lady Jiang is here? Did you bring dozens of people to visit Miss Three's resort?

We looked at each other, surprised that Jiang Yu had such a weight in Mrs. Jiang's heart.

It seems that the old lady is not just thinking about Jiang Yu's father ...

We thought that I could avoid Mrs. Jiang for the past two days. It turned out to be so naive. The reason is that I actually underestimated the skill of Jiang Yuzhuang's grandson ...

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