Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1042: 】 Miss Three? Shu nerd?

The woman who got down from the car heard the gunshot, and the flashlight immediately turned to the public face across the road. Then, in a very professional posture, he raised the gun with both hands, dragged a right leg, and slowly walked towards the woman. The scars were so many, obviously it wasn't like I climbed out of the car like Chu Yuan and then went to the front, but was there in the beginning! It is estimated that when the two cars collided, they were dumped out of the car ...

The woman didn't know if she was frightened by the horror of Dao's face, or she didn't respond at all what happened. In short, I didn't hear her scream. Dao's face came to him and pointed her head with a gun. , Gasping hoarse laughter, sounds particularly scary, "Miss, sorry, I need to borrow your car to use it ..." []

Although the woman's voice was a little trembling, she was calm and calm. "You want to borrow a car and just drive away. Why kill my driver?"

"If you are not obedient, I will kill you next time—" Accidents and hurts made Dazhong's face lose his elegant disguise, snatched the flashlight in the woman's hand, and shot at me and Chu Yuan suddenly, "Chunan, dare you run, I will kill this woman!"

Mom +, is this cricket a bat? You can see me without reaching your fingers?

When the woman just shined the light beam of the flashlight on the public face, I rushed to the side of the road holding Chu Yuan, over the bumper bar, as long as I ventured down the hillside and got into the forest below, It was basically a day of escape, but the public raised his flashlight and saw that we were no longer in the middle of the road. I immediately guessed my intention and arrested us.

He was stopped by the way up the mountain and ran down the mountain. He only needed to turn the car around and catch up with us without effort. Don't say that Chu Yuan is a girl, sports idiot, and sprained his feet. It ’s me. In such bad weather, there is no way to climb up from the mountain, so we have no way to escape except sliding down the hillside-the head of the public face is quite good, and I thought of it in an instant!

I squatted behind the collision barrier and shouted, "What's your name" learned ", right? Don't you think it's ridiculous you + his mother? I don't know that woman, you use her to threaten me? I look like So a noble person? To give up your life for a woman you do n’t know, do you be stupid ?! "

Dazhong laughed angrily, "Mr. Chu, the ridiculous me or you? Are you a fool or a deaf? She doesn't know you and can call your name?"

In fact, I'm also curious. The woman's voice seems strange to me, but I think I have heard her voice somewhere, and even more strangely, she must be no stranger to me at all, otherwise I'm embarrassed at the moment , Not to mention the black light is blind, just stand in the living room and look in the mirror, I'm afraid I can't recognize myself, but she is so far away, just glanced at me and called my name ...

"I don't know you yet, don't you still know me? Little Master is also a celebrity in Beitian. Bad guys want to tie me up and kill me for confession. Women want to marry me to marry me to support me. Who cares about me? Do you know my name, do I still have to meet one by one? If you have a species, you will kill innocent people, Lao Tzu is not Superman or Ultraman, not even a party member, you and his mother will give me a fart! "

Regardless of the dude's mouth, Chu Yuan knows that I have given up on the plan to slip away-anyway, that woman is involved in me, I ca n’t really leave her, and the public face is shot. The driver's head has proved that he doesn't mind killing the innocent at all ...

Dazhong's face hadn't spoken yet, the woman was in a hurry, "Chunan! You have no conscience! You don't even have to save me, why do you want him to kill me? Miss Ben just released your pigeons, Don't you retaliate against me like this ?! "

Released my pigeons? Who released my pigeons today? Buddy's heart leaped--is there anyone else besides Miss Three who invited me to the resort? !!

"You are Miss Three ?!" I was startled, and jumped subconsciously, wanting to see what the woman looked like, only to hear a bang, the bullet hit the crash bar in front of me, scared I had to hurry my head and fall down-after hearing me shouting the three words 'Miss Three', the public's face was not too surprised, but they went off fire!

"What Miss Three and Miss Four ?! I'm ... I'm Shu Tong! Your girlfriend Cheng Liusu's cousin! Your sister's language teacher! You like this new and old hate bastard. Know me ?! Save me! If I die, I will not let you go! "

Chu Yuan dragged my corner of clothing and said anxiously, "It's Teacher Xiaoshu, brother, teacher Xiaoshu!" It was raining too much, and the sound didn't really sound. The innocent girl actually believed it, and didn't want to think about it. , Where does Shu Tong's car and driver come from?

"Listen to her farting!" I whispered: "Just as the public wiped their guns and went away, the reaction was clearly heard of the name of Miss Three-Miss Three is a rich man, Shu nerd is a poor man, tied Shu The nerd, at best, is used to slap me, to tie up Miss Three ... Hey, Volkswagen's face will never bother us anymore, just leave the car. "

Chu Yuan also heard that the voice wasn't Shu Tong at this time, and he didn't understand: "The three misses didn't know Xu Heng's whereabouts, why should I pretend to be someone else ..."

"Stupid," I popped a finger on Chu Yuan's forehead, but my mood was far less relaxed than on the surface. "Miss Three has a special status, rich and powerful, and this public face is very smart and must understand. The killing of Xu Heng does not mean that he will be able to sit back and relax from now on, but if he is tied to Miss Three, he will certainly be able to extort a large ransom. Even if he flees abroad, he will not have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life ... He may not think so, but he may not think so, so that mother-in-law is pretending to be your little antique teacher, she is very smart ... "

When I was talking to Chu Yuan, Ms. San's mouth was not idle and she scolded me-what's not conscience, shameless, sisters take it all, and let her go. Excessively, when she saw me indifferent, she yelled, "Aren't you going to save me or the baby in my stomach ?! This is your seed!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was ...

I grass! I don't even know what your face looks like, how could it be planted in your belly? !! Are you really the mysterious and noble lady who can make Beitian shake three times with a cough, wrapped in legend and myth? !! You and his mother are too poor, right? !!

Don't say at this moment that I don't believe she is Miss Three, even Chu Yuan didn't believe it, and asked angrily and loudly, "Mr. Xiaoshu, when are you pregnant with my brother's child?"

The smelly girl has clearly heard that the woman is definitely not Shu Tong, and still can't help but believe, let alone the public face? Ah, although I regret that this girl is not Miss Three, she also seems to have picked up treasures. Haha laughed: "Mr. Chu, I almost forgot, today you have made an appointment with almost all the confidantes who are uphill for vacation. This is late. Right? Haha, now I have to admit that I have good luck, and your point is still very bad, come out, otherwise, if I trigger, I will have two lives. "

The woman yelled, "You bastard, do you want your sister or me ?!"

After hearing her cry like this, my heart moved and I heard the public's face saying, "This is all right, Mr. Chu, if you go with me, then I let your sister go. How about it? Don't bargain with me anymore, I have no patience anymore, I counted to three, and if you did n’t come out, hide there and say goodbye to your women and children! One ... "

"Wait, wait!" I said, "I'll go with you, what about my woman?"

Dazhong chuckled coldly: "There is a child in her belly. If you want to come to Mr. Chu, you will be more honest and share it on the road, so you won't create another traffic accident, right? Two ..."

Sure enough-he could not release Miss Three posing as Shu Tong! And that woman posing as Shu Tong, it turned out to have another intention!

I won't grab the pistol grabbed from the masked man's waist, stand up arrogantly, and raise my hands above my head, "Don't shoot, I will go with you!"


Chu Yuan was going to stand up with me, and I was kicked down. I whispered fiercely, "Hiding here! The woman posing as a small antique said that she was pregnant with my child, all to save you, don't let it go The kindness of others. "

Chu Yuanshi You ** couldn't understand me, but she knew that I really walked away from that public face, it was a dead end, and the stinky girl was too late to get up, hug my leg, and cried: "I won't let you go! I won't let you go! He will kill you! I won't let you die!"

"I know, so I'm going to kill him ..." When I said this, I was shaking, I didn't know if it was too low, or because I was too scared, and I didn't know what was shaking My voice is still my body, I told Chu Yuan: "Yuan Yuan, listen well. If the fallen person is me, you will immediately slide down from here, hide in the woods, and wait until dawn. As soon as the rain stops, your little sister will come to you ... "

"I don't!" Chu Yuan's head wobbled like a rattle, and the cry stopped suddenly, wiping the rain and tears on her face. She suddenly got up, pulled out my gun that wasn't on the back waist, and held it. In my hands, against my chest, holding my body tightly against my back, "Live, live together, die, die together, I will never live a second longer than you!"

Her voice was small, but she was so firm. The beam of light from the flashlight was reflected in the little face that protruded behind me. There was rain and tears, but it was no longer cowardly, no wayward, but ... Make me strange to be strong and brave, and ...

murderous look!

This girl snatched my gun, wouldn't I want to ...

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