The **** is mostly long grass, and the blades of grass are overwhelmed by rain. It looks like a thick cushion, soft and slippery. I hold Chu Yuan, and Miss Three is holding me. Falling quickly, falling ... The blade of grass swept across the face, can't tell whether it hurts or itches, the bottom of the **** is suddenly empty, and the three of us are thrown out ...

‘Pah,’ Pah, ’Pah, we all fell into a pool of mud.

This is a depression under the hillside. The rain washed down from the **** and formed a beach here. It was half a person deep enough to wipe out the mud on my face. I hurriedly dragged the person who was struggling beside me. edge!"

"Why--" Miss San spouted the muddy water in her mouth, angrily and hate: "What fate? Is there only your sister in your eyes? I almost killed you!"

"Hide away!" I left her, and hurried forward a few steps to pick up Chu Yuan, who was thrown upside down. "Don't panic, don't move, it's okay."

Chu Yuan didn't know the water, was choked by muddy water, and coughed for a while before he could speak, "Brother, are we still alive?"

"Alive ..."

Chu Yuan heard this, and then cried out with a ‘wow’. I was so anxious to touch her to make sure she was n’t injured. Then she was relieved and turned back and asked Miss Three, “Are you alive too?”

Miss Three replied coldly: "If I die, I will let you die!"

I want to ask her, how can you let me die if you die? But after the calamity, there is really no strength to fight and stir, holding hands with Chu Yuan, holding her with one hand, going out of the quagmire.

"What are you doing ?!" Miss Three shook off my hand nervously, and her tone remained indifferent. "Women and women are unacceptable, you—"

"Are you Chinese or a foreigner?" I interrupted her curiously.

"I mean ... what do you mean by asking this?" It was her who left me and grabbed my hand again, or she, in this muddy puddle, she could not lift her pair in a long dress at all Legs, "If I say I'm a foreigner, you leave me here, don't you?"

"I'm not the kind of boring angry youth, either Chinese or foreigners. They are all human beings. There is no difference in human life. Don't talk about people. Just a dog stuck here. As long as you don't bite me, I will save. It comes out. "

Miss Three exclaimed, "You scold me for being a dog ?!"

"It depends on whether you will bite me," the calf completely sinks into the mud under the water, each step is very laborious, I dragged Miss San and Chu Yuan slowly to the high place while panting: "Listening to your accent, unlike a foreigner, it is said that you grew up in Beitian. This is not surprising. The strange thing is that your ideas are not only Chinese but also very traditional. In one night, you emphasized twice 'Men and women do not accept each other', you can see that you really value this ... "

Miss Three was too tired to breathe out and asked, "I'm ... a woman ... a man, a woman ... don't I ... value this ...?"

"I have never been abroad, nor have I lived abroad. The words" foreigners are open-minded ", I have heard so much that it is true. Your family, your family background, are all abroad? I I've seen your cousin, an authentic foreigner ... "

Finally we wandered out of the quagmire. Although we didn't take a few steps, we were almost exhausted. We fell down on the grass, panting weakly, and let the heavy rain wash the mud.

"Philip ... Philip ... Philip?" Miss Three breathed out, although she couldn't see my face, she still sat up, looked down at me, and sneered: "Have you just seen him? "

"You don't have to rush to blame me for teaching," I said. "What we have now is time to figure out the bills one by one."

Miss Chu hasn't spoke yet, Chu Yuan is in a hurry. "Brother, aren't we going? Here ... In case that lunatic jumps down, what can we do?"

"It's so dark and the rain is so heavy. Where shall we go?" I laughed. "Relax, he won't jump down."

Chu Yuan got up, didn't stand firmly, fell into my arms, I hugged her, even if I couldn't see it, I also knew that she must have blushed, because only when she was shy would her voice be low and almost listen No, "Why?"

"We jumped down because we didn't want to die. He didn't jump down because we didn't want to die." It was already raining. I wiped the dirt on Chu Yuan's face and laughed: "He doesn't know that there is a swimming pool below."

"Swimming pool?" Chu Yuan fought a cold war. "I will never swim or take a slide anymore ..."

I laughed and turned my head, and said to Miss San, "Then I said to us, I always told myself that foreigners, or people who have received foreign education, especially Western culture, have a relationship with men and women. It ’s normal to be open-minded, do you know why? Because then, I do n’t have to worry too much with a woman ... But now I know that this woman ’s mind is not open, she is very traditional .. . "

"What you want to say, you can say it straight." Turning from danger to peace, Miss San gradually restored her original attitude. Her tone was lower and her speed was slower, but she added a sense of urgency.

I said in a deep voice: "Whether men and women are unacceptable, since you are so clear, so understand, and value so much, why should you do that kind of thing? You better give me a reasonable explanation, or ...

"Otherwise, how can you treat me?" Miss San didn't answer my question, but said lightly, "Chun Nan, you'd better talk to me, it's better to be polite and polite."

"Why? Because your words have made me a sweet scent in the eyes of the people in Beitian, so I should be grateful and thankful for Dade? So no matter how much you do to me, to Ziyuan, I will Shouldn't care about you? "

"You can compare me with Xue Ziyuan, but before that, you should ask Xue Ziyuan first. Is this what she wants or she doesn't want? You think I have done too much to her. Does she feel that way? "

I think she's trying to make sense of it, but she was asked to live again-Ziyuan insisted that she was voluntary, was she sheltering Miss Three, or ... really didn't regret it ...

"I believe Xue Ziyuan told you, I just used her, but I never forced her to do it or not, it was her choice," said Miss San. "About Xue Ziyuan, I know, you do n’t know anything at all, especially her family and her life abroad in the past five years. She is unwilling to tell you that I would n’t say much, but there is one thing I ’m pretty sure—if the target It ’s not you. I promised her more, and she wo n’t agree. In my opinion, she is willing to be used by me, but she is actually using me. What she is trying to do is not any good, it ’s just a return to you. Excuse ... "

The thing about Ziyuan is the most I can't help with Miss Three, but the few words she said lightly have made me unable to refute ... Ya pushed the responsibility clean!

"So, not only should I settle accounts with you, but should I thank you?"

"It depends on your feelings for Xue Ziyuan. If you miss her, and you look forward to her return, you will naturally thank me."

Fairy is a board ... I miss her, and I look forward to her return, but why should I thank you? !! Wouldn't she have returned without you?

Ms. San speaks very skillfully, understands, but is implicit, direct, and euphemistic ... Actually, I know the best in my heart. I am troubled by the development of Shiyuan to this day, but I am happier, but I am guilty, but also at the same time Longing for ...

I know that Ziyuan, like me, is rejoicing and sweet for reunion and finally being able to face each other frankly ...

"Why do you want her ... want her to come back? Just to make me thank you?"

"No," Miss Three shook her head, and said, "The reason why I said that you can care about this with me is because from the beginning to the end, I didn't mean to fulfill you, it was just a whim."

"A whim?" I stunned, "What do you mean? Do you like watching the reality version of the triangle soap opera?"

"You can understand it this way," Miss Three said lightly, "I, in the legend, haven't always had a weird temperament. What do you think about, and you never play cards according to common sense?"

Before I saw her, I felt the same way, but after seeing her ... Although my temper was a bit stinky and the shelf was a bit bigger, but in general, it was quite normal, at best it was a proud lady, Not as mysterious and unfathomable as the legend ...

She didn't explain, just because she didn't want to explain--

"The cooperation project will be handed over to my company, and we will make a 20% concession in terms of capital contribution-so lifting me up is also your" wish "?"

"No ..."

"Oh?" I grimace. "So, are these things just to make me grateful for Dade and grateful?" Buddy is very self-aware. Since she is not in a whim, she can't figure me any good, I Little white-collar, what's so profitable? At best are two grateful tears and blue nose ...

"I don't need you to be grateful to me, Dade," Miss Three's answer surprised me. "I know you have nothing, but you have the backbone, and don't like the charity of others. On the contrary, I will force you to stuff these things, only Makes you trouble, upset, or even hate me, but ... you don't need it, I need it. "

I was puzzled, "Need I hate you?"

"No," Miss Three said. "You are too ordinary and too ordinary. I need you to be different."

[Ps: Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol, hurting people, even hurting people ... Last night at the dinner table, two drunk people copied the guy, some **** was caught in the middle, distressed, and under the anger, they became sinners on both sides, tossing to It ’s only late in the middle of the night and I ’m going to go to my house each night.

Wash, sleep ...]

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