I'm actually curious. I don't know what I want, but Miss Three said she knows ...

Buddy would like to make a vulgar joke: I just want to force + **** + you, you all agreed, but also called a fart?

Or ridicule her self-righteousness: Brother wants to conquer the world, you promised to use a fart? Does the party agree? Do the people agree?

There are two stinky money, really I can do everything-if I didn't hear the girl crying for Sha Zhizhou's life, I would have to say a few words to this mother-in-law, but that voice made me careless It was boring, and my body reacted instinctively. I jumped out of the grass like a grasshopper, "Small night!"

The two people who fell into the mud pit were behind each other, at least four or five meters apart, looking at the shadows alone ... the two mud owls could not even distinguish between men and women! But the one that slipped down first must be the sand boat, because he is heavy and under the action of inertia, it will be thrown away relatively far!

I ’m in a hurry, I ’m afraid I ’m afraid, I ’m not going to do such a silly thing as playing a wolf empty-handed, Sha Zhizhou has a gun in his hand, but he ’s black and rumbling. Miss one leg.

"Ah-Chunan, you bastard! You are not human-wow-" Miss San cried so loudly, "You bullied me so much, I won't let you go!"

I was annoyed that she kicked and kicked with her legs, angrily: "Don't move! How can I bully you ?!"

"At this time, you still want to force + **** + me! I misread you!"

The buddy froze and found out that I was wearing only a pair of underwear, and she was wearing a skirt. After I lifted one leg, the skirt covered with wet mud fell naturally to the thigh root due to the weight ...


"You read me right, you read me wrong-do you have the charm to force me to **** you? I just want to lend you a shoe!" In speaking, I have taken off her left foot He turned on a high heel, jumped into the quagmire, and walked towards Sister Tiger and Sand Boat.

This high heel is the only 'weapon' I can find ...

The cry of Miss San came to an abrupt end, and Chu Yuan took the opportunity to take off the shoes on her other foot. "Brother, then!"

Smelly girl was about to throw her shoes over, but was robbed by Miss Three, "Chu Nan, go and die-ah ~"

She was so angry that she was going to smash me, but she slammed her strength, but did not throw her shoes out, but she plunged herself into the mud pit ...

The skirt is so heavy that I can't even open my legs ...

Buddies sweat, this three lady not only has a similar personality to Chu Yuan, but also has the same athletic ability as an idiot.

"Chunnan! Yuanyuan! Are you all right ?!"

"You surnamed Chu, you are so hard! You can't die like that!"

Sister Hu and Sha Zhizhou did not react until now, but the instincts of the two people were exactly the opposite. Sister Hu snorted and rushed at me, but Sha Zhou hurried to the other side of the mud pit— Ya didn't have a gun in her hand, it should have been lost when she slipped down from the mountain!

"Don't let Ya run away!" I quickly reminded Dong Xiaoye that the three kidnappers had killed two and only one sand boat was left. This lunatic can no longer escape!

Sister Hu was a trained police officer. The impulse and excitement just now probably presumed that I was dead. Seeing that I was still alive, she immediately recovered her sanity. There was a chance to hug what went home. Rarely, she who has already stepped in front of me took my hand, and turned around, and chased after the boat of sand, but I took advantage of it to walk in front of her and protect her behind her.

"Sand boat! There may be a way of life surrendering, and then running is a dead end. The next shot, I will not be biased!"

"I'm going to your mother! Dead mother-in-law, did you miss the shot just now?"

Sha Zhizhou seemed to have a psychological fear of Dong Xiaoye. As soon as Sister Hu advised to descend, he escaped even harder--the gunshot I heard just now came from Sister Hu. Sha Zhizhou kept covering his shoulders. It was clear that he was shot. Ya jumped down the mountain just to escape. She didn't want Sister Hu to die and went out and chased her down. This momentum, no wonder he committed a crime ...

I was relieved that the goods had lost their guns and hit them again. It was no longer a fear. The toothless tiger was, at best, a cat with a bigger head, but at this time, it came again. Bursting and yelling, and getting closer and closer, I suddenly changed color and listened to the noise ... less than a dozen or twenty people!

Fairy board! Mass suicide? !!

I yelled, "Fate, hide!"

The words didn't fall. Someone had flew over the heads of the stinky girl and Miss Three, and the shells exploded not far away from me and Sister Hu!

Don't say that Dongxiao Ye is out, even I was scared and yelled like a woman-bumped together, I have to break my bones!

This big quagmire is like a big cooking pot. Dozens of people slide down the 100-meter-high hillside and plunge into the muddy water like dumplings. Except for the screams of crying and shouting, it is unbearable swearing. Before I could react, the person closest to us had fallen out of the mud, "Your mother, let go of Miss Dong!"

This sound is ...

"Sang—" I was about to call his name, but he leaned forward, round arms, and a bat in his hand! Fortunately, my buddy's eyes sharpened, and he took a step forward to hold his forearm in time. I didn't want the cargo to be so strong, I slammed it, but I was forced to push it into the mud pit by brute force!

Dirty water and mud poured into my mouth and nose at once. This product must have been frightened by the free-fall-like stimulation experience. The temper was abnormally violent. He + mom + kills you! "

Dong Xiaoye hurriedly said, "Sang Yingjie, what are you doing ?!"

"Sergeant Winter, it's not your business! He killed my aunt, and he has to pay his death! You guys, pull Winter Policeman away!"

"Fuck off! Sang Yingjie, it's your uncle who is about to strangle you ... I am! Who is your uncle ?! You hit Chu Nan, the sand boat is there! In ... Where is the boat ?! "

"Aunt ?!" When Sang Yingjie pulled me up with this crazy dog, my mouth was full of mud, and he was speechless and utterly speechless-why is this maggot appearing here? !!

"Sha ... don't let the surname Sha run away!"

That being said, there are twenty or thirty in the mud pond, all clay figures, which is the sand boat? !!

"Hand ... vomit ... flashlight! Who has the flashlight ?!"

"Flashlight! Flashlight!" Sang Yingjie was quite anxious and shouted, "Fuck + him + mom +, all closed my mouth and stood still! Whoever **** dare to move is the boat of sand!" "

Listening to what he said, the crowd yelling and cursing immediately calmed down, and no one moved, even if the sand boat was mixed in, it would not slip away.

But everyone was busy for a long time, but it was still not bright at all. "Sange, the flashlight is in the water, it is not bright!"

Did these **** jump off to make me mess? !! Buddy almost vomited blood. Someone shouted, "I'm bright!"

The light shone on us, and Dong Xiaoye busyly pointed towards the side of the sand boat: "Photo over there!"

When the light turned, I saw the sand boat digging out of the water and crawling out of the mud pit-this cargo actually dived from the mud to the shore!

Flashed by the light, Sha Zhizhou hugged his injured shoulder and fled to a forest.

I urged Sister Tiger and said, "Shoot! Shoot!"

Sister Tiger cried in a hurry, "The barrel is filled with mud, how can I open it ?!"

Buddy, he wanted to scold his mother, jumped and dragged Miss San's shoes out. Twenty meters away, he smashed into Sha Zhizhou's head unfairly, and the surname of Sha fell down. The gangsters applauded collectively, and I yelled, "Good girl! Not yet chasing ?!"

How powerful can a high heel be? Sha Zhizhou just fell over and waited for us to climb out of the mud pit. He had fled into the dense forest and disappeared.

Dong Xiaoye and Sang Yingjie were going to chase again, and I stopped them. "Forget it, don't chase ..."

"Why not chase it?" Sister Tiger hurriedly: "He was injured and couldn't run fast!"

Sang Yingjie also felt guilty about helping herself, "Yeah, aunt, we have a lot of people ..."

"Many people have a fart!" I am even more reluctant than them, so I have no respect for Sang Yingjie, "With so many people, I won't be ran away!"

Sang Yingjie looked embarrassed and bowed his head in guilty conscience. "Sorry, aunt."

A group of more than 20 well-trained hooligans stood upright and drank their heads in unison: "Sorry, aunt."

"Who are your aunts ?!" Let the old man see this scene, it is necessary to peel off my skin, even now, you do n’t have to look at it, Chu Yuan and Sister Hu must have bad faces.

Such an implied person, is Xiao Fairy, or her grandfather Xiao San? !! This group of goods is called aunt here, and naturally it is also called on it. I think there are a few aunts on the mountain who don't look good ...

I might as well drown in this mud pit ...

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