Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1057: ] Accent, Pie

"A face was burnt and a face was smashed."

Every crime with the surname Sha always gives people a sense of fret and panic without losing sense of care. The frizz is his temper, the fluster is his execution, and the cautiousness is reflected in the fact that he seems to be sensitive to all kinds of unexpected situations. Has a general response ability ...

Uncoordinated. Obviously, the cautious and meticulous ability to respond is not the character of Sha Zhizhou at all. Then, there is only one explanation left—a plan. Someone has made a plan in advance and calculated it to all possible occurrences. In the unexpected situation, what Sha Zhizhou has to do is just to give play to his insufficient execution ability.

It can be seen that the plan for Sha Zhizhou must be a careful and cautious guy.

Lin Zhi is a veteran who handles the case. When he saw the corpse at first glance, he realized that there was a trickier thing behind the boat than sand boat, so he felt heavy and depressed.

I didn't take it seriously, saying: "Destroying the appearance does not mean that their identities are also destroyed, and your police are not just looking for people based on their looks, fingerprints, blood types, dna, etc., the methods are multifarious. By the way, let me give you a clue. The person whose face was trampled has a wife, a child, and lives in Beitian. "

Lin Zhi stunned, Dong Xiaoye interjected: "It doesn't matter, right? Prove that he is a North Heaven man ..."

I said nothing with a smile, but Lin Zhi patted his thigh hard, his eyes brightened, and he was pleasantly surprised, "No, this is too important!"

The girls were puzzled, and Sister Tiger frowned, "Where is it important?"

Although I am three years younger than Sister Hu, it is not appropriate to say this, but ... she is still too young, she is very smart, she has not enough experience in handling cases, restricts spatial thinking, and is not like Lin Zhi. Jump out of the constraints of a point, a line, or a plane, and quickly cut into another angle to think and reason, so he knew everything and gave him a pinpoint clue, and he could immediately dig a big hole, still a Not to mention Wang Xiaomeng, an intern police officer, she just staggered out of the bathroom and was completely confused.

Wu leaned on the edge of Chu in the arms of tassel, his mind was very delicate, and he said timidly, "Brother, he seems to be ... not a Beitian man. At first glance, it sounds like Beitianqiang, but if you listen carefully, there is a difference. Yes, it feels similar to Sister Xiaoye, just like that, the masked guy is a pure Beitian cavity ... "

"I know." In that case, Chu Yuan could notice the accent of the kidnapper. It was really difficult. I smiled at her and said, "So I dare to say that his wife and children should all be in Beitian."

Sister Hu is from Xiaohe City, and her parents both teach in Jinghua City. Presumably, she also grew up in Jinghua City. Although both places are adjacent to Beitian, their accents are quite different, just as Beijing and Tianjin are not far apart, but Beijing The dialect is very different from Tianjin dialect. Beitian dialect is similar to Beijing dialect and is closer to Mandarin. Jinghua, especially Xiaohe, a small county in the past, has a strong dialect character in it, because both parents are teachers Affected by them, Sister Hu speaks Mandarin and basically does not bring a local accent, but Beitian dialect is very close to Mandarin. She has lived in Beitian for nearly two years and will inevitably be affected by the "Beitian flavor Mandarin" in the subtle way. I didn't mean to learn Beitian dialect, so Chu Yuan used an 'like' character.

In fact, unless it is an authentic Beitian person, it is already difficult to hear that Sister Hu is not talking about authentic Beitian words. People are affected by the surrounding environment. This is normal, even irresistible. It is estimated that After two years, Chu Yuan couldn't hear what was wrong with Bei Tianhua of Sister Hu.

I regretted seeing all the girls, and I couldn't help laughing, this group of girls have no idea what they are sorry for, so they were puzzled by the increasingly excited response of Lin Zhi ...

"Little sister, are you sure he speaks Beitian dialect ?! Impure Beitian dialect?" After seeing Chu Yuan's sure nod, Lin Zhi excitedly said, "Great! Great!"

Sister Hu was curious: "What is it? Where is it?"

"Of course—" Lin Zhi asked Sister Hu, "Are you from Beitian? Why do you speak Beitian?"

Sister Hu froze, "I'm not Beitianren, but I work here ... Ah!" She had already reacted before she could finish speaking.

"Yes," while Lin Zhi applauded her, he also showed helplessness to Wang Xiaomeng, who was still scratching his head. He couldn't cross the age by experiencing this thing, so he deliberately explained in detail. "A person's interpersonal Relationships are mostly concentrated in the two circles of work and life. A person is most susceptible to this kind of environment only if he often exists in a specific environment. He is not a Beitian man, but he speaks Beitian, which proves that he Beitian's circle is in Beitian, and then ... think about it, Sha Zhizhou is hiding in this city, but why do we find so many people, but we still ca n’t find him? "

Wang Xiaomeng wasn't stupid. "Is this man hiding him? Yes! How else could they act together tonight!"

Sister Tiger's eyes also lightened. "The two dead kidnappers lived and worked in Beitian, but ventured to participate in the kidnapping of Chunan. This is the key, right?

"Yes," Lin Zhi muffled his voice, suppressing joy, and said, "Even if the two dead are not the mastermind, the mastermind can let them hide the boat of sand in peace, it is enough to see the trust in them, and trust and each other The degree of intimacy, understanding, or interest relationship is directly proportional. Any one of these items is doomed to their indispensable contact. Therefore, we can basically conclude that as long as the identity of these two people is found, In the life circle or work circle, the truth we want to dig out is hidden! "

With a change of tone, Lin Fox was not quite sure about the beautiful luck of falling pie in the sky. "Xiao Chu, are you sure he really has a wife and child?"

"I'm not sure," seeing Lin Fox's nose almost crooked, and I said, "But the man is dying, and his words are good. I believe this. Before he died, he left a last word to me ... "

Lin Zhi and the girls asked at the same time, "What last words?"

"If I have a life, say a word to his wife ..."

I did not say that it was "He loves her" or the phrase "Popular face", which is an indirect acknowledgement of the fact that he believes that the police can check his identity, so I will definitely see him wife...

The former belongs to **. Although he is dead, I have no obligation to convey it on his behalf.

The latter is a subjective guess, and it is impossible to do so, but I think so. It is estimated that Lin Zhi is also ...

With the signs of cracking, the confidence to succeed, the motivation to work, Lin Zhi quickly contacted the subordinates of the convergent corpse, and confirmed the identity as the highest priority. When it came to the corpse, he seemed to remember it. A more headache problem was waiting for him to solve-there were three bodies, two were kidnappers, and one was the driver and bodyguard of Miss Three ...

Lin Fox only brought a rookie like Wang Xiaomeng to the resort to take notes at the resort. In addition to selling pitiful helplessness, another purpose also became apparent with the arrival of Shu Tong-when Shu Tong was dressed in Miss Three's dirty body When Xi's sleeveless long dress 'glowed up' and handsomely kicked one leg and kicked it in my crotch, Wang Xiaomeng believed that she was the one whom I had come for a vacation but was almost **** with me, thinking she I was frightened and then angered me. I don't know. The reason why this girl was so irritable was because she was sitting in a quilt and eating instant noodles to watch a horror movie. At the time of the most tense episode, four big men who looked like bears Suddenly broke into the door, without saying a word, rolled her up and carried her downstairs into the car ...

Of course, to understand it in this sense, Wang Xiaomeng thought that she was angry with me because she was frightened, and it was completely correct.

She almost recited the dictation of Miss San, and she was indeed a teacher of Chinese. Her tone was naturally unpretentious. In addition, with Min Rou helping the side, the confession did not leak. Wang Xiaomeng was not suspicious at all, but he kept working. Appease the emotions of Shu Tong.


Originally Min Rou prepared several rooms and a multimedia conference room at the resort hotel for the police temporary office, but Lin Zhiwan refused. After making the transcript, he took Wang Xiaomeng out of the resort, and ordered Wang Xiaomeng to be Jiang Jiang. The family was brought back to the bureau for interrogation, and he himself went to the front line of hunting Sand Boat.

I killed someone, but I was n’t restricted by the police until I was deemed to be a proper defender. Probably, it was because I was “restricted”. Before Lin Zhi left, I specifically told Sister Tiger that I must do it. In the true sense, I always protect me. It is best to stay in the room at night without knowing if the boat of the sand will dive back to the resort.

Lonely man and widow in the same room? I'm happy, but where can the girls be assured? As a result, Lin Zhi left this sentence and exploded again ...

I do n’t know how the girls who have ambiguous relationship with me discussed the results, but in the end, I came to my room with Sister Hu, only Chu Yuan ...

[Ps: Another buddy stepped into the palace of marriage, watching her laugh at the grave of her life but showing off her happiness, wanting to poke him, envious and envious ...

ps2: I did n’t close my eyes for two days and one night, I could n’t stand it ...]

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