Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1060: 】 Little Perverted Diary (Part 1)

I said, "No kiss."

Chu Yuan blinked with some drunken eyes and looked a little hazy, and asked, "Why?"

I ca n’t tell if I ’m embarrassed, or because I just kissed Sister Hu ’s feet just now, and it ’s weird to kiss Chu Yuan ’s mouth again. In short, it ’s like hiding a folder of action movies on the island ’s bed. Mom, or this smelly girl accidentally found that it made me nervous and flustered, but before they opened the file, they had to be very calm, natural dressing up or shifting the topic, "Brother is a bit confused ..."

Chu Yuan said quietly, "But you don't kiss me, I'm confused ..."

This time I asked ‘why’.

"Because I know you don't want me to ask you why the East kissed you."

It's a bit lingering, but the meaning is clear and clear, I acquiesce—I said that Dongfang kissed me because I was so hard to die, so I was too excited, everyone would believe, but Chu Yuan could n’t believe it, or why Dongfang did n’t kiss her ? Still guilty of dodging her afterwards? This is very different from the ‘love’ that Dongfang usually shows to her. I even think that Sister Tiger is pretending to be confused ...

"I need self-confidence and comfort." Chu Yuan closed her eyes and slightly raised her red face.

The little girl became more and more like me, and started to play aggressive strategies, also when I did n’t know—if I kissed her, it was equivalent to acknowledging that there was an adultery between me and the East, at least a tendency to develop adultery. Or maybe it's a sign that she 'plugs' her mouth.

But I still kissed, because if I did n’t kiss, I had to explain. Even if Chu Yuan just lied to me, I would never ask, and my silence was tantamount to lying to her, which was against my original vow and promise to her. .

Concealment is inevitable, but never deceived.

But the smelly girl is not good at all.

My dragonfly kissed her lips with a little water and said, "Okay, go to sleep."

Chu Yuan shook his head. "No, you two kissed for at least half a minute."

The dead girl didn't know how criminal it was that she was dressed like a **** and exposed cow and she was leaning her face on her chest and her small butt. I lowered my head and pressed her lips, and counted thirty in the torment. Counting, I felt that I was not standing in the hot spring pool, but in a microwave oven. The animal blood was heated to boiling instantly. I stood up and exhaled for a long time. The hot mouth was painful. "Okay?"

"That's not the case," Chu Yuan pursed her lips and moistened her thin lips. "She kissed you wet, and you should also kiss me wet."

"Fuck-why didn't you say twenty-nine seconds?"

"You didn't ask before twenty-nine seconds."

I flicked a finger on her wet, dumb lips, "She's still on me, should I do the same? Can you hold me?"

"Can't hold it, then you hold me." The smelly girl lifted her leg and crawled towards me.

I copied it and turned her indecent koala or tree pose into a romantic princess hug, "I hug you, but wet kisses are fine."


I know, without giving her an explanation, she will definitely think wildly, "Because you are not the first grade in the final exam."

"Look! That gambling contract is not counted!" During Chu Yuan's exam, she took a day off to get rich, so there were three results in her duck eggs. Although Shu Tong helped her to obtain a prolonged examination, due to fairness, she stressed The score after the test is counted as the total score, but the personal total score cannot be counted as the personal final ranking. That is, even if she scores the perfect scores in all subjects, she is not likely to be the first place in the grade. .

"You just lie, you are willing to lose."

Chu Yuan is wronged, playing a small temper, "You like the East better than me!"

"Who likes it, doesn't like it, it's not like that," I held Chu Yuan out of the bubble pool. "The gentleman is not sexually immoral, passionate, only polite. Have you heard this?

"Have heard ..."

"There is a difference between sexuality and kinky, just like" estrous "and" estrous "are definitely different." I explained it gently and awkwardly.

"I didn't understand ..." A novelist who didn't need Wen Jiutian's reputation in literature before the exam, would she have a poor understanding?

The stinky girl clearly understood, so she pretended not to understand, and asked me to explain it in vain.

I said to myself: "The former are characters, the latter are animals."

Chu Yuan continued blinking innocence in her big eyes, pretending to be as much as possible, "still didn't understand ..."

Buddy's blood is definitely boiling, otherwise the skin is red?

"The meaning is that if I'm in estrus, I can't stop being polite. If I become a big wolf, you will really become a small cow, understand?"

"I don't understand, what happens if you become a big wolf and I become a little cow?"

"Of course ... I'll make sure you understand or not, go to sleep."

"Hee hee, sleep together."

There was a lingering fear in my heart, "No light is allowed."

"No!" Chu Yuan's tone was firm, but then added: "Sister Xiaoye is here too."

The buddy got angry for a while, "If she's not here, you really want to get rid of it?"

Chu Yuan can't be ashamed, but he has to be hard-skinned, "I don't refuse if you like it."

I froze, and said, "You girl, escaped from the dead, the ghost door swam back and came back, the courage is big, dare to tease your brother."

Chu Yuan clenched my neck and whispered in my ear: "It's not a joke, it's a consolation. Sister Cheng Liusu and Xiao Zi understand, and I also understand, because I know you better than them.

I jumped in my heart, and then it was flowing warmly. "I'm a big ghost, and it's your turn to comfort me when you don't have to worry about me. If you worry about my time, first pray that you won't have nightmares tonight. "

"I'll sleep next to you tonight and won't have nightmares ..." Chu Yuan fought a cold war. Although I knew she was hypnotizing herself, she was still moved by her eyesight. "Nothing, ignore me than you Don't make me more scary ... "

I think she was insinuating that I was going to Shanghai again, so I didn't answer her words, kissed her on the forehead, and just hugged her into the room.

Sister Hu was still rolling with a pillow in the room. When she saw us coming in, she was shocked. She was not ashamed, but thought that Chu Yuan was a drunk again and drowned because she was not only carried by me. Only wearing a bathing suit, both of us are ** ...

Then I remembered, the stinky girl's bathrobe was still thrown by the backyard hot spring pool.

Chu Yuan wiped herself in the bedroom to change clothes. It was not good for me to get back my bathrobe. I immediately went in when I saw her notebook on the table in the living room. When my curiosity swelled, I opened it and said in my heart, I just went online. Looking at the news, it is definitely not to peep at the stinky girl, but seeing a new word document on the desktop, the mouse was still sucked in, and knocked open ...

Title: Little Abnormal Brother Control Diary ...

Oh buying cakes ... This title is so powerful! Can't a stink girl be implicit? It's so unlike me ...

Looking down, I'm sure that this thing she just wrote--

‘Before the Beginning of The Little Abnormal Brother Control Diary:

My name is Chu Yuan, I always have a habit of writing diaries. I started at the age of five and never stopped. No matter what period of time, my classmates feel that writing a diary is a troublesome thing, but I like it very much because it only takes a little time to record the weather and every day in life. Mood, record those happy things, unhappy things, troublesome things, or trivial things, whimper one day in the future, take out a handy book, see a year or a year that you may never even remember What I did and thought about one day of the month was fun, wasn't it? Most people do n’t like to keep a diary because I ca n’t find a reason to keep a diary. I have it, so I write—when I do n’t have to be alone at the window to watch the children playing outside with the family, when I do n’t need to sit alone In the empty room, there were only crayons and blank paper with me. When it was dark and when it was thundering, I no longer hid in the closet and shouted, "Mom, come back soon." When I had one, it looked very Strict but very fond of my dad. With that brother who grew up lonely like me but was stronger and brave and matured a hundred times than me, I think that every day in my life should be cherished twice because they Hard to come by, because I am so happy and so luxurious. ’

Seeing this, I smiled. The smelly girl was introverted and was not good at expressing feelings. It turned out that she insisted on writing a diary every day. The motivation was from this. Let the father know that she would be moved to tears.

But the next sentence made me laugh again-

‘But, after eleven years old, his name never appeared in my diary, he is my brother, Chu Nan ...’

When Chu Yuan was eleven years old?

That year, Ziyuan left Beitian. That year, I met Tassel ...

I thought the reason was nothing more than these two things, but the words behind Chu Yuan shocked my heart and shook--

‘Because that year, my father and mother told me that I had fallen in love with him and he was my brother, Chu Nan ...’

I looked up subconsciously. I was in the room. It didn't rain or leak. It was my sweat ...

My parents knew that Chu Yuan was brother-controlled? !!

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