Chu Yuan is timid and sensitive. She abducted, overturned, fired, and jumped the mountain. The multiple fears that exceeded her bottom line and the experience of superimposing would cause nightmares at night. This is normal. Before Lin Zhi left, I asked if I needed a psychologist. If necessary, let Sister Tiger tell him. He will help me arrange it. This is called "psychological counseling". It is said that the police will receive such psychological treatment after the first shooting and killing to relieve the stress caused. Anxiety or anxiety, not to mention that she was only a minor sixteen-year-old girl who had seen the three killed.

Chu Yuan had a bad hobby of nightmares when he was a child. Especially during Thunderstorm Night, the chance of having nightmares was over 90%. It is estimated that besides brother control and writing lily novels, she was the most ashamed of it. The secret of opening the teeth, because very few who wet the bed after becoming a junior high school student, but Chu Yuan insisted on the 'good habit' of quilting the next day after thunderstorm for ten years, for this reason, the grandfather and stepmother I also took her to see a doctor specifically. First of all, she was sure that there was no problem with her body, and then it was judged that the problem should be on the psychological level, which may be related to her being often stayed at home by her stepmother when she was a child. Whenever a lightning flashed, she went to the closet. Drilling inside, urinating and dare not go to the toilet ... []

Obviously, the stinky girl who hasn't had a bedtime after entering high school was proud to overdo it last night, and the result was the White Lady Shuimanjinshan Temple. Unfortunately, I do n’t have the ability of the Fahai monk to take off the power of the **** to become a **** and drowned. The messy thing that made me even more angry was that this girl wetted the bed, but took me as a mattress. In the morning, tassel came into the house and called us to get up for breakfast. I stumbled out of the bed, Grandma Cheng No, holding my head and kissing on my forehead, using the tenderness that I haven't seen her for 800 years, asked me, "It's pitiful, Nannan, have nightmares?" The pitying eyes made me stunned for a while, when I noticed the coldness on my body, I found that all the robes were soaked, and only the top ones, and the top ones, turned to look at the smelly girl, An quietly slept in her own quilt, with her shoulders exposed, she didn't see the robes or the suspenders of her underwear, she only saw Harako wet with a half pillow ...

Murphy shouted outside the door: "Has Chu Nan got up?"

"Just got up, wait for a while," Russ Beyer is thoughtful, and while Murphy didn't come in, he pushed me into the bathroom in a hurry, and said, "Take a bath, look at you, sweat out ... "

This is the most hurtful thing to understand that the gentleness of being confused ... Grandma Cheng clearly is the one who mistaken me for a wet bed!

"It's not sweat ..."

Tassel is righteous and virtuous: "This is sweat, rest assured, I didn't think about it, be good, go for a bath."

Buddies want to cry without tears, tassel brought to the door, stood outside the door and gently relieved me: "It wasn't good to sleep last night, Min Rou tried to lie to anyone, what is the hot spring water pipe under tatami, listening to the sound of flowing water Sleeping is very comfortable and has the smell of nature. Why didn't I feel it? I went to the toilet six times a night, and when I heard that sound, I wanted to pee ... "

When I entered the bathroom, I saw Chu Yuan bathing in the bathrobe and underwear in the sink with the little cowboy bathing suit. He lowered the black line on his forehead and replied: "I do n’t understand, nonsense, wetting is normal, but if you hear The sound of water wants to pee, and that's sick. "

Tassel rushed me to the wall and echoed, "Yes, yes, occasionally wetting, it's normal."

Buddy has a lot of explanations, but if you think about it, the smelly girl's face is so tender, and she definitely can't stand the ridicule of everyone, especially Grand Aunt Cheng, who is regarded as her number one love rival. The ambitious Ling Yun's brother-controlled diary has not been written yet. Just hit her, it was a bit unbearable, and ... Tassel didn't come to me to talk to me after soaking in the hot spring last night. It was clear that my stomach promised me that Mrs. Jiang would go to Shanghai to serve. Resentment, I'm afraid it wasn't her intention to wake me up for dinner in the morning. It was probably Murphy Ziyuan Liu Sister Liu who intentionally helped us to relax the relationship between the moths, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why Xiao Lei Jing was at ease Stay outside, if no one stops, she will have to come in twenty times a night and arrest me and Sister Hu

Grandma Aunt Cheng was full of resentment, but she immediately disappeared when she saw me. It was a nightmare that was TOEFL. It ’s no wonder that I have always been a man in her heart. The lifting is always a light and easy-going weightlifting, and some heroes who can not change their face when Taishan collapses in front of them suddenly suddenly exposed the fragile side of the man's strength, which made her distressed, which is not good ? I have to explain, wouldn't it be unpleasant at both ends?

With this in mind, I smiled bitterly. I lived so big, and I did n’t lose a lot of blame for others, but this ridiculous bloke was the first time ...

What are you afraid of? Even though Grandma Cheng accidentally poured a basin of cold water on my bed to destroy the evidence, but the topic of breakfast did not escape the word 'wetbed'-Luo Likang Kang was too tired to play in the water yesterday afternoon and was so tired that he slept too well at night. He also drew a map. The little Oriental lady who venged against Little Lolita retaliated without the grace of a young lady. If it was changed Other people were so ridiculous and ironic, Little Loli had already cried, but she did not boast of the pity of the East, maybe because of her impressive record, Little Lolita anxious the mother of the East in one word: even a wet bed Little girl can't beat anyone and is not qualified to laugh at me.

In addition to being a guilty conscience, I didn't dare to meet my eyes and Chu Yuan and absent-minded in the morning, and looked at our brother and sister Shu nerd with a strange expression. Everyone laughed, and the East was so angry that when they left the bite, they asked to be singled out and sit. Loli Kangkang on my lap is indeed her biggest nemesis. Ignoring her challenge, she fed a slice of fried ham to my mouth, showing off her baby daughter's goodness, but she seemed to be disdainful of a martial arts master. The challenge of the little fledgling of the three-legged cat made the East more crazy, and it took little action to take the little loli who was about a round smaller than her.

Just as the sulking and guilty guilty concubine was selling here, the winter night that went out for a morning jog came back with a heavy look, followed by a look of inexplicable and obviously unsatisfactory sports children, who were very fond of sports Plus, with a lively personality and relatively neutral, I am particularly close to Tiger Sister and Tassel. I may think that Tiger Sister is angry and related to myself, but I do n’t know where I have done wrong, so I timidly ran to my side, and I was quite scared. disturbed.

Min Rou didn't notice the anomaly of the bitter child. It happened like last night. She didn't find it strange that she was a police officer. She said, "Miss Winter, eat something. Today's weather. Yes, after a while, we will go up the mountain by cable car, and I will take you to visit a few attractions to be developed. "

Sister Hu sat next to the tassel, but she always had a good appetite. She faced a large table with a rich breakfast, but she had no appetite. "If you have the opportunity to visit it again, the mountain is not safe anymore, Xiao Chuzi, Let's go down the mountain today ... "

Min Rou froze and laughed: "Is there a safer place now than here? Ha ha, almost all the police in Beitian are outside the resort?"

Sister Tiger heard that her face was even uglier, "That's why it's not safe ..."

Tassel didn't understand, "Sister Xiao Ye, what do you mean?"

I asked, "Escaped by the sand boat?"

Sister Tiger nodded, and I sighed secretly, feeling sorry, but not surprised, I do n’t know if this should be expected or unexpected. Is this probably the spirit of optimism and pessimism?

But the girls obviously didn't have this spirit. The fairies stood up at the table and asked, "Is there a mistake ?! You have mobilized so many policemen, brought in many police dogs, and you can make Sand Boat escape? Dogs eat shit, so do you eat **** ?! "

"What are you talking about ?!" As soon as Sister Tiger stared, the fairies shrank Murphy and Waner behind.

The girls also suddenly lost their appetite, but most of them were disgusted by the fairies, especially Waner, who had a clean habit, subconsciously took a cup and rinsed his mouth ...

The fairy was fierce and timid, her mouth was timid and courageous, and the police was not Tiger Sister. She was purely injured by accident, but she did n’t want to apologize to Sister Tiger, so she didn't speak loudly. She glared at her for a moment, but she lost her momentum Weary: "You're right, the reason why Sha Zhizhou can escape is because no one wants to eat shit."

I asked, "Did something happen?"

Sister Hu nodded. "Just received a call from the Lin team. Sha Zhizhou was deliberately released. The person who released him has been found. The two who abducted you yesterday have already been identified ..."

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