Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1075: Bet on Wolf and Sheep

I was in a good mood, and the crickets before the ripped off were scattered. I saw that the person waiting at the bar was Sima Yang and not Zhang Jiaye, and there was no resentment. Of course, even if the tassel did not coax me, I I wouldn't mind if the Zhang family arrived at the present day, holding the shelf and holding on to the expensive and self-sufficient and pretending to be with me, I have the consciousness of being a small person, although I am not big-hearted, but I really do n’t think there is anything awkward about being fooled Maybe I have suffered too many too many white eyes since I was a child, or I have been suppressed by Chu Yuan ’s little fart girl Xiao Yan for more than ten years, and I have been accustomed to it, even if the pie will fall into the sky one day in the future Multi-millionaires or billionaires, I probably would n’t care about these things that do n’t hurt or itch. This is a rare old man who agrees with me. It is also a rare dissatisfaction with my stepmother. The old man said that this is called open-minded, informal, stepmother. It is said that people who have no temper will definitely not be prosperous in the future.

I don't know if I'm open-minded, but I know I'm definitely not temper-minded, how thick is the capital of Miss San? The two Zhang family praised me again for three lifetimes, but I do n’t think she has one or two of her real capital, but that **** mother-in-law scorned me, and I was very worried about it, and I would spray her face sooner or later. []

Impression Sima Yang is not a lascivious person, even if gossip like Xiao Songjia, he has not figured out what lace he has inside and outside the company, but when he saw the tassel, he was a bit disappointed. Emotional exposure has nothing to do with the depth of the city, and has something to do with possessiveness. I have always confessed that I am an irrational animal in this regard, or I will not beat Duanmu in the most sacred and majestic conference room of the Fengchang headquarters building. Into a fresh mummy.

Sima Yang was sensitive to the wild agitation in my eyes that was tending to become animal-like, and was alert for a while. Xuan Er smiled with a clear conscience: "I am not seeing Miss Cheng for the first time, but I used to feel like a beauty, It was not until tonight that there was a kind of stunning surprise. The original Miss Cheng is not only a beautiful woman, but also such a charming and beautiful woman. Oh, brother Chu, do n’t get me wrong, I am pure appreciation, plus 12 points of emotion, I turned myself It's a blind eye. "

Speaking of it, he sighed.

Aunt Cheng is a master who can stand scolding but can't help boasting, so Murphy extremely bitterly and hollowed out all the vocabulary in her mind that could be used to ridicule her for an hour, saying that she drank her saliva, and her aunt would not blush. Instead, Sima Yang praised her by saying "beautiful and touching", and she was ashamed of herself, on the one hand, because she also knew that the charm of her at the moment came from the part where she was in the car. Part of the reason why she can't be embarrassed by people is that she has never correctly recognized the fact that she is a beautiful woman. This girl magnifies her unconfident and super low self-esteem to a level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. degree.

Compared with the surrounding eyebrows that are fashionable or non-mainstream, Grandma Cheng's clothes are not beautiful, simple ponytail, no makeup, no jewelry, black slim suit, white high-waisted pencil pants Because I did n’t go to work, I deliberately wore a pair of pointed leather shoes with flat and shallow mouth. I was afraid that I was too high or too eye-catching, or that I did n’t stand well with me (even though this one often lied that he was barely one meter seven The woman with five at most no more than one meter 79.9 is standing next to me, or two or three centimeters taller than me), when a woman deliberately conceals her proud capital enough to show off, she still inevitably attracts The eyeballs of the opposite **** around, nothing could prove her natural beauty.

I ca n’t say that Sima Yang feels blind, listen to him say that, I think I ’m blinder than him ... So this disaster is beside me for five years without defense, how can I just hold her back? Did you eat it?

Of course, Sima Yang's sigh was an intentional or unintentional suggestion that the word 'open eyes blind' has another meaning, I can hear it.

I was not in a hurry to enter the bar, and Sima Yang was not in a hurry to lead me in. Instead, I took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, took out one, and handed it to me.

Fringe frowned, "He doesn't smoke."

Sima Yang smiled slightly, and did not retract the hand that smoked, just as he kept blocking in front of me, did not mean to let go, I patted the tassel shoulder, took the cigarette, Sima Yang took Lighter to light for me.

There are always women around me who forbid me to smoke, Ziyuan, stepmother, Chu Yuan, and then tassel. When she saw me abnormally greeted Sima Yang's lighter, she wanted to stop, but Sima Yang, who was nearing a cigarette, whispered, "Bar There are people from the Lin family inside and out. I do n’t know the number of people. I may not really dare to do it, but I may not be able to do it. It is a good reason that Vice President Zhang could n’t let go and did n’t wait for you. These guys don't have time to figure out the situation, and they will definitely not rush into you. "

Tassel was frightened, and instinctively wanted to wait and see. I squeezed her shoulders vigorously, and used Sima Yang to cover the lighter's wind-shielding hand, and said, "Don't panic, don't look anywhere, there is me, it's fine. "

Tassel did not look anywhere, but could not conceal his suspicion of Sima Yang, "What is the name of Sima, what do you mean? The betrayer?"

"I'm a part-time worker, only the boss and no master," Sima Yang himself lit a cigarette and spit out a cigarette ring. His face was still a polite smile, his voice was not strong, but his tone was firm. "I sell It ’s labor, not life. I dare to take a risky investment. I do n’t dare to take a risky crime. I will report the grace of dripping water, but I ca n’t do anything like drowning and drowning people. Conscience, but courage. "

I didn't smoke, and I snorted and coughed. Tassel helped me to pat my back, and the little daughter-in-law was so considerate and virtuous. I didn't care much about Sima Yang's answer, which made Sima Yang cry a little.

I asked, "Figured it out, stand back in line?"

Sima Yang asked, "Is the sincerity of returning to the team before the victory is better than the sympathetic surrender and defeat after the defeat?"

I thought about it and nodded, "Yes."

Sima Yang and I looked at each other for a while and laughed in unison.

"Am I shameful?" The laughter converged, and Sima Yang's face was ridiculed and blamed.

"It's better to go to the dark." I did not deny it, because it is the greatest insult to him. The Zhang family has long been strong in foreign countries and has many hidden dangers. Even if he is not attracted by Lao Mo, he can jump out of this troubled sea of ​​conflict, and with his talent, he will shine everywhere. There is no reason to accompany the Zhang family to sink deeper and deeper in the swamp.

Sima Yang sighed and couldn't let go, but he didn't regret his guilt. "Go back, Gong Fanlin's affairs, the Zhang family looks straightforward and sincere. In fact, they are terrified of the reaction. The 13 cities plan did not fish for cheap. If you fold Master Zhang into the game again, Zhang Dongdong Fei is crazy. You do n’t know some things. Leave the phone to me. I will contact you later, and I will talk to you in detail. Now, hurry up. "

I want to learn that Sima Yang spit out a cigarette ring, unsuccessful, a little disappointed, "Master Zhang planted it, and Vice President Zhang couldn't even borrow money to return the usury of the underground bank, right?"

Sima Yang Jianshuo's body couldn't help but shudder, "How do you know ?!"

I didn't answer with a smile, Sima Yang deserved to have the old melon who loved it, "Grass, Liu Xiaosheng's bitch!"

I said nothing, "I endured this for so long, and finally it was my turn to fight back. How could I be scared back without giving them a power? I'm not here to knock back the ball, I'm here to rip off."

Sima Yang frowned and glanced at the tassel beside me. "Brother Chu, I said, now you are a wolf and Zhang Dong is a sheep, but a sheep is raised beside the sheep, but you are weak and weak Girl, not to mention that there are n’t too many good guys. In case Miss Cheng makes a mistake, do n’t you feel bad? ”

I threw my cigarette **** on the ground and twisted it, pinching the tassel's chin, just like the gangster who was so mad at his heart that he was unwilling to die in college: "Girl, are you afraid?"

The tassel is the tassel that I am familiar with. I am not afraid of being big, but I am not afraid of being lively, but in addition to excitement and almost blind trust in the eyes, there is another color-the love that is no longer hidden ...

"Where are you? Don't be afraid."

Sima Yang froze and laughed. "Either you are crazy, or Miss Cheng is crazy. If you are not crazy, then it is Vice Zhang Zhang who is crazy ... the other day you have an appointment. Why risk it today?"

"If it wasn't you who stood here, it was Zhang Mingjie, whether or not there was an ambush, I would turn home, not because I couldn't stand the tension, but because I had to set it up, but Brother Sima, if you were here, I could not walk. Sima Yang puzzled, "Why?"

"I want to pull you from Zhang Li to my side, and I have to prove that I have the capital worth doing this for you, right?"

Sima Yang suddenly laughed, and the tassel of the laughter was inexplicable. After a while, he wiped a tear of laughter and whispered: "Okay, okay! Brother Chu, you are a wolf, really a wolf! I appreciate the wolf in your bones more and more! Last time Jiang Yu made a bet with you, I got a little bit itchy, and today we are just betting on it-if you can come out tonight without injury, you can also give your last name Zhang ate a big salamander and tore a piece of meat from them, Sima Yang has been looking forward to you since then! "

"It's all about."

"It's a word!"

"I don't like gambling, but for me, gambling has always been good."

"I believe in my life and win you. It is my luck. Losing to you is my life!"


When entering the bar, Tassel secretly asked me, "Why does Sima Yang say that winning you is his luck and losing to you is his life? Is he still hesitating to betray tension?"

"No, no matter he wins or loses, he will betray tension." I clenched the tassel-cold little hand and answered only half, and half did not answer.

What Sima Yang said is that if he loses to me, he will look forward to it for me ... not old ink or smooth.

That's why he said that winning is my luck, and losing is my life ...

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