Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1105: Heterogeneous

[I slept for twenty full hours yesterday. . . It's been another day since I opened my eyes, and I've been so tired recently, everyone forgive me. . .

This chapter was yesterday, and today's fight for tomorrow. . . 】. . com

There is a father and a son. Whether it is used on Jiang Yu or me, it can be proved to be very wrong.

It is not advisable to drink tea before or after meals, which affects absorption and is not good for digestion. I never drink tea and I do n’t know how to eat health food. Dong Xiaoye does n’t know. I actually put on clothes for a long time, and Mrs. Jiang accompanied me by mistake. She made kung fu tea, but she deliberately avoided the current problem we were communicating with. Jiang Yu knew this: Before the last resort, the old lady was reluctant to speak to me in person, even if she could rely on the old and sell the old, so I could not refuse Jiang Yu's request, fart She went to pick out the Jiang family in the game, or at least let them not be suffering from flesh during detention, but it couldn't change the nature of her elderly person who must ask me to bow down, so she pretended to discuss with Sister Tiger. The tea ceremony was obsessed with 'forgetting' the business. Although the play was clumsy, it was reasonable, so Jiang Yu didn't realize that Mrs. Jiang was actually acting in a play ...

From my standpoint, what I read from Mrs. Jiang's attitude is this message: Without forcing my elderly people to ask you for help, you can squeeze the best from Jiang Yu ...

For the time being, I can only understand that this is a kind of punishment for the elderly to use Jiang Yu's clever use of her. Under the premise that Jiang Yu knows that Mrs. Jiang does not want to lose face, as long as he can afford it, he will agree ...

Ginger, it really turns out that the older it gets, the hotter it gets.

It ’s king + eight + eggs that are cheap, but this is not my philosophy, but the moral bottom line is not high for me, and there is no conflict, let alone rubbing the **** for Tianyou. Our current economic situation is extremely optimistic. Keeping this cheap and not occupying, it probably won't take long, and it will be reduced to eating the soft rice of Chu Yuan ’s little rich woman.

In order to ensure that my image at home is still strong, I took it for granted and did not hesitate to bite Jiang Yu.

I want someone to give a gift, and it takes money to give a gift. This is a human condition, but also a national condition. His cousin Jiang harmonized with this, toasted a glass of wine, smashed a bowl of rice, and Mrs. Mo simmered all morning. Before the duck soup was served, he left his ass, and left Mrs. Mo's boss who kept him unsuccessful. He was upset. The woman whose mouth was tilted so that he could hang a soy sauce bottle may be of psychological age. It is the same stage, very simple, and it is rare to cook in person. However, Jiang Yu did not support as she expected, which undoubtedly hurt her self-esteem.

The best way to go down is not the insinuation of the language, but to throw away the cheeks and eat it. I stuffed two more bowls of rice, which was more effective than Jiang Yu ’s five hundred bad words, and also helped to consolidate Mrs. Mo ’s My 'sincerity' evaluation ...

To be honest, Mrs. Mo's cooking is so average, not to mention that it's a bit inferior to tassel, maybe it's a bit inferior to tassel. Anyway, Grandma Cheng has a standard for putting salt. .Brother is more fortunate to bring Sister Tiger, this girl can eat without picky eaters, not like a tassel mouth, or clinging to details like Xiao Zi, ah is a bucket property, she can swallow as long as it can eat , Lao Mo Longshan and Chu Yuan have no fighting power. This big table dish, empty by the wind and the cloud that wiped out by the two of me and Tiger Sister, is empty. Even the duck stew made us both tear. In the end, I did n’t dare to snore. I was afraid that the things in my throat would stick out. Mrs. Mo laughed with flowers on her face. Chu Yuan was surprised, but she was frightened by Lao Mo and Long Shan. What kind of organs are hidden? The sister in the bucket of water eats more than me, but the belly is not bulging, and its depth is unpredictable, and it is not a miracle ...

Mrs. Mo is very happy. First, because my sister and I ate up all her meals. Compared with any gorgeous praise, this kind of horse fart is obviously more comfortable for her. Second, because of Chu Yuan, like Madam Jiang said Yes, the Oriental lady is like her, and the gentle side of the Chuyuan people is like her daughter-in-law. The rather narcissistic Mrs. Mo quite likes my stinky girl, as if she saw herself as a child, and as a professional family Housewife, Mrs. Mo praised Chu Yuan's 'Into the Kitchen on the Hall', and the stinky girl was ashamed and blushed when she was bragged. She even loved her and said that she was as sincere as I was, and was not surprised. , But it surprised me.

Is it really honest? Why is she never ashamed when I praise her, but she can make her **** bigger?

Seeing Mrs. Mo happy, it was the happiest thing for the old lady, Lao Mo and Long Shan. After the old lady was pleased, she also touched a cup of Ergutou with Long Shan alone, and Long Shan burst into tears until she cleaned the table When the eyes were still red, Lao Mo said, like us, sitting at a table with Mrs. Jiang for dinner, Long Shan was also the first time ...

After dinner, Chu Yuan and Sister Hu helped Mrs. Mo and Long Shan to wash the dishes in the kitchen. Although the girl was embarrassed, the three women started talking about her and had a hot chat. I accompanied Lao Mo and Mrs. Jiang. In the study, I talked about the causes and consequences of the tense appointment last night, including the relationship between Niu Chengjin and Li Xinghui, Li Xinghui and Zhang Mingjie, Zhang Mingjie and Sha Zhizhou, and I used Gong Fanlin to blackmail Zhang Jiaye. Both, to achieve the ultimate purpose of verifying my doubts, when referring to the process of encountering Su Dasuo and the outbreak of an accident, even the Tianyou thing was not concealed. Of course, it also included the morning after Lao Mo left, I also forced Su Dasu to give in to the mean behavior of making a promise. Lao Mo heard that I almost cut Su Ye ’s little jj and was so angry that I nearly broke Mrs. Jiang ’s beloved tea set. Obediently put the tea cup down.

The old lady said that she can drink tea at least half an hour after dinner, so we have been drinking boiled water with her expensive tea set, and three cups of old ink have calmed down the anger, saying: "Gong Fanlin has been monitored by you long ago. Now, thanks to your patience, you have been patient and haven't started ... "

"This is a crooked and unexpected surprise. I kept him. The original purpose was to prevent Zhang Mingjie from entering the Thirteen City Group as a last resort. I did not expect it to become a bait for big fish ..."

"If everything is as you guessed, wouldn't you be afraid that the old dog of the Zhang family really let the sand boat bind you?"

"I'm afraid they don't do this ..." The feeling of fullness in my belly subsided a bit, blowing the heat in the cup, bitterly, "I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, I'm afraid of thieves' heart, I also have to Do n’t let go, as long as the sand boat is alive, it ’s not just me who is in danger. For the people around me, I have no way back. This is the last thing that I can think of now that might lead him out. Way, Gong Fanlin and I are both fishing lures ... "

"You didn't ask for it yourself?" Lao Moxun reprimanded: "Who is Xu Heng? He stunned Beitian as a murderous monster! It's okay if you report him earlier, you're better, you're still against it Come and help him and promise to take care of his sister for him ... You are only in your early twenties, and you are still alive in this life. Do you know how heavy this promise is? For a criminal who almost killed you, is it worth it? "

"First of all, Xu Heng is indeed a criminal, but he became a criminal because he and his family are victims. However, the law protects real criminals. I help him because he still has Sober and firmly believe that it is not the law that is wrong, but some scum that uses the law, plays with the law, and deceives the law. 'These four words, whether for Long Xiaotian or himself, the goods are not demon heads, at best they are head animals, and secondly, he hasn't harmed me. At Qianlong Manor, he saved my life. Completed my so-called hero ... I also feel that I am asking for trouble. I know more clearly that I am not pursuing nobleness. My motivation has nothing to do with goodness and morality. "I swallow the white water that is swallowed warmly. Belly, put down the cup, and said, "You're right, I'm still young, I'm still alive in this life, so I don't want to regret that I wanted to do, willing to do, should do, but didn't do it in such a long time. One piece Love, do you ask me for value, and now my answer must be 'worthy'. If one day I get tired and tired, my values ​​have changed, I feel worthless and regret, and then betray today's promises. I think psychologically There is nothing to lose, let alone feel guilty? Then why not let me do it? At least I now feel that I am barely a good person and have done something that I think is not wrong. "

Old Mo was speechless, unable to refute my fallacy, and was powerless: "Sometimes I really don't know how to evaluate you. The only words I can think of are probably only 'heterogeneous' ..."

Mrs. Jiang sighed: "It is not commendable to be a troublemaker, but your young age can really take all the consequences and take responsibility for your own words and deeds. This is very rare if you do n’t say , I really don't see that you are now under the pressure that most people may have already collapsed. Whether it is this role, or the mind and city that cover this role, it really can be called the word "heterogeneous" ... It seems that I chose you to go to Shanghai, and sure enough I didn't pick the wrong person. "

This is also where I find it difficult to understand. I asked tentatively: "The old lady should know that Master Jiang left in a hurry. Where did he go?"

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