There is a Kentucky Fried Chicken outside my neighborhood. The staff is of poor quality. Not only does he never smile at me. Every time I buy a bucket of the whole family, they also grab it for me barely. At the first few times, I will remind them rightly because I am a consumer. However, food safety and hygiene is a very serious issue. After all, the stepmother opened a fast-food restaurant, and she was inevitably infected by her. Some professionals are picky, but no matter how many times I say it, the clerk is perfunctory. , When I patronize again, I still hold my hand barely. Over time, I feel that I am like an aunt in the vegetable market. Everyone else doesn't care. Why is it that I am endlessly broken? I didn't like to be in the limelight, and I was more afraid that others would button me up with a big fake high hat. Since I can't stretch what I think is right, let them change what they are not right, then I change myself, no longer Go where I think there is a mistake ...

This is probably the typical public mentality. I feel that the hat of social moral construction project is too big and my head is too small. So when I encounter this situation, I never insist on my opinions. As long as I can tolerate it, I will Choose silence, if I turn my head and pretend not to see it, then I must pretend not to see it, the reason is simple-troublesome, although everyone understands that 'suspecting trouble' is the moral and morbid problem that has always existed in society The reason is that every time you turn your head to silence, you can think of it as tolerance or a pampering ...

I've seen impolite bus conductors, shop assistants who have no patience with their customers, bar girls who only sell wine and refuse to laugh, and snobbish parking charges like auntie Staff, even in the case of a customer ’s request, I came in as a pimp, and I have seen cold and noble pheasants who dare to set up racks with customers, but ... I have never seen a star-rated place Putting such a bad-tempered employee at the door ...

After this sister gave me an impatient impatient sentence, she continued to hold her little mirror to trace the eyeshadow, but the woman's instinct made her unable to control her eyes, and she glanced at Chu Yuan and Sister Tiger from time to time. That kind of gaze reminded me of the queen in the fairy tale who loves to look in the mirror and Snow White who was almost strangled by a poisoned apple ... the woman's jealousy is really terrible.

In fact, I think this sister may be more beautiful if she does n’t make up. Even if it ’s not as good as my sister-in-law at home, it ’s at least Dong Xiaoye. The impression is that 'saucy' ... 'vulgar' does not mean that her makeup is ugly, she is following a **** and **** line, pursuing publicity, exaggeration, and light makeup, but it is not offensive and quite tasteful Yes, I do n’t lose to the fashionable little queen, the Oriental Pity, but she ’s so seductive and does n’t meet her original elegance. It ’s like a green bamboo full of lilies and roses. It is really beyond my aesthetics.

It's as if Murphy's light makeup is actually more beautiful and feminine, but I always feel awkward, not that I don't like charming women, but Murphy is not suitable for that temperament, she thinks I don't like her Leng Yan ’s strength is strong, so forcing myself to change, the result is inevitable ... Of course, this is also different from person to person, probably most people, including Murphy himself, like that more feminine self, but I am more Enthusiastic about her naturally and confidently, but I also do not deny that her catering to me greatly satisfied my vanity.

Every man has a most beautiful woman in her heart. She is our standard for understanding and pursuing ‘beauty’. In my opinion, the most beautiful woman should be like a stepmother—water from hibiscus and natural carving.

Pull away, get back to business.

This girl has a bad attitude and really makes no sense.

"Miss ..."

"You are a lady! What do you say ?!" The handsome lady snapped the small mirror, and seemed to be very angry. She stabbed me in her hometown dialect, but I didn't expect it to be Tian + Jin accent ...

I have to say that this sister's language talent is really not covered, except for the previous sentence, "I think you have eaten and drank high, sir." It is deliberately learning the chirping voice of Sister Zhiling, all she said Cantonese + Dongwei Mandarin, and it's very difficult to move closer to Beitian Dialect. I was tired of listening to her. Really when she was a Southerner, I dare to say that she is also a star who is not fluent in Mandarin on TV. Learn cross talk?

"Okay, older sister ..."

"Who is your eldest sister? How do you know that I must be older than you?" The pretty lady stared round her eyes, a little bit like the way Tiger Sister was going to eat when she was so angry.

"God ... I'm old, sister ..."

"Rogue! You take advantage of me!"

This girl was definitely intentional. Dong Xiaoye was unhappy with her attitude. When she saw her face on the nose, she didn't even let me say it, she was going to be mad. I held her on the shoulder and stopped her. To Qingxiu But the woman with light makeup said: "Beauty ..."

"Who is the beauty ... heh, what's the matter?" There was a flush of blush on this girl's face, I wonder whether it was because she almost denied that she was a beauty, or because she had never been called so straightly by a man ... probably the former After all, sitting in a bar in the shape of this woman can definitely make a man who is rushing into a conversation.

"Can I give you a little suggestion?"

Dressed in many ways, not worn by horses. Although the word "suggestion" is a bit piercing, she said, "Say."

I cleared my throat and took a serious note: "I think your service attitude is a bit problematic, even if I went to the wrong place, now this time, this place, I still have a good chance to be a guest of your resort, but You speak so harshly and impatiently, it scares me ... "

The girl interrupted rudely: "Why don't you go?"

Dong Xiaoye said angrily: "It is really a curiosity that you sit inside and buy a ticket. I think you should go to be a city manager!"

The Qingxiu sneered, disregarding Sister Hu, it felt like a victory, Belly was proud, Belly had a sense of accomplishment.

I pulled the angry tiger sister behind me and continued to laugh slowly: "The customer is God", I don't need to explain it to you. If I go back and tell my friends around, what about Tulip Resort Why not, my friends will definitely not come here for consumption in the future. Instead of coming, they will also tell their friends that this place is not good enough ... don't you think that the consequences of this causal effect will be terrible once it unfolds? Because of your emotions for a minute, the resort has lost so many potential customers, and the economic loss is small. If the reputation is damaged, it is not worth it? "

"You scared me?" The beautiful lady stared at Almond. "Tell you, I see more people like you who are deliberately trying to make trouble ..."

I interrupted her and said, "Don't say I did n’t come here to make trouble, I just did it. You do n’t have any evidence to prove it now? Then you should treat me with the courtesy you deserve. This is yours. The most basic requirement of your career is that you haven't thought about it. If I want to make things difficult for you, you can buy a ticket now and complain to you as a consumer. What do you do? Have you thought about it, I am What line do you do? If I tell you that I am a reporter, one article can write a smelly tulip resort, what do you do? "

The young lady obviously didn't expect this, and her face was cold, "You threatened me ?!"

"I'm suggesting you, you can also think about the ones you just said," I said, "If you are friendly, you can convince me to be a customer here, and then use your services to prove that my consumption is worthwhile. What will be the result? "

The young and beautiful girl was slightly stunned and thoughtful, and the serious expression made me have an illusion, as if I saw Murphy in work ...

"It's such a simple truth that I personally understand!"

"But it's such a simple truth, but not everyone can do it," I laughed. "Three hundred and sixty lines, the line is the best, but most people still complain that they can't be the number one. Why? The competition is fierce. It ’s a reason, but the main reason is that you have n’t done a good job of what you can do or even do better ... Now it ’s all about competition. It ’s not easy to get out there, but it ’s not particularly difficult. People I like swords and leaning forward, advocating gambling and taking risks. However, there are only a few successful people. In fact, based on doing a good job, they are more enthusiastic and careful than others. It is still a shortcut to success. "

The beautiful lady and Murphy are similar in identity, status, appearance, and temperament, but I do n’t know what is going on. When the beautiful lady thinks, I always overlap her with Murphy in my head. It feels really strange. ...

This time the beautiful lady groaned for a long time, Dong Xiaoye and Chu Yuan began to worry, because the time agreed with Ran Yibai was approaching, and we were still at the door. Seeing me staring at the beautiful lady, they were even more furious. Sister Hu punched me, Chu Yuan kicked me, and I was about to speak, so I heard the young lady who had just returned to God and asked: "I just sold tickets. Why do you tell me these things? If you really know my boss or my boss's daughter, you can smash my rice bowl by telling me directly ... "

I smiled slightly and said, "I really know your boss and your boss's daughter, but I don't have a hobby of smashing people's rice bowls, but I don't want to see some white-collar workers in her family ..."

The Qingxiu stunned again, and then spit out three words with her strong tian + jin accent: "Good man ..."

[Ps: Yesterday, I came back in the morning. . . 】

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