Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1123: 】 Mother and daughter (middle)

We were not late, but Ran Yibai, who threatened to stay up late, was not late. The clock on my mobile phone just jumped from 8:00 to 8.01. She did not show up and said she was contacting Tanglian I also didn't return. The waiter started to serve on time. I didn't ask for it, obviously it was Tanglian's meaning. I didn't have to say "wait for others to come together" and emphasize the etiquette.

I do n’t know if it ’s a deliberate arrangement or an unintentional coincidence. This table is just like this small room. It ’s simple, a little bit delicate, and without exception, it ’s all oriental dishes that are often cooked at home. It ’s nothing like usual dinner. The difference is that even tea is my favorite jasmine tea. .

In fact, there is a set of oriental cooking, but unlike Chu Yuan, who is good at home cooking, she prefers or is proficient in some dishes with complicated processes and high difficulty coefficients, and has a variety of flavors. Among them, the most popular are Lu cuisine and French cuisine, and even several medicinal meals, but the cost of her tinkering items is too high. For example, she is most proud of cooking seafood, but I am a white-collar worker. Every month With a salary of eight, the luxury enjoyment of this fragrant mouth and stinky **** is okay once in a while. Where can I afford it every day? Therefore, the East, who took turns cooking with Chu Yuan, had to self-defeated martial arts and learn to make ordinary home-cooked dishes from scratch. Because of his own cooking skills, he did not completely imitate Chu Yuan. Although the dishes are inevitable, the color and fragrance are very distinctive, and the recognition is very high, so these dishes are served, and we thought of her.

When Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye saw Wusiren, they were even more silent. In the small room, the air was frozen like a stone, tightly stitched together, so that the suffocated people could not feel the existence of oxygen. Chu Yuan lowered her head and twitched her beautiful nails meaninglessly. It seemed that if she did n’t do anything to distract her energy, tears could not help falling. However, she also stubbornly did not wipe off the hanging eyes. Teardrops-if you wipe your tears, it proves that you are really crying.

I can understand how this girl feels at the moment ... Ran Yibai has not spoken yet, but we can no longer speak ...

Tanglian's words proved that Ran Yibai was not an unreasonable, subjective and emotional menopausal woman. On the contrary, she was just a mother with a soft-hearted mouth who was not good at expressing her feelings. She was not indifferent, but always used The way of righteousness indulge and indulge in the East ... In this regard, I used to have the same righteousness to Chu Yuan, which resonates very much.

I feel that Ran Yibai is late, and I want to tell us this by Tanglian ’s mouth. As Tanglian said, these words, Ran Yibai herself ca n’t tell. She asked me to come to the Tulip Resort because Tanglian was saved by me indirectly. Life is grateful to me, so I don't doubt he lied to me, right?

Both Chu Yuan and Sister Hu realized this, so they were unhappy. This surprised me. I thought that Chu Yuan, who was as ridiculous as Dongfang, would not hesitate to lie about such a crappy lie. It was because he had no choice but to fight for it. Living in the East, but now she no longer mentions it, just trying to shed tears, silently sad for the upcoming distinction ...

The smelly girl really grew up. For the future of her friends, she gave up her willfulness. She is no longer the one in her novel who begged her best friend to become her brother's life partner for her own happiness. Now ...

I re-examined the room, smirking, and now I finally understand why Ran Yibai specially arranged this small room to highlight the hostility towards me, just to hide that she asked Tanglian to say this to me, right?

"Will these dishes be made by Xiao Dongfang? Is she here?" Dong Xiaoye distressed Chu Yuan and broke the silence, but this was more of a self-consolation expectation.

I politely chopsticks sweet and sour carp and ate it in my mouth, choked for a moment, then shook my head and said, "No, it's too light. The East knows that you and I are heavy ..."

Dong Xiaoye stared at me fiercely, and even winked at me. I only pretended that I couldn't see it, and clamped several other dishes, and tasted, "This is also light, this is also light ... A dish cannot be returned. It's possible that every specialty dish is inaccurate, it can only prove that the recipe is her, and it is not her who cooks it. "

Chu Yuan was weeping, Chu Chu looked at me poorly, and that small face was distressing, "Brother ... can we not keep the East?"

I didn't answer, just put down the chopsticks, stroked her head gently, smiled at her, but she was in conflict and entangled like her.

We all understand that this is actually the best result-both for the future of the East and her relationship with her mother.

But this is also the worst result-distinction, has always been a painful thing.

Especially for Chu Yuan and Dongfang, they are each other's most important friends, not to mention that they are only sixteen years old, and they can't see and accept the differences as rationally as adults like me, even temporarily ... Even if reason is like me, what is it like now? Although I have had a painful experience of being separated from Ziyuan ...

Chu Yuan buried her head in my arms. In the end, I still couldn't help crying, no crying, no coquettishness, which made me distressed and reassuring. The words of comfort and self-deception are superfluous. This is the price of growth. Even if it is bitter, you must face it bravely. Chu Yuan is already a big girl. She is no longer a child. Tears are not equal to cowardice. Sometimes, it is a commitment to growing up and being strong after growing up.

Dong Xiaoye is quite stubborn in this regard, perhaps because of her parents' attitude towards her children. She always feels that Ran Yibai's disregard for Dongfang ’s own wishes is wrong and she cannot accept it, but she cannot find a refutation. The reason for this is to find out: "Everyone who says that a person with a big frame is generous and a person with a bad temper is stingy, but this woman named Ran is a different kind of woman with a big frame and a big temper. Let's eat this? "

The girl was talking and chopping the dishes on the plate with chopsticks. It was obviously a bucket of water, but she also sought quality. I laughed and said, "She really wants to put on the shelf, so she won't cook in person to make these dishes. . "

"This dish is made by surname Ran?" Sister Hu was surprised.

Chu Yuan also raised Lihua's playful face with rain and wondered, "Is the mother of the east here?"

I sandwiched the chopsticks with sweet and sour carp for Sister Hu and Chu Yuan. I said, "These dishes are either oriental or her own. They are the same as hers except for the salty, sour and hot weather. Since It ’s impossible for her to do it, so who else can do it? Except her mother, do you think that with the arrogant character of the East, would you tell such things to others? ”

Dong Xiaoye said: "Maybe she told her mother, and her mother told others ..."

"No," Chu Yuan tasted the fish in the saucer, refuting professionally Xiao Dongye, who can only be a killer in the kitchen. "Everyone has a different grasp of the heat when cooking. I do the same with Dongfang The cooking, the size of the firepower and the length of time are different, because different masters have different habits, Sister Xiaoye ca n’t eat it, but you can change someone else, such as my brother, and you will know which one is made by me and which one is made in the east. Yes, this sweet and sour fish has no difference in color, aroma, and heat, and it is definitely made by her mother! "

Sister Tiger was blushing tenderly. Chu Yuan said that she could not make a difference. She inadvertently emphasized the fact that she was a rice bucket. What made Hu Sister Hu's love?

Chu Yuan tasted the dishes on the table one by one, and she became more and more certain, "I have eaten a dish cooked by her mother once. This is the taste. Oriental techniques are learned from her mother. She said that her mother's biggest hobby is Draw and cook. "

I definitely believe this-a woman who is new to the kitchen cannot subconsciously go to the kitchen to search for murder weapons after being angry ...

Dare not to come to chop me, but to personally cook for me ...

But I guess Ran Yibai does not intend to admit it. It is undoubtedly a reward for me to take care of the East, but she did it for herself. I'm afraid she didn't pick out the meaning of thanking me because I scolded her. She Her self-esteem does not allow her to do these 'degraded' and rude things in front of me, otherwise, she would not intentionally arrange us in such a small room.

She is a winner in business, but a loser in family life. Maybe it is because she can't let go of this proud and strong character?

The teeth are good, the appetite is delicious, the fragrance is great, but the taste buds are full. ** The faulty tiger sister is gorging and eating, but it is so famous that it tastes like the taste of the East. Holding a casserole, uncovered, it is already full of fragrance-Eucommia Dangshen and Pigeon Soup.

This taste is too familiar to us, especially Chu Yuan. The fragrance penetrates into the nose, and it is no different from the vinegar taste, and unconsciously raises a small eyebrow ... Since I know the relationship between me and Xiao Zi, it is my mother's turn In the days of skin cooking, this pot of soup is always indispensable, saying that it is tonifying the kidneys and impotence. Today, I do n’t know whether it is considerate or jealous, but every time this pot of soup comes up, Chu Yuan will have to kick me under the table Step on my feet.

Tanglian saw that the food on the table had already been killed by half of us, Sister Tiger, and he took a moment to sip, then asked with a smile, "Does this dish still taste good?"

The unscrupulous Tiger Sister was not embarrassed at all. I did n’t wait for my empathy to pretend to be foolish with Tang Lian and say 'match the taste.' The unannounced change of sorrow into jade, and Tiger Sister already asked Tang Lian with a bold retort, "Your boss Ran is still busy in the kitchen?"

Tang shook hands and almost spilled the soup ...

I looked at Sister Hu for a while, until Sister Hu swallowed everything in her mouth, and Tang Lian couldn't understand Sister Hu's expression. After all, Sister Hu was an expert in this respect. Tang Lian shook her head. He smiled and said, "No, President Ran has just returned ..."

"What ?!" My hand was also shaking, chopsticks fell on the table, which one did Ran Yibai sing? Ran over to make a meal for me. I left without seeing me. why? Afraid I convinced her not to let Dongfang study abroad? Still continue her high attitude and tell me with such practical actions that she is grateful for taking care of the East, but I ca n’t control her family affairs?

Tanglian's next words made me even more surprised. At the same time, Chu Yuan and Sister Hu were so surprised that they couldn't jump up on their own. Unbelievable ...

"Mr. Ran said that Miss's affairs can be done according to Mr. Chu ..."

I was shocked, but not happy, because I was a little shy.

[Ps: introspection. . . These two days have been a good break. I was busy in the dark and I was sleeping in the dark these two days.

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