Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1026: 】 Sisters (below)

"Why should I help him? Because his mother is my sister? Because my parents died early, it was her Zheng Xuedong who raised me, so I should return her. I have to love Wuya and even the unreasonable distress and shelter her son? "

I was a bit overwhelmed by her bombardment with a series of interrogations, as if a normal car suddenly hung upside down on the highway. Instead of driving in the opposite direction, the car shook instantly. All the parts, like my brain at the moment, I suddenly said: "Aren't you Duanmu Liushui his aunt ...".

Helping relatives or not is both a habitual thinking and a controversial traditional culture.

"Little girl is not talented, I don't really have such a big face," Zheng Yuqiu's modesty was disdainful. "I came to this world only eighteen months earlier than him, but I didn't dare to put any elders' racks, afraid he would be stingy. Me, although he has soft bones, he is big. My sister and I are proud of me. The two biceps on my arm are not developed. You ca n’t compare your sister to you. It's a wild waist, and he was kicked so much that he couldn't cut it into two pieces? It's semi-disabled if he can't die? Besides, Zheng Xuedong is famous for helping his relatives. You can't possibly have never heard of it ... "

I'm tongueless. This faceless and curious woman compares her **** and biceps to highlight her tall and healthy body. She even mentioned to me that I'm not going to help you. The parts in my head are busy. After the reorganization bombed by her, she unconsciously touched the purse in her pants pocket. There was a piece of platinum given by Madam Duanmu to me that can make people's eyes dazzling just by making and making materials. Diamond membership card, Mrs. Duanmu said that this is why she helped me at a high-level meeting, and for this she dared to sip her baby son in public and made her cry in anger and tears, almost as if she had given him a hand-made incompetence. The label ruined his future in Fengchang ... and then connected to Miss Moon and Minrou's Moon Valley and the cause of Fengchang. All kinds of realities make me think that the feelings between their sisters are so deep that they can't be added. But now listen, why isn't it like that ...

"Sister and son, aren't they all close ..." I said weakly.

Zheng Yuqiu said: "Not the same. My sister is the meat of my parents, and my son is the meat of my own."

This absurdity refuted me for a moment without a word, so I heard Zheng Yuqiu sneer over there, seemingly murmured but the words were clear enough to make anyone feel that it was a deliberate humor: " Maybe that's the only memory left by her favorite man in her life. I'm afraid this kind of thing is only in her heart. Who knows ... Duanmu's with and without handles One is counted as one, and the whole nest is wasteful. Even if you know it, you will never be angry or dare to speak. Who has the courage to not look at her face? In this world, there are more idiots, not only her Zheng Xuedong, But in the dark smile, the idiot who hides the knife and eats people and does not spit out bones, only she is Zheng Xuedong ... "

My cold hair rose, my forehead, back spine, palms, all sweaty ...

Whether she said it was based on evidence or simply slandering rumors, it was enough to make people cold, you know, she was Madam Duanmu's sister.

Duanmu Liushui is Murphy's half-brother? I quickly shook my head. This is absolutely impossible. If Duanmu Liushui is the son of Mo Yi, where can Mrs. Duanmu have any reason to help Murphy ...

I shook my head and shook the problem out of my head, but my heart was clear, Zheng Yuqiu's words had taken root in my body, and I suddenly realized that, among the three big players in the wind, I don't trust Lao Mo and fight with tension. However, I did not have any vigilance towards Mrs. Duanmu, but because of her support for Murphy and her great favor and trust ...

Is Zheng Yuqiu reminding me of this? The only thing I know about her is that this girl is extremely deep. She is not a woman who ca n’t hide her heart, otherwise I wo n’t be fooled by her like a fool for so long. Miss Three ’s insignificant little secret she can keep. On the contrary, she couldn't keep the big secret of her sister's reputation, didn't she?

After that, Zheng Yuqiu resumed her usual giggles, but what she said, I did n’t hear it, huh huh, perfunctory, thinking in confusion, Miss Zheng felt that my heart was absent-minded and not broken, just There was no threat of taste. I said that she would never let her and Miss Three's pigeons next time, so I hung up the phone. It made me think she was conspiracy theory that was rumbling in my stomach by default ...

After all, we and Tanglian do not belong to the same class. Even if he knows how to make green leaves for a long time, it is inevitable that he will not find common topics. He is obviously unwilling or unwilling to talk about Ran Yibai and the pity of the East. I dare say that, after eating and drinking, I got up and said goodbye, and it ended like this before the atmosphere cooled down, and everyone was not embarrassed.

Before I left, I gave Jiang Yu to Mrs. Jiang, and Mrs. Jiang then handed me the box of 80,000 pieces of Tieguanyin to Tanglian, who asked him to transfer it to Ran Yibai. Tanglian is also a tea ceremony person, knowing the goods With two eyes glowing, it proves that Jiang Yu is indeed not bragging. This tea is indeed a valuable and priceless thing, so I did not swell my face and fill it with a big tail wolf. To be honest, I ca n’t afford tea in this jar. I gave flowers to the Buddha and others gave me. I ’m a layman who does n’t know about tea. I ca n’t drink out the door, and I ’m reluctant to drink it. Think of its price. It ’s either teasing or worries. It ’s tea, not a vase. The home is also a violent thing, it is better to do Shun Shui.

There are three kinds of honest people, one is sincere, the other is a person who knows the trade-off between lying and honesty, and then tells the truth, and the other is a person who is lying but is not seen ... This kind of honesty is very different in nature, but it has one thing in common: it is not offensive, but it is easy to win people's favor.

I can see that Tanglian appreciated my "honesty" and accepted the tea sincerely. I don't know if this solemn performance was used to highlight the weight of this gift. This made me feel happy and still love tea as life. He even said that Ran Yibai must like this thing, and he would send it to her house later ...

In fact, Zheng Yuqiu's phone was previously hung up. In order to cool down the confused mind and change my mind, I would send a text message to the mobile phone in the east. Xiaoniang's mobile phone should be in Ran Yibai's hand now. I did not test what she had. The request was just an apology for the thing that scolded her last time, and thanked her for taking a few farts today and praising her cooking skills, regardless of her previous suspicion. This menopause may be a few years ahead of time, so temper The unpredictable woman quickly replied to me. The question was naive, but the content was quite interesting. It was a two-way multiple choice question: 'Who is better than poor? a, mother, b, daughter. ’

I deeply feel that the East has become better than blue out of blue. I knowingly and wrongly: a.

As a result, Shi Shenhai was average. Until now, I have n’t received a reply, which made my buddies feel awkward. I do n’t know if I chose the right one or the wrong one. It ’s hard to slap on the horse ’s legs. In fact, people know themselves well and know themselves. The craftsmanship has long been overtaken by the East. I was clever and thought that she was arrogant about cooking, so she personally burned us a table of oriental homemade dishes?

Tang Lian personally sent us out of the resort. The beautiful lady with the Tian + Jin accent at the ticket office was gone, and there was a disappointment in my heart that I could not explain myself until I got out of the car and left Tang Lian. I looked back. At first glance, I always felt that there was something weird and could not let go, and suddenly heard Dong Xiaoye grumbled, "The woman in the ticket office is a distant relative with the last name of Tang."

I stunned, "Ha?"

Dong Xiaoye slammed: "Where else did she have the spirit and temper? I just wore her shoes for a long time, and the surname Tang just hummed and spoke to him, it was ridiculous."

"Then what do you want him to say?" Chu Yuan was already sleepy, shrinking into his seat, resting on my thigh, and seemed to be awake from sleep. The nerves that had been strained since last night could finally relax. After being excited, he couldn't resist. The girl ’s physique was weak, she did n’t rest well day and night, and now she really could n’t carry it. I patted her back, lowered her voice and smiled at Hu. You're welcome? You really want to smash someone's rice bowl because of something like this? Why? Just to prove that I really know her boss? Or to let Tanglian show its gratitude and admiration to me, and set aside My arrogance of the king? Vulgar vulgar you, reality is not a novel or a TV series. How difficult is it to find a job that can support my family these years? It ’s not a good word for me to report, but wearing small shoes is even a little man ’s act, Little Sister. "

Sister Hu rose red and said, "I'm trying to verify whether they are relatives. Who will report it? Is my image in your heart a villain?"

"Why do you think people are relatives?"

I just asked casually, but Sister Hu's answer shocked me.

"A small employee selling tickets picked up the chairman's phone when he picked up his mobile phone. What do you think I should think?"

This is it!

I think it's weird, this is it!

At that time, because I was about to meet Ran Yibai, both nervous and pessimistic, I didn't pay attention to this small detail. It is really strange to want to come now ...

But it was such a strange thing that Tanglian didn't say a word all night, which is even stranger ...

Who is that beautiful lady?

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