Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1028: ] Duanmu (middle)

"Okay, I'll be here in twenty minutes." I was so anxious that Dong Xiaoye couldn't understand it at all.

"Wait for you." Madam Duanmu laughed, and Xuaner hung up. .

Dong Xiaoye fainted and said, "Yuanyuan will have an exam tomorrow, why don't you tell her?"

I stared at the phone and smiled bitterly: "Why did she call me with a tassel phone? Didn't she just tell me that the tassel should have been told to her ..."

Sister Tiger frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, she told me to go, not only to sing, but there must be other things, more important than fate exams." I explained in my mouth, wondering, that the impression left by Mrs. Duanmu was always informed. It ’s reasonable, but now ... Although it was an invitation with a smile, but denied my reason, can it be understood as a kind of tough to speak? Otherwise, what ca n’t be left until tomorrow?

No doubt she has emotions-why? Because I have a conflict with Duanmu Liushui again? It shouldn't be that, this time, my buddy knows that he's wrong, and the kid kicked him, let alone fight back, I didn't say anything. This is enough for Master Duanmu to blow for a few days, he will go to me Sue? In addition, there is only one thing left that could make her angry-I released Zheng Yuqiu and Miss San's pigeons.

It is very likely ... Yu Gong, the two girls represent the highest decision-making level of the Valley of the Moon, and I am just a small employee in the Fengchang Group, and said to the small, this is an innocent joke between friends , But said to Dali, this is a big question that can rise to the sincerity of cooperation in the field; Yu private, who is Zheng Yuqiu? Her Zheng Xuedong's sister! Although Ms. Zheng's attitude towards her sister made me a little confused, Mrs. Duanmu's attitude towards her sister was clear at a glance, and her degree of doting really surpassed the baby son Duanmu Liushui.

But how did she know that I had released Zheng Yuqiu's pigeons? Did Zheng Yuqiu wear black shoes for me? It's impossible, that girl hinted at me tonight, she should be more skeptical of her sister, more alert ...

Then there is only one answer-that hateful Miss Three!

Let me just say, because of that woman's personality, I was so shameless and waited for the day without any temper.

Yeah, I do n’t care about it. Is this unknown in the communique?

With a stomach of suspicion and dissatisfaction, we arrived at their carnival ktv, Chu Yuan was sleepy and could not wake up, and Dong Xiaoye asked me to go back quickly, and she stayed in the car and watched the little lazy cat. It also gave me an excuse to get away, lest I be entangled by colleagues.

Even if I do n’t look at the house number, I can accurately find the private room they are in, not because this place was originally a small base for our comrades after work, but as long as one of the two Super Maiba is singing, You ’ll definitely knock on the door of the room-Yang Qiu ’s “Ghost Crying” and Grandma Cheng ’s “Wolf Howling”, most people ca n’t imitate them. The sound coming out of which room makes you feel creepy, then they must be Which room.

Viagra and the masters come to ktv together, 100% of them are in the break period when they have just fallen in love and there is no girl to put in, so this product likes to sing some sad love songs and sing to the heartache, it can really touch their nose Tears, hence the name 'Ghost Cry'. As for Grandma Cheng's 'Wolf' ... this child has no talent for singing like Dongfang Niangang, do n’t drink and keep your mouth open, and stare at me if you drink too much. Desert ', she sings loudly, if I don't speak softly, she would dare to come and bite me ...

Today Grandma Cheng didn't drink, and the person who was mourning was Viagra. Ya Mingming had already obtained a certificate with Qin Lan, but she was still singing the compulsory track of his broken love, "Single Love Song", I pushed the door into the house, and the goods were singing. ** In the emotional department, standing on the sofa, roaring heartily, being hurt by a car beast that had its claws crushed by the wheels of a car, and then looking at others, it was already smiling.

"Nange, just here, what's the next song? Come on, right? Come, who do you sing with? Aunt Cheng? Mr. Mo? Assistant Xue? Or Waner? Xiao Songjia, no matter, little fart, only If you can sing healthy songs, you have to wait another ten years to sing love songs. Come on, Jia Jia, learn grandpa to sing and dance ~ three left turns, three right turns, neck twists, **** twists ... "

"Go!" Song Jia spit out the unsuccessful beef jerky and dragged it to Viagra who danced with his hands twisted. "I want to be my grandpa, wait for your sissy little white face to grow a beard! I warn you Yang Wei, my family. Brother Nan is here. If you bully me again if you are drunk, watch out for him. "

Viagra may not be really high. Bacheng is pretending. A female boss who is not good at words and is used to holding a freezer face is enough to let everyone go. Plus, she is sitting in the corner with her. 2. Even the windy ** oss two bosses have to accompany the smiling Mrs. Duanmu, what level of oppression is that? Mo said that the colleagues in the integrated group, even the elites of the Moon Valley led by Philip Shuaiguo, Uncle Jack, and Sister Paris, are also slightly constrained. No one who can mix with them will be deprived of the city. Madam Duanmu's innocuous loli appearance and deceptive smile cheat, even if she leaves Fengchang high-level, she can still balance the relationship between Mozhang and Zhang. This alone makes it impossible to not be awed by this woman ... Viagra leave The atmosphere of drunk and fried, I didn't see it in this room, probably only Xiao Songjia, so Viagra laughed that she was a child.

"Che, you are neither his sister nor his little lover, he will insert two swords for you? Why? Smelly is not a reason!" Viagra jumped off the sofa, and indiscriminately put Messer in my hand, just about to Another Mai handed it to tassel, saw the track on the screen, did not wait for the tassel to push it back, quickly retracted his hand, and yelled, "" Good-hearted breakup "?! He + shit, who ordered this song? Owe Pump! Your dad broke up with your mother! "

"Who did you say ?!" Duanmu Liushui, who was gloating, saw Viagra glance at him, and was immediately annoyed.

Viagra's pretentious innocent, "I didn't say you again, what are you anxious for? You ordered this song?"

Duanmu Liushui angered: "Grandson ordered!"

Viagra is deliberately responding to Duanmu Liushui, and hearing him say this can't help but be a bit surprised.

"That ... it's ours ..." The old black hand weakly raising hands with Sun Yan.

"Grass, do you really have a relationship?" Viagra snatched the wheat just given to me, along with the one in his hand, and threw it to the old black grandson. Disappointment spread beyond words, and anyone could see it. He was so hostile to Master Duanmu that he didn't want to hide it, and even hated that House and Wu were implicated in Madam Duanmu.

I know Viagra. I do n’t know the hostility of life. Part of it is because Duanmu Liushui is taller and he is stronger than him, partly because of my conflicts and contradictions with Duanmu Liushui, and partly because of Duanmu. The bad attempt of flowing water to tassel, as for how much of it is for me and how much is for himself, it is the little secret in his heart ...

Duanmu Liushui was still unwilling to spare, and was stopped by Mrs. Duanmu, who always smiled. "Chu Nan, come and sit, choose a song, haha, I want you to come, just want to hear you sing a song."

"Where can I sing ..."

Tassel and Ziyuan can't stand Mrs. Duanmu's inscrutableness. She quickly got up and gave me a place. Murphy, sitting on the other side of the lady, was worried that she couldn't integrate into the small group, and took the opportunity to whisper to me : "Order a duet, I will sing with you."

Tassel said badly: "He can only sing" The Love of a Tramp ", can you?"

Murphy frowned. "Aren't you so dirt?"

I said, "What is soil? Can't you call it nostalgia?"

"I will, I will sing this song with you," said a crisp, ringing voice.

The needle fell suddenly and quietly in the room, and the person who said it turned out to be Mrs. Duanmu!

[Ps: I'm late, sorry. . . 】

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