Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1131: ] Snow winter rain fall (medium)

Obviously, Mrs. Duanmu asked me to come here just to send her back, "that is, she wanted me, and did not want everyone to know, purposely using this" clumsy "way to" means "me, nothing more than emphasizing it. Is that right?

Zheng Yuan, who was sleeping in the car, did not let me wake her up, and Mrs. Duanmu sat in front of herself. I sat with her in the back, thinking that she had left ktv. She should say something. The result was just whispering a place name to Dongxiao Ye and no longer talking. On the way, except for my own heartbeat, I could only hear the gentle and even breathing sound of Chu Yuan. I could n’t understand the woman in front, Dong Xiao Ye didn't understand, as if she was really just riding a ride. .

Mrs. Duanmu did not live in the hotel. The place she was going to was near the company. Although it was not easy to go home with me, it was not so far away. The name of the community was 'Lan Shui Jia He'. However, I didn't have much impression. I thought it was a land of money to a grassroots people like me who can only be regarded as a paradise for rich people who dream and talk. Even if it is not as good as Chu Yuan's two properties transferred from Li Song, it may not be. Too many inferiors, but when I get to the place, it makes me startled-although this place is not as old as the one I rent, it is definitely not as high-end as the place where the tassel is rented. In short, it is a very ordinary area, so ordinary I ca n’t believe there is a billionaire living here, and this place, I ’ve been here once ...

Send Yao Waner home!

No wonder I think the name of this community is familiar! Madam Duanmu actually lives in the same community with Yao Waner!

I was surprised, but didn't show it or ask a question. Since Mrs. Duanmu brought me to this place, she will naturally give me an answer.

The security work of the community is completely in the presence of Sister Hu's authority. When the ID is illuminated, the car drives into the community. Although this place is not high-end, it is not without its highlights. It is estimated that the developer will revisit this place and also for himself. Leave such a large green area and regret hitting the wall ...

The car was parked downstairs, and Mrs. Duanmu was not in a hurry to get out of the car. He turned around and asked me, "Have you been here before?"

"I've been there once, and sent Waner home, but only at the gate of the community, I didn't come in ..." I was secretly wondering, wouldn't Mrs. Duanmu live in Yao Waner's house? It shouldn't. If that's the case, Murphy has no reason to not know. Waner is Murphy's close friend, Yao Ling is the confidant of old Mo, and with the relationship between Mo Yao and Yao, it is impossible for the Yao family to invest in Duanmu Madam's ...

"Send Yao girl back home?" Madam Duanmu frowned slightly, apparently my answer surprised her, "I thought you must have brought you here if she had been here, she is here When I grew up, I almost forgot that the little girl of the Yao family also lives here with her parents ... "

I was about to get out of the car and open the door to Mrs. Duanmu, and I heard that I could not help but twitch the scalp, and I was seeing a cold sweat ...

I almost forgot, Waner seems to have told me before that her mother and Murphy ’s father were college classmates. When they married Waner ’s father, they could n’t afford a house. They were sold for almost nothing. Until Murphy Middle School graduated, both were neighbors, and the origin of Mo Yao and Yao Ming came from this. Yao Ling is not so much a confidant as Mo Yi. Also the confidant is more accurate ...

Mrs. Duanmu did not live at Yao Wan'er's house. It was hard to hear what she said, she lived in ...

Sure enough, Mrs. Duanmu understood the content of my expression, and a bit of complexity flashed in her eyes, but she did not cover it unexpectedly and reasonably, and smiled slightly: "I bought this place after they moved. .. "

'Here' refers to Murphy's former home, 'I bought it here', not 'I bought it here'. The complex secrets kept in this sentence even made my heart tremble, at least I never heard Waner say that after Mo Yiran's family moved away, her neighbor's neighbor changed to Madam Duanmu ...

Over the years, how did Mrs. Duanmu cover up the ears of the Yao family? No, this is not the problem, the question is why she hides her eyes ... No, the most terrible question should be Mrs. Duanmu's deliberately hideous eyes, why now tell me ...

"Come up for a cup of tea." Madam Duanmu pushed the door of the car and invited me.

"No," I concealed the fear in my heart, pointed to Chu Yuan, and apologized helplessly, "This girl sleeps like a pig ..."

I didn't finish talking, Chu Yuan rubbed his eyes, sat up stupidly, stretched his waist and yawned, "Are you home? Brother, I'm thirsty, help me to pour a glass of water ..."

Buddy wanted to cry without tears, Mrs. Duanmu poked at me and got out of the car proudly.

Zhang Yuan, who opened her mouth and opened her belly button and eyes, came back to her senses. She was ashamed, with red ears and red eyes, and said anxiously, "Where is this?"

I pinched the smelly girl's nose and said, "This is the last thing I want to know ..."


Simple but antique Chinese-style decoration with a strong book flavor, a little old-fashioned, but don't be a bit quiet and peaceful. The moment you enter the door, you have such a feeling-this is a house, not a home ...

It just feels that this house is impersonal. Of course, it is not that there is no one living here, but that no one lives here. Those who live here may be regarded as a job.

Home is a place where people can relax and free themselves, but here, there are traces of caution, not to mention those cups and saucers in the cabinet that are more neatly arranged than the hotel, just say this in the living room The mahogany sofa is obviously some years old, but even in the gap between the carvings, there is no dust. Madam Duanmu is free to make tea. I carefully looked at the sofa and found a few Scratches, the closest to today, I am afraid that they have been for several years. May I ask who can be so cautious in life, not even bump?

After receiving the boiled water handed down by Mrs. Duanmu, Chu Yuanwu stared at me with a puzzled expression.

"What did you find?"

Mrs. Duanmu took a seat. The first question made me hurt my tongue, and I almost squirted out the tea. This woman ...

"I didn't find anything ..." I sneered, and didn't dare to look at Mrs. Duanmu, but lowered her head and looked at the six feet under the table-Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye's slippers were new Yes, I did n’t have time to remove the label. This woman took me here, and it was decided temporarily ...

Mrs. Duanmu gently drank the tea in the cup and said, "I remember I just praised you for being honest with me."

"It depends on what you are asking," I yelled, "I want to know what I should know, I don't want to know what I shouldn't know, and I dare not know ..."

"Oh, this is kind of honest," Madam Duanmu said, "but since I brought you here, it means that I want you to know something, should you understand?"

My scalp was numb, "I understand, but I don't understand ..."

Mrs. Duanmu laughed: "You understand, you understand, but you dare not admit it."

I kept silent.

Mrs. Duanmu took a sip of tea elegantly, put down her cup, looked around the walls of the house, her eyes were full of memories, sweet and sad, "I will come back to this place several times a year, don't think about it, I've never stayed here, just like I do now, make a cup of tea and miss the old man ... "

Mrs. Duanmu got up and went to order a stove of sandalwood, purple smoke, scent, lingering in the room, she sat down again, closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth always lifted up, a pain I could see but could not understand Like love, hate, regret, and longing, "This place, everything here, keeps what he was before he left. In the company, in front of outsiders, he is humorous and talkative, so his popularity is very good, just like Chu Like you, but in private, he does n’t like to talk too much and is very quiet. He often hides himself in the study to read at home. Sometimes I come to visit, and he does n’t have much to say, but just moved the place to read from the study. Just sitting in the living room, I sat on this sofa, lighted a hearth of sandalwood for him, and drank tea, looked at him, unknowingly, it was just one day ... now with my eyes closed like this, I still can It felt like he was sitting opposite me ... "

I was seated in the needle felt and felt that the sofa was a little bit ass, because now sitting opposite Mrs. Duanmu, it was me ...

"Who is he?" Dong Xiaoye, an idiot, asked questions that not only did I want to ask the least, but also did not want Mrs. Duanmu to tell me the answer.

Throughout the ages, who knows the secret of ** oss, which one has ended well?

[Ps: I forgot to go home for a few days, have been eating and living in the company, have not taken a bath, have not brushed my teeth, haven't shaved, haven't slept in bed, I feel like everyone has moldy ... sorry , This sad situation will probably continue for another week ....]

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