Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1138: ] Those stories (6)

"It would be nice if Uncle Duanmu knew you a few years later, so you wouldn't think of him as an older brother."

Chu Yuan is the same as Dong Xiaoye. Between Mo Yiran and Mr. Duanmu, he is completely biased towards the latter. Although some of the former has passed away, Mrs. Duanmu cherishes the factors that cherish the people in front of him, but more, I am afraid it is also true for Mo The old-fashioned, indecisive, inflexible, and unwilling to take risks.

"Maybe I always say that I only have his sister's and brother's feelings for him, just an excuse, no matter when I meet him, I'm afraid I won't fall in love with him ..." Mrs. Duanmu seemed to forget that she was talking with her about emotional issues Yes, it's just a teenage high school girl, who rarely opens her heart and suppresses secrets in her heart for a long time, so she has the momentum to break the dike.

"He is so good, why can't you love him?" Chu Yuan couldn't understand Mrs. Duanmu's answer, and was slightly unhappy with her feelings.

Mrs. Duanmu sighed: "True perfection is scary and timid. I like it too, because he is imperfect, he has shortcomings, life is good, business is good, he has his persistence, and I have me. Stubbornness, even if the goals are the same, we will inevitably have differences and contradictions ... People often say that feelings are noisy, probably this is the truth. Differences and contradictions are not negative things, but a process. The process of emotional sublimation, each time a problem occurs, will force us to improve ourselves, change ourselves, understand each other, accommodate each other, and gradually become the most important and indispensable role in the life of each other ... in Duanmu, I can't find this feeling, because no matter what I do, I can only play the role of chaser, I can never complete transcendence, we never need to accommodate each other, because it is always he who comes to accommodate me ... Hehe, with him, I am still the bird in that cage, protected, pampered, his excellence and his gentleness will only make me feel at a loss about the value of my life, I feel I'm not him, to anyone important, then what is the meaning I'm alive? "

Chu Yuan, who is accustomed to relying on it, does not quite understand Mrs. Duanmu's remarks, but I feel deeply--for me, why is Chu Yuan not a nearly perfect role like Mr. Duanmu? She has been excellent since she was a child. She has continuously surpassed me at the same time. The speed of chasing has made me feel ashamed of the comparison, so that I renounced myself and no longer have any illusions about her better future. I just use a look like The detached longing for a bland life, to disguise the attitude of life ...

I have always wondered that I have some small traditional ideas in my bones. Actually, I ’m not as old-fashioned as I am, but I do n’t understand, but I ’m sure now, otherwise I ’m not sure. Will not risk his head to believe and help the murderer Xu Heng who challenged the rules, after all, is it because of his willfulness? The same is true in terms of feelings: to tassel, to Murphy, to Xiaozi, to Sister Tiger, to the East, to Xiao Fairy, like to like, although I am at a loss in terms of form, I have never been at a loss ... only Chu Yuan, the closest to me, makes me feel farthest. When she snuggles in my arms like now, I will be inexplicably satisfied and inexplicable panic. In this extreme contradiction, I lost Judging my feelings, I do n’t know if I treat her, is it a man ’s love for women, or my brother ’s worries about my sister ’s heterosexual relationship ...

After listening to Mrs. Duanmu's words, I seem to have finally figured it out-it is a relationship between men and women, as well as brothers and sisters. This has never really troubled me. I like this since I was a child and paid too much for it. I do n’t even bother to use blood relationship as evidence that we can have feelings other than siblings, because I know that even if we really have blood relationship, I ca n’t help but dislike her. In the past, it ’s even more so now.

When I was full of misunderstandings about Chu Yuan and my relationship was overwhelming, I fell in love with Murphy at first sight. That is the strongest evidence. As an atheist, of course, I do n’t believe that fate is a thread in the hands of matchmaker. There must be a scientific and rational explanation for the occurrence of emotions. I like Murphy now, so I know that I like it when I do n’t know anything about her. She is not the real one. The only reason that makes me tempest is One: She and Chu Yuan are too similar. Seeing her at first glance, I seem to see Chu Yuan when I grow up. It is simply an outbreak of emotional transfer ...

What really bothers me is actually a sense of inferiority like Mrs. Duanmu and Mr. Duanmu-when I started to no longer look forward to the future, I already acknowledged the distance between me and Chu Yuan, and then divided myself and her into two without permission. This world has been regarded as the object of hope since then. I am satisfied because she is so good. I am afraid because I have no confidence to be her dependant. I cannot be better than her. My **** will kill her in the future. The possibility ...

"Uncle Duanmu is so pitiful, Aunt Wu is so bad," Chu Yuan pouted with a small mouth, coldly burst out, "It turns out that sister Mo and sister Su robbed me of my brother, it is inherited."

The smelly girl had a cold face, but her big eyes flickered. It was very informative. The subtext seemed to be: Mo Yiran married Wu Xueqing. How miserable was it, did you see it? Murphy and Wu Xueqing are a kind of person, do you dare to be close to her ...

The stinky girl's acting skills are still ignited. Although she expressed anger and warning, she also showed a little fox-like slyness ... This is a provocation to play by topic.

"She and her mother should not be the same kind of people ..." Sister Hu has a good relationship with tassel, so she usually does not shy away from tassel and is not so close to Murphy, but unlike Shiyuan, she is not hostile to Mo Fei, maybe because of the sympathy for the disease, and Murphy also deliberately drew her to balance her disadvantage in the office. This is probably the vinegar girl who has long suspected that I am ambiguous with Sister Tiger but never clicks on it. For reasons not to be warned, Sister Tiger was not taken care of by Murphy in the company, so when she heard what Chu Yuan said, she intended to speak for Murphy. "Wu Xueqing's money is Mo Yiran's money. What is Murphy's? Master Master, just pick one out, is he handsomer than your brother? "

Mrs. Duanmu also laughed: "People are pursuing what they like. As long as they don't break the law, they can't be wrong. Don't say that your brother hasn't married Xiao Cheng now, even if married, Mayer doesn't like his power? ? "

Chu Yuan is speechless-if this is wrong, then she is making a mistake at the moment.

"You are also wrong," Madam Duanmu said to Sister Hu again. "With Wu Xueqing's capital, it is not difficult at all if she just wants to marry a wealthy man and be a rich wife. She doesn't know Master Gao Fushuai. I know Ah, it ’s not easy to want to fly on a branch to make a phoenix? I ’ll introduce two to her—if it can be so simple to threaten her, why ca n’t I do it? Oh, do n’t look at her now, young enemy However, the years are normal, coupled with the undiscipline of life in recent years, she has ruined herself. She was beautiful when she was young. She is a great beauty. It is not an exaggeration to praise her. It is also a man and a woman, and they are inexhaustible. Otherwise, Mo Yizhi, who prioritizes everything, can agree to their marriage? Huh ... "

Mrs. Duanmu sneered twice, and her eyes were so cold that she could not help but shudder, and then she heard her voice saying, "He didn't agree with me at the beginning, but he was afraid to offend me, and he didn't dare to say it. Wu Xueqing He stretched out a foot, and I think the happiest thing in his heart is his sister-in-law. "

"Mo Dong agrees with Senior Mo and Wu Xueqing?" Did the sun that year rise from the west and set to the east? Now Lao Mo and Wu Xueqing are bitter and bitter. When she mentions, she is black ...

The coldness in Mrs. Duanmu's eyes has spread to her face, like a thick layer of frost, and the voice of speech is filled with coldness. "If he objected, his parents would not force Wu Xueqing to marry him. Not only did that **** haven't talked to me, I'm afraid I haven't talked badly about his parents. If the killing doesn't break the law, the first thing I want to hack is him. Knowing him is really the biggest disaster in my life! "

If Mrs. Duanmu did not say, I really can't imagine that this woman who laughed at Mo Yiyi at a high-level meeting would hate him to such an extent that she has to be sighed. Mrs. Duanmu is not ordinary. Deep ...

Seeing this expression on my face, Duanfu's talents noticed his own malady, and looked apologetically at the wrong Chu Yuan, his cheeks reddishly: "Don't mention him, when I think of him, I have forgotten the Buddhist scriptures in recent years It's clean. "

I couldn't help but wonder, "Why doesn't he want Senior Mo and you ..."

Mrs. Duanmu flattened her mouth and replied that she collapsed. "I'm short."



"No way?"

Our unhappy expression must be very interesting, because this reason is too trivial.

[Ps: Uh, it's not convenient to sit after the operation, the code is a bit strenuous, everyone understands. . . 】

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