Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1141: ] Those stories (9)

Although Chu Yuan, who is autistic and timid, often feels timid, weak, and awkward, but she is by no means a sullen gourd. On the contrary, her inner world is rich and sensitive, so she writes The novel can only capture fans such as Xin Quji, Su Gege, and even the old-fashioned old man who beats my old man, and a fan like Shu Tong, who seems to have only a thick steel bar in his head. Therefore, she said that she was just refuting Madam Duanmu. I shut my mouth and took my own example so that the unusual relationship between our brothers and sisters was almost exposed or has been exposed. I was not surprised at all. When I thought I should panic and fear, I made myself feel incredibly calm.

Bearing the murderous tiger-like hunting anger that spreads from the back of the winter night, looking at Chu Yuan with a little panic and blushing, I can only feel relieved and relieved-this is the true Chu Yuan, if I listen to Madam Duanmu A story full of regrets and sorrows, she didn't feel, wasn't excited, that was not normal. Even if she changed to the past, even if the inner wave was stronger, she would not be exposed in front of Mrs. Duanmu, more Don't say that you talk about it or even refute it with a preaching tone, but this is not proof that she has grown up and matured? You know, in the past, she always dared to be arrogant and not big or small, only me, and her stepmother who had not been angered into the runaway mode. .

Of course, Chu Yuan was an unscrupulous little adult in front of Mrs. Duanmu. I was afraid that most of the time, because she did not treat this woman who was more loli than herself as an elder, it is no wonder that the stinky girl used to humble herself, OK? It's easy to meet a person older than himself, but his height and bust are not the same as his own.

It is easy to forget about Chu Yuan with her tail up, but she is the most real when she forgets her tail—simple, cheerful, no longer timid, and no more alert, just like at home, without any Camouflage, naturally released instinct.

The smelly girl has a rich and sensitive heart, and her touch of emotions is very low. For example, she also has a special interest in the plot of the eight-point abuse of the **** dog ​​blood. Sister Tiger will watch the plot while pretending to be a brain cripple, concealing her nonsense plot. And ridiculous romantic envy and longing, the East always only when it is a pastime to pass the time, will not put any extra feelings for the fictional story, but the hobby is fictional nonsense plot, and the writing style originally belongs to the misery of Chu Fate, on the contrary, will cry into tears and snot without suspense, sometimes it will make me feel that the East's disengagement in the plot is not because the child is precocious and innocent and realistic without fantasy, but because she only cares about Handed Chu Yuan a tissue and wiped her nose and tears.

Don't say the deliberately sensational dog blood drama. When the stinky girl is writing a novel herself, she will definitely put a box of tissues on hand, because she is often tortured by the stories she wrote, so you can imagine that Mrs. Duanmu is real and Imperfect and not romantic enough to leave only the incomplete story, how eager she was to deny it, but she couldn't be ignored by Mrs. Duanmu, and she got the word in her words.

Chu Yuan is clever again, only 16 years old. Don't say she is not good at lying, even if the reincarnated little fox who resembles a little fox is not blinking, I'm afraid she can't fool Mrs. Duanmu, a live fairy. See Mrs. Duanmu's eyes Already looking at me, Chu Yuan was so ashamed, anxious and regretful that she was about to cry.

I don't think this girl is afraid that others will know that she is a 'brother-in-law'. At least in my opinion, the level of confidentiality of writing novels seems to be much higher than that of her brother-in-law. After all, even if In front of stepmother and sister Yue, she did not deliberately conceal her feelings for me, so there is only one reason for her confusion now-she is afraid that Madam Duanmu knows that the exposure of this secret will affect me After all, Mrs. Duanmu is also my top boss. If I have any bad opinions on this, my situation and future in the company will become extremely bleak.

The smelly girl still underestimates Mrs. Duanmu, who is typically judged by her appearance. Mrs. Duanmu is not a sixteen or seven-year-old girl who is still difficult to control her curiosity like her. This young woman has a complex emotional experience and rich life experience. The interpretation and definition of things is completely unnecessary. It is the most basic city for adults to stay alive. It is probably for the purpose of changing the subject or to take revenge on the mischief. Through her panic, she recovered her calmness and dominance as an elder, so when she saw Chu Yuan's weeping appearance, she was just right enough. "Oh, that's what I heard wrong, you I haven't said that you already have someone you like. I agree with your point just now that like is like, love is love. Regardless of why, people really don't need to live too much, they want to understand everything, but instead If you want to live in the word 'why' all your life, you might as well follow your instincts and live happily and happily. Tu 'is all about, right? "

Chu Yuan repeatedly nodded, "Yes, yes, following instinct is to be honest with yourself. What's wrong with being honest?" Speaking of this, the smelly girl's face changed, as if she was afraid of Madam Duanmu or Tiger Sister attacking with a spear. Shield, let her 'be honest, it's not bad,' she asked who she likes, and added a few words, "The person who always wants to live the most understand is actually the most confused!"

Tiger sister Zhu Qi opened her mouth, and she stopped talking. I wondered if she was not afraid of being a “stupid person who wants to live and understand”, but heard that Chu Yuan wanted to make her confused, do n’t understand too much, this loli control I didn't dare to do something that loli hated, but I couldn't hold my mouth, but I couldn't hold my hand. I pulled the hem of my shirt out of my trouser waist from the back, lifted it up, and got my tiger claws into it. Alas, she picked, and my five nails can't get into my flesh, so that I can directly extract my spine.

"The person who always wants to live the most understand is the most confused ..." Madam Duanmu whispered this sentence, as if chewing carefully, the glory in her eyes gradually became clear, and a layer of cloud-like haze suddenly disappeared When she dispersed, she shook her head with a bitter smile and sighed: "Little girl, I know a lot more than I live. If I understand this when you are like your age, my life may be a different story. Unfortunately, this The only thing in the world that cannot come back is time. "

The air in the room became thinner with Mrs. Duanmu's sigh, but the lady's tone turned, and the sun bloomed on her face, which dispelled the haze. It was the overwhelming love for Chu Yuan, "It seems that I am tonight Bringing your brother here and letting him listen to my story is really superfluous. What I want to say to him and what he tells you, Xiaoyuan knows it better than me. "

In fact, Mrs. Duanmu has been digressing seriously. It seems that she intentionally refused to answer any topics related to her sister Zheng Yuqiu. However, because she had not questioned Chu Yuan's love topics before, I am not good at asking her questions. tell me what?"

"Don't make the mistakes that our generation has made." Madam Duanmu looked at me flatly but shocked.

I clenched my ten fingers unconsciously, "Why ... what's wrong?" Buddy wanted to pump his mouth. The two cans of vinegar from Chu Yuanhu were on my left and right, and I asked them knowingly. Explain, isn't this bothering yourself?

Madam Duanmu's words poked me so hard that I panicked.

"Don't lie to your feelings." Tzu Ho's mother-like eyes and innocent face like Lolita did not have the slightest sense of disobedience, but added the majesty of the elders, only because of the unexplained care, which makes people feel warmer "I heard that you promised the Jiang family to transfer to Shanghai. I do n’t want to talk about the benefits. Because my understanding of you, your child who is not motivated is not going to the future, so it ’s good. It ’s still harmful. You ca n’t care too much. If you want to say good things, you can obviously get more if you stay in Beitian. Oh, when Mo Yizhi persuaded you to resign, and then ask you to stay. You should know what kind of person he is. Caution, such as tension, is planted in your hands. Wouldn't you be so cautious that you do n’t have to be alert or alert? Let alone the old lady Jiang who protects the calves. So you promised them so happily that they would go to Shanghai + Shanghai. There is only one reason I can think of-you volunteered to replace Jiang Yu in Shanghai, right? "

I hesitated and nodded.

"Why?" Madam Duanmu's gaze was raised, and the angle of her mouth was raised much lower. "You go to Shanghai + Hai, Jiang Yu will return to Beitian. His thoughts on Mayfair, do n’t you tell me? Chu Nan, You like Mayfair, and you really like her, right? "

This question is too direct, and my buddies are too shy. Even if Chu Yuan and Sister Hu are not next to me, I may not be embarrassed to immediately nod to admit it, not to mention that now, Sister Hu's tiger claws have been caught in my flesh, and Chu Yuan's little claws slipped in from under my hem.

I panicked, afraid that Chu Yuan and Sister Hu's hands would meet in my shirt ...

[Ps: long-lost update. . . amount. . . After sitting up and sitting for a long time, I originally wanted to go to the group to take a bubble to prove that I was still alive. However, the wound hurt so much. I still washed and went to bed earlier. Last night, several guests stayed numb. Noisy, I didn't sleep much all night. . . 】

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